The tea party movement is disturbingly racist and reactionary, from its roots to its highest branches. On Saturday, as a small group of protesters jammed the Capitol and the streets around it, the movement’s origins in white resistance to the Civil Rights Movement was impossible to ignore. Here’s only what the mainstream media is reporting, ignoring what I’m seeing on Twitter and left wing blogs:
Civil rights hero Rep. John Lewis was taunted by tea partiers who chanted “nigger” at least 15 times, according to the Associated Press (we are not cleaning up language and using “the N-word” here because it’s really important to understand what was said.) First reported on The Hill blog (no hotbed of left-wing fervor), the stories of Lewis being called “nigger” were confirmed by Lewis spokeswoman Brenda Jones and Democratic Rep. Andre Carson, who was walking with Lewis. “It was like going into the time machine with John Lewis,” said Carson, a former police officer. “He said it reminded him of another time…”
There were many reports that Rep. Barney Frank was called a “faggot” by protesters, but the one I saw personally was by CNN’s Dana Bash, who seemed rattled by the tea party fury. Frank told AP: “It’s a mob mentality that doesn’t work politically.”
Meanwhile, a brick came through the window at Rep. Louise Slaughter’s Niagara Falls office on Saturday (the day she argued for her “Slaughter solution” to pass health care reform, though it was rejected by other Democrats on the House Rules Committee)…
So I’m having a hard time tonight trying to believe almost uniformly white tea partiers are anything other than a racist, right-wing reaction to the election of an African American president who brings with him feminists and gays (even if he doesn’t do as much for them as they would ideally like). I’m having a hard time seeing the tea partiers as anything other than the spawn of George Wallace racism – the movement Pat Buchanan bragged to me that Richard Nixon made his own…
Anyone pretending to be surprised?
You had better let them win in 2012. These people need something else to masturbate to other than alter boys.
Last month, Palin stated that Obama would be more likely to be re-elected if he invaded Iran. I disagree. The most likely way for Obama to be re-elected in 2012 is if Palin’s name appears again on the ballot.
“Anyone pretending to be surprised?”
Given the wet dream lefty attempts at repositioning of Palin as evidenced above, no, not surprised at all. The left can’t do it on policy.
And make Curry the Secretary of State, he’ll be on TV 24/7 someplace in the world then.
Good to see the people, who would ordinarily be planning lynchings, have something to keep themselves occupied. I feel like I live in some backwards nook in Eastern Europe.
Any proof this happened? John Lewis is a nice guy and all, but neither he nor the rest of the liberals are credible on this. They have been saying his sort of thing all the time. John Lewis was calling George Bush’s first budget racist too.
It is funny, has the fringe right wing managed to keep it together for just a few more months they would have swept congress this fall, instead the fake movement has totally imploded into a riot mob mentality.
The stunning total defeat of republicans today is more or less the absolute end of movement conservatism, sort of your Tet offensive. Yeah, you guys did a lot of damage and made a lot of noise, but you will never again field an army.
Huzzah! Finally the Republican parties back is broken, and they did it to themselves.
Haha, now that the tea party movement is so fabulously imploding, kiss your chances this fall for big movement goodbye:D
These teabaggers are now coming out of their pretense of using the Constitution as a shield for their racism. It sounds like the low IQers are finally at ease because they now can vent their unadulterated hate without any stuff acting as intermediaries.
And the Republicans are thanking them for coming out? We all know that Republicans are stupid as the day is long but this is just amazing.
Any Republicans here to support the teabaggers? Come on, out of your holes and give us your best shot.
“The tea party movement is disturbingly racist and reactionary, from its roots to its highest branches.”
Bullshit! The original people I know, before it was co-opted, were the complete opposite. The fucktards you see the media trotting out in front of cameras are the Beckzombies. That’s why we all left, we’re not going to stand with retards like that. Doesn’t really matter now anyway. The slave drivers that insist that every moron incapable of independent thought lump themselves in to the left/right have successfully destroyed the movement.
The tea party movement was begun by libertarians and 9/11 truthers, but was HIJACKED by Republican lackeys and dittoheads.
Quote time:
The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.
– Carrol Quigley, Tragedy and Hope
“The tea party movement is disturbingly racist and reactionary, from its roots to its highest branches”
And the first things liberals do when they are losing an argument is scream racism.
The neolibs must really be in trouble.
#7 – That sounds just like how religion has devolved and look how badly that’s turned out.
Bob said,
And the first things liberals do when they are losing an argument is scream racism.
Only when people scream racial epithets first. or that the president isn’t a citizen or that he’s a secret muslim…
#9: Bob, the Tea Party went down the flagwrapping path (wrapping an American flag around themselves as clothing, which incidentally violates the Flag Code) several months ago. There are many thoughtful people on the Right, but the Tea Partiers are not in that group–they’re more like the jackbooters.
I want to be a moderate (The Coffee Party), but I’m finding myself heading toward the Left, even though that side has idiots as well.
Incorrect, you have decisively lost this argument, there is no turning the tide here, the argument is over, and not only did you lose, but the argument destroyed the teaparty and movement conservationism.
That is the sort of radical fringe talk that crushed your political ideology. more than ever you are a dead ender now.
Knowing the Democrats and their tactics the racial slur guy was a Democratic plant. I’m still waiting to hear the audio of these so called racial slurs. All these cameras running and nobody has any audio clips hmm? Even so one dumb ass in a group can make the whole group look bad. These tea partiers you leftist are so quick to label as racist are the hard working Americans who are paying for all the lazy bums in this country wanting the Govt. to feed and house them and pay for their every need while they contribute nothing. Working Americans are fed up with it. The bottom 50% in this country already pay 0% income tax! These so called racist are also the ones who give far more to charities than you bleeding heart Liberals who give virtually nothing. They are the people who’ve made this the richest country in the world. You clueless Liberals should be thanking them. The Democratic rule in Congress will be short lived, this fall will be a bloodbath.
So after the republicans fail to take back congress this fall republicans are going to start killing people?
And you wonder why we call you people terrorists.
You lost in 08, you lost this, and you will lose this fall, and I assure you and sort of armed resistance that republicans engage in this fall will be swiftly dealt with, and Americans will broadly support the military as you guys hole up in your little fringe churches as the military douse them in flammables and burn them down.
LOL good luck with that armed revolt.
BTW, I reported your terrorist threat to the FBI.
to # 10 (Bob)
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoliberalism
Neoliberalism is a label for economic liberalism or (in older terminology) “Laissez-faire”. The term “Neoliberalism” came into use in the 1960s by Marxists. The term refers to economic policies based on neoclassical theories of economics that minimizes the role of the state and maximizes the private business sector.
Is that what you meant by neolib?
Looking at the more vociferous membership of the TeaParty, I can’t help but think that this is the same type of person that readily joined the German SS prior to WW2. And we know what they ended up doing in the name of their Patriotism.
Looking at the photos of the signs, and the videos that are readily available all over the place, anybody that denies that there is deep racism in the TeaParty is just an outright gutless liar.
Expect the ‘reasonable’ membership of the so called ‘TeaParty’ to abandon it in droves, leaving behind a core of bitter, racist, ignorant morons that will continue to make noise and undermine democracy in America. Even Glenn Beck is giving up on ‘his’ party.
Yeah yeah yeah all teaparty and Republicans are racist and all Dems are longhaired hippy faggots from the 60’s.
I hate stupid people. Use your head, to be against Health Care reform as it is laid out is not racism. To hold the Constitution as the supreme law and the guiding ideals of this nation is not anti minority.
Government was never intended to be the answer to all your perceived problems and in too many instances, government is the problem.
One thing is for certain to all the stupid people, more taxes and more government are always the answer.
Imagine how outraged the teabaggers would be if someone called them retards…
Not reported by the main stream media because it didn’t happen. This bullshit is pure propaganda from the democraps and your a sucker if you believe it. It’s from a party who is on on the political ropes. A party that is furiously trying to pass a healthcare bill that this country can’t afford and nobody wants.
#21 I suggest you calm down and read the article (or better yet the link) again.
“Here’s only what the mainstream media is reporting, ignoring what I’m seeing on Twitter and left wing blogs:”
What she was commenting on was only what the main stream media was reporting. Like the AP, CNN, NY Times, etc.
Considering the RNC chairman has now condemned the Tea Party, I would say we are way way way beyond the point of trying to claim this was an isolated incident.
It’s a crying shame that such pinhead minds are in such pretty bodies.
Is that Marry Poppins pictured on the right next to Palin?
Doesn’t surprise me at all. I live in Florida (when you get a lot of your wacky news reports.)
I saw the 60’s all over again when Obama ran for President.
The fear and analogy of right wing republicans having the ability to fall into a fascist mindset and electing an Adolf Hitler is not out of the question. You do an entertaining and informative job on bringing the news, oddball and otherwise, to the net. Unfortunately, the internet is not helping in any form of education or intellectual evolution, rather used for the purposes of reinforcing ideological biases and personal prejudice. We are merely Neanderthals with iPods.
Well Barney Frank might not be gay, but he sure is a fag.
A fag for the financial and health care lobbies.
Damn, he is gay. Who’d wanna hit that!
Anyway, my point still stands.
>> # 10 Bob said, on March 21st, 2010 at 9:07 am
>> And the first things liberals do when they are losing an argument is scream racism.
When the conservatives are called-out for being racist, the first thing they do is counter-charge!
I, as a liberal, call-out racism when I see it.
… and I don’t see it everywhere.
For example, I didn’t hear much racism in the anti-affordable healthcare movement.
But racism is perfectly clear in the “birther” movement and all the ridiculous ACORN bashing.
The tea party movement is disturbingly racist and reactionary, from its roots to its highest branches.
Finding nutcases in a group is not a challenge and is not unique to any one group. Perhaps the eco-terrorists are representative of the entire Democratic party since they are Democrats themselves?
You need to reference a Relationship Chart. Correlation Causality. Or in this case relevant representation.