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I wonder if/how this will affect climate change?

  1. LDA says:

    The first ons is cool (& hot).

  2. LDA says:

    Re: #1 Me

    one not ons

  3. RTaylor says:

    It’s bad news only if you can pronounce the glaciers name.

  4. blackjole says:

    Another spectacular event brought to you by LHC.

    Notice the funny lines showing up on weather radar?

  5. bobbo, international pastry chef and internet surfer says:

    The link in the OP has further links to some interesting “odd ball news” that are new to me. I’ll be spending hours there today. Who knew Napoleon was average height?

  6. sargasso says:


    [Updated. Thanks! — UD]

  7. sargasso says:

    The BBC Guide to Icelandic Pronunciation..

  8. Kristinn says:

    This is only a few miles from my house, and it’s not visible from here. Still stunk to high heaven when I got closer…

  9. Fish Guy says:

    Earth farts (read: volcanoes) cause global warming.

  10. Hmeyers says:

    Boring. The s;dlfkdfigjsdkj glacier is far more interesting.

  11. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Nice password!

  12. Floyd says:

    Where is Professor Lindenbrook now that we need him?

  13. deowll says:

    Take your pick. It will either cause global warming or it was caused by global warming.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    I wonder what kind of chants they have at Eyjafjallajökull High School football games?

  15. Glenn E. says:

    #12- that was a good one Floyd.

    Here’s the thing. If a volcano can erupt under this glacier (whatever the h*ll its name is). And probably lead to its rapid melting. Then why can’t measurable glacier melting, in other parts of the world, be the result of what’s going on in the earth’s crust? All the AGW advocates have are visual observations (and not always accurate) of receding glacier ice. But not any temperature data, below the ice. So how do we know, for certain, that the ground beneath the ice hasn’t gotten warmer?

    How did all this ice form, if the hard ground underneath it all, wasn’t cold enough to keep it from becoming a chilly river? And how has the ground managed to warm up, to where it can’t refreeze melt water reaching it, if warmer air and sunlight, can’t even get to it beneath all that ice? There seems to be a dynamic that’s not been adequately explained to the public, by the scientists. We’re just to take it for granted that glaciers can melt, and form rivers underneath. Contrary to how they initially formed.

    Maybe huge glaciers are the anomaly, and melting ones are the norm. Seems to me that we’re being told to worry more about the preservation of frozen waste land, than of rain forests. A lot seems upside down about environmental science-politics.

  16. Esteban says:

    Love that name!

  17. Randomized says: I would like to see pictures from this eruption!

  18. Todd Peterson says:

    It will not contribute to “climate change”, because you can’t tax it!

  19. GregAllen says:

    >> pedro said, on March 21st, 2010 at 10:03 pm
    >> I say, warmers should go there and protest the volcano.

    By “warmers” you mean peer-reviewed, mainstream scientists.

  20. Sven says:

    Eyjafjallajokull- Pronunciation : Ewe-gotta-be-fcking-out-of-yer-skull

  21. Greg Allen says:

    >> pedro said, on March 22nd, 2010 at 10:36 am
    >> #20 Exactly. Those that use flawed data, acknowledge they used flawed data yet reject to review their “findings”


    Are you still talking about the Russian hacker “climategate” bogus scandal? You fell for that crap?

    “warmers” are nothing like “birthers”

    “birthers” are bigot reactionary goofballs.
    “warmers” are mainstream science.

    From CNN:
    … vast majority of the Earth scientists surveyed agree that in the past 200-plus years, mean global temperatures have been rising and that human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures.

    The vast vast majority of earth scientists agree with the above statement. Climatologists, the ones who are most expert, agree at 97%.

    The only reason I believe in human-contributed global warming is because I believe in science (as opposed to Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck or Russian hackers.)

    Side with the nutcase conspiracy theorists, if you want, but you can’t also call yourself rational if you do.


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