I wonder if they took these people’s DNA while they were at it?
Hundreds of police officers were on the streets of Nottingham throughout Saturday night in an effort to tackle knife crime in the city.
The major operation involved 200 officers as part of a Home Office project targeting 13 to 24-year-olds.
Officers and a specially-trained dog met young people coming off a number of bus routes. Metal detectors were used in an effort to find concealed weapons while drug testing was also carried out. A search centre was set up where a full body scanner checked suspects.
Drug dogs were also deployed on the streets and traffic officers used automated number plate recognition technology to identify vehicles wanted in connection with a crime, stolen vehicles and vehicles or motorists driving without insurance.
You know this is just giving cops in the US ideas, don’t you Britain? Of course here things like this are done to make money.
Although 92 percent of transit summonses result in some payment, they are a modest moneymaker: after expenses, the system netted about $5 million from tickets last year.
Remember, they hate us for our freedom.
Just like a Brit. Bring a knife to a gun fight.
Lovely photo.
When you outlaw knives only criminals will have knives. Or something like that. You gonna precut my steak for me?
Drug testing? “It’s just the standard quick tests, Citizen. Just a little hair, sputum, blood urine and feces, please. After all, if you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about, right?”
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# 4 clancys_daddy: “[…] You gonna precut my steak for me?”
Steak? STEAK!? You’ll have these tofu cubes with extra lettuce and no bun and like it, Citizen!
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Whoo! Remind me never to ride a bus in Nottinghamshire…
Imagine what the british cops would find, and confiscate, if they could search the Harry Potter night bus. Hey! Those wands can be dangerous weapons too, ya know. And those transfiguring candies are the hallucinatory drugs of the fictional world. Nice of the author to invent a reason to take mind (and body) altering substances. Sure glad Disney’s behind it, to make it alright.