This is a special poll ONLY for those who oppose the health care bill.
Of course, anyone can comment.
Since one of the primary reasons for opposing the bill is it takes money from your pocket to pay for you and people in need who can’t afford health care, it should be obvious that we should abolish Medicare which takes money from your pocket to pay for you and people in need who can’t afford health care. Right?
This second poll is also ONLY for those who oppose the health care bill. Are you or do you plan to take Medicare benefits? The fact that you’ve paid into the system should be irrelevant. Your principles are at stake.
Just because you live in a society, doesn’t mean you should have to contribute in any way. What’s more, paying taxes is bad for the country because the government is wasteful and inefficient. It’s much better to trust a private company, and that company shouldn’t be regulated because that’s bad for the economy. If that company should decide to refuse you service or raise the rates they should have the right to do so. /SARCASM
OTOH, this legislation, if I understand it right is going to legislate insurance for the poor by having the government subsidize insurance payments and tax breaks to private companies, so they actually stand to make more than before. So who’s really in control and where is the country heading?
Well this is what I see happening. First of all, young people will still not get insurance, since the penalty is cheaper than the insurance. Without all the young people being in the insurance program, and the the requirement to accept anyone with any preexisting condition, the insurance companies will find themselves with increasingly less healthy people. Rates will go up. Only an idiot will think otherwise. Also that means the cost estimates are now totally screwed. The deficit will also go up, dramatically.
Another problem, the amount of people seeking medical care will go up, but the amount of doctor, nurses, and clinics will stay the same. This will cause a drop in quality, and eventually rationing of some sort. You just can’t shove this many people into the health system, and expect it all to work exactly the same.
With the drop in quality, increase in premiums, and the pain it will be to find a primary care physician, Americans will demand something be done about it.
Of course the dems, will do their usual, Demogog the insurance companies. They will say something like, “look we gave them a chance, and they blew it, obviously a single payer system run by the government is the only way provide health insurance”.
Once the dems have their single payer system in place, everything will be linked back to it. Oh the rationing of care, and the lack of quality will continue, but now the government, and bureaucrat’s will be in charge.
Fast food will be forced to change radically, since they are “obviously causing healthcare costs to rise”. Soda’s as well, will be forced to change, for the same reason. This will not be done because the free market wanted it, but because a plutocrat did. Of course that is just the beginning.
And I haven’t even begun to talk about what business will do to stay under the magic number 50, or how were paying for 6 years of benefits for 10 years.
I know my state passed a law that instructed the state attorney general to sue the government if it tried to force its citizens to pay for health insurance. I guess their is always hope that the supremes have actually read the constitution, it sure seems that the congress or president haven’t.
#66 You’re a lying republican.
Only a lying republican would change his alias only to declare being a liberal democrat and dis the compromise (hint: imperfect) health bill.
Fuck you. Your whole diatribe only show you do see only in black and white. WTF do you know about shades of gray and the reality of compromise.
Even the tunnel visioned anti-abortionists needed a pacifier and butt plug to move the bill forward.
#43 ‘millions of their citizens travel to the U.S. to receive treatment they can’t get in a timely fashion at home.’
It may be millions who travel, although I kind of doubt it’s that many but it’s millions of the rich who can afford to travel to the USA for treatment not people like me.
(Little Billy steps up to the podium, perches on a soapbox, and timidly speaks:) “Mr Dallas- are you the Devil?” lolz.
Possibly I can present an angle no one has addressed today- Is this fellow the shining hope some expected the first blak President to be? I do believe he’s making history, of a sort.
insurance is a fraud!
ok, so how much is this going to cost us, is it better than other insurance companies?
they should just combine all the heath insurances co.s into one new branch of the government.
why are my tax dollars going to a private corporation?
why can the federal government going into my bank account and take my money?
why can i go to jail for not getting insurance?
why is americas heart a cold prison?
what are the $$$ amounts here. this just seems like a good way to rob more people
The second question is an irrelevant and false question. We aren’t given a choice on medicare participation. You are automatically enrolled in the program once you hit the retirement eligibility. You do have the option on turning down part B because a fee is involved, but you do NOT have the option to turn down part A.
So in effect we can’t be hypocrites because we aren’t given the option.
Question: Don’t our veterans deserve the best health care we can provide? No question, yes.
If that’s so, and private health care is the best possible, why don’t Republicans lobby to privatize the VA and veterans’ health care?
There are a few exemptions in this health care bill.
1) Obama and his family are exempt from the program.
2) All congressmen are exempt from the program.
3) All senators are exempt from the program.