This is a special poll ONLY for those who oppose the health care bill.
Of course, anyone can comment.
Since one of the primary reasons for opposing the bill is it takes money from your pocket to pay for you and people in need who can’t afford health care, it should be obvious that we should abolish Medicare which takes money from your pocket to pay for you and people in need who can’t afford health care. Right?
This second poll is also ONLY for those who oppose the health care bill. Are you or do you plan to take Medicare benefits? The fact that you’ve paid into the system should be irrelevant. Your principles are at stake.
I thought liberals were against the president signing executive orders.
Mr. or Ms. Apple:
I’m not saying insurance isn’t AGT ™. Just that, if most people are putting in $150,000 “extra”, is this money really going to help other people, or are accounting tricks used to lose that money inside the insurance industry?
I don’t work in insurance, so I have to give wild guesses.
That former Insurance Industry CFO (?) seemed to turn against the industry in recent news reports. Maybe someone is interested enough to post his thoughts.
To kind of illusrate the complete BS of this whole health care thing..
..i have had basically free health care for the past 30yrs since a motorcycle accident in 1980. [age 16] (NYC) (where i live) -(broken back T-4, T-5)
Depending on where i go, there is an optional $1.50 or $3.00 co-pay for both meds and procedures. I have both, straight Medicaid (no HMO BS) and Medicare Acute.
When i was in CA for 5yrs in the 90’s.. i needed some major re-constructive surgery do to a re-occurrence of MRSA staph which [in time] has almost completely disintegrated my pelvis. I went to Stanford University and received some outstanding care and surgery.
-had some MIT doctors there use me to try a new surgical procedure, -after they brought me the blue prints to the procedure to explain precisely what they were going to try and the risks involved. -went perfect save for someone not placing my face properly in the mayfield harness and me waking with my head the size of a pumpkin.. (no big deal in the long run..)
anyway..-all in all, i had some 12 or 13 surgeries under general as a result of getting MRSA from Lenox Hill hospital in NYC.. (nasty bug) all basically free.
SO..you see the health care bill is a complete FRAUD.
If they *actually* wanted to give us Free Healthcare, all they to do is stop robbing the funds from the medicare/medicaid system and *most important* -stop the insane fraud via kickbacks and theft in the system. as it stands now, medicare/caid is a HUGE money making racket. (i can guarantee you that if this new bill passes, the fraud that *will* result, will make the current scam in medicare/caid look like childs pay.. Fix the fraud and just give everyone a Medicare and Medicaid card. Done. -a 50 to 100 page bill at most.
No need to ration. if you don’t like it, *then* buy yourself some supplemental insurance. One thing i can tell you is that the *after-care *everywhere* whether you have Medi or prvt insurance, has fallen drastically over the past 8-10yrs or so..
You do not want to have to endure a long stay in a hospital these days.. -and in the past 2-3 years, there has been huge push to just prescribe drugs (esp opiate class pain killers) -rather than attempt to treat the cause..
-anyway…this bill will amount to nothing but a perpetual tax machine, while reducing the quality even further.
sadly, anyone who thinks this bill is a good thing is a pure, gullible and naive IDIOT. -period.
In a few years, the teabaggers are going to be screaming, “Get your government hands off my Obamacare!”
#7 is correct. MedicAID is the health program for the poor. MedicARE is the Social Security extension of insurance for those 65+.
#36–soundwash==who said this was a good bill?
I think you have a few electrons spinning the wrong way.
Poll #2 shows that “Uncle Dave” is an idiot. He is completely ignorant of how Medicare works. If you are over 65, it is damn near impossible to not take medicare benefits.
When you hit 65, this is what happens. You get a letter from your insurance company stating that your health insurance is canceled. When this happens you are forced to go to Medicare, because it is against the law for providers to accept payment for procedures that would be covered under Medicare!
Well you say, don’t sign up and pay for it yourself. YOU CAN’T! When a person over 65 goes to the doctor, and wants treatment, they either have to use Medicare, or not get treated at all! If a doctor doesn’t accept medicare patients, the elderly are turned away if they don’t lie about their age because if they treat the patient and accept cash, they are guilty of Medicare fraud.
The Government has f*cked up senior health care, and is on its way to f*ck up health care for everyone else.
#2 jbenson2 talked about “the NHS medical disaster in England”
The NHS may be the most fantastic thing ever invented in the UK.
For a fraction of the average payment in the US, we get better healthcare leaving us with more of our own money and longer lifespans. There is the added advantage of not having to do paperwork if I get sick. If I need to see my doctor, the only paperwork is when I write down the time of the appointment tomorrow their receptionist has told me over the phone.
For anyone too arrogant to deal with the same system as “common people” you will be fine. There are still doctors and consultants who do private. There is an advertising campaign for an insurance company running on TV at present. I can’t see the point.
Is Uncle Dave a blooming Idiot?Yes. An unadulterated blooming idiot.No. Just a common garden variety idiot.View ResultsCreate a Blog Poll
Bobbo, I don’t think you addressed my point with the point you made. However, I’m tired, so all is well.
This is ridiculous. Just because someone is opposed to the healthcare bill does not mean that they have to be opposed to all social services. It’s like saying that if your against carbon emissions, you’re a hypocrite if you use a lawn mower.
Social service are necessary..WITHIN REASONABLE LIMITS
None of this matters.
No one is actually in charge in Washington, not even the people we think are the leaders.
Future historians will look back on the USA and how the government evolved to become its own out-of-control creature immune to the desires of the people, the president and the Congress and try to armchair quarterback how it happened.
But we can figure this out now, it isn’t hard.
Political partisanship dumbed down the electorate to non-thinking drones unable to grasp concepts beyond sound bites and corporations jumped in to buy politicians to enact policies to drain the treasury.
Meanwhile these corporations controlled the media turned it into drone-quality news about American Idol.
Meanwhile, they transformed politics from issue-oriented to celebrity-oriented (Obama, Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, etc.), further exploiting the dumbed down populace.
And the result became that a once semi-intelligent electorate was transformed into a brand-name oriented electorate no long capable of thinking about issues but dummied-all-up into arguing about their celebrity of choice like children arguing about Coke versus Pepsi.
Meanwhile, the corps continued buying government wholesale draining resources like a vampire and sending jobs abroad and the the out-of-control governmental system continued to rack up debts so high that they had to invent new numbers to describe it.
I’m going to be needing Medicare in about 5 years. I’ve been paying for it my entire working life. It is quite a chunk these days, over $1000/year. (Triple that for Social Security)
I might die before I get to use it at all. But if I don’t, the fucker better be ready for me to collect if I need it!
The govt doesn’t want to fuck with old people that have attitudes. Especially if we have nothing to lose.
Pretty one sided post eh? Disgusting!
By the way, your poll needs to be adjusted. To give up Medicare benefits, you also have to give up your Social Security benefits.
#40 bobbo: –just a few?? hmmph!
Thank you.
#48, well on the bright side you will probably be dead before the consequences of this bill finally hit us.
I will only support this bill if all the Senators / representatives / president, who voted for this bill sign a contract that if this policy adds to the deficit that they will give up 100% of their pay, retirement, and secret service protection. After all they are telling us it won’t add to the deficit right?
I bet you their wouldn’t be many people voting for the bill if thats the case, which means they lied to us about the cost, and thats just the start.
214/204 FOR the bill.
THATS the vote..
-it passed 219/212 -no repubs voted.
there goes the country…
Rush Limbaugh agreed to leave the country if the bill is passed.
Hurry up and leave you fat ass, foaming, drug addict.
You and a lot of people, Dallas!
Clearly, the turning point for the healthcare debate happened when Rush promised to leave the country if it passed.
And what’s with all these other “liberal” protections, like fire and police? Why should I be taxed to keep somebody else’s house from burning down? Or pay police to saving someone else’s property from being stolen? And biggest tax ticket item of all time, the US military. That never tires of finding some other part of the world to fix, via military action. I guess bombing America into having a better democracy, wouldn’t work so well. But it sure would scare the crap out of the politicians, letting things run into the ground.
But seriously, we have fire and police protection, because it’s a well established principle of civilization. Protecting one’s neighbor, and his possessions. Protect us all, in the end. Looking out only for oneself, leads to chaos and destruction. And that’s why a system of nation health care, is better than one that’s only for those who can afford it.
Deadly plagues once sweep thru Europe. Mainly attacking the poor, at first, who hadn’t access to clean water and adequate sanitation. A luxury reserved for the upper class. But eventually even they were effected. Where did they thing their food came from. Magicland?
The poorer grow it, and harvest it. I don’t see Martha Stewart raising her own cattle, chickens and hogs. Those wealthy “I only pay for what I need” types, eventually realize that they’re dependent on the rest of us being in good health, as well. Or they’ll have to start getting use to living like isolated hermits, off of canned goods, heated by candles.
No one believes that only those who can pay for it, should get an education. Though the poorer to tend to get a lot less. Without education for the general populous, the country would descend into crime and mayhem. A kind of plague of the mind and spirit. What crime we do have, is largely attributed to the inequalities that exist. So why keep defending a health care mess, that abandons a sixth of the population? The US is fast becoming the only nation left that has a health care system, that’s paid for by the most, to benefit the least, at the highest cost to all.
Health Care Reform passes and this weak, bullshit non-poll is all you can come up with.
Dvorak should lump you with that jerk, Cherman.
Health Care Reform Bill and Medicare are two entirely different programs and both will continue to bankrupt America. Now you will begin to see the death squads begin judging your worth and the worth of our elderly, or as they call them in the UK system NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence). The big ‘O’ will be setting up his select team of experts to judge your “quality of life health care” before allowing your treatment.
Thanks for failing the United States of America and its Constitution Senators!
#61 Put my name down to be on your death squad.
#58 Rush won’t leave the country because he’s a liar like the rest of them.
God was so excited about Rush threatening to leave that he made this happen. You can’t go against the wishes of the lord.
#57 ..If there’s anything worse than a sore loser, it’s a sore winner!
Winner? I was just stating a fact that Rush said he would leave the country if this bill passes. I was encouraging him to pack soon.
That’s what’s wrong with you people – you see things that are not there.
in the same vein, those of you wanting “free govt healthcare” will buy the mandatory insurance on your own, without the government subsidies right? so that you’re really supporting the poor? right?
…and Rush said he would leave the country for his healthcare idiots, not move out of the country
Uncle Dave is a dumbass…you don’t have to believe in no help for the poor to be against this bill…many of us would like to see healthcare reform, but this bill is so pork-laden and fact-free that it’s a disaster.
I’m a liberal Democrat who thinks this bill is a massive mistake….it’s unpopular and too expensive and was bought with bribes.
Fuck you Uncle Dave, life is not the black and white game you think it is.