This is a special poll ONLY for those who oppose the health care bill.
Of course, anyone can comment.

Since one of the primary reasons for opposing the bill is it takes money from your pocket to pay for you and people in need who can’t afford health care, it should be obvious that we should abolish Medicare which takes money from your pocket to pay for you and people in need who can’t afford health care. Right?

Should We Abolish Medicare?

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This second poll is also ONLY for those who oppose the health care bill. Are you or do you plan to take Medicare benefits? The fact that you’ve paid into the system should be irrelevant. Your principles are at stake.

Are You/Do You Plan To Take Medicare Benefits?

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  1. LDA says:

    It should also be obvious that if you are for the bill you must also be for the government taking money to provide you (and those who can’t afford it) hookers and blow.

  2. jbenson2 says:

    Classic Uncle Dave leftist double-speak.

    There are many reasons why the majority of Americans oppose Obama’s Socialized Medicine plan.

    * Abortion funding with taxpayer money
    * Sleezy deals for Louisiana, Florida. etc.
    * Even sleezier deals for the Unions
    * And Obama’s underling staunch commitment to a Single Payer system, similar to the NHS medical disaster in England.
    * Paying for Obama’s plan for 10 years, but only using 6 years of benefits to try to prove it is financially sound.

    But Uncle Dave never lets facts get in the way of his distorted views.

  3. Steve S says:

    LDA said,

    “It should also be obvious that if you are for the bill you must also be for the government taking money to provide you (and those who can’t afford it) hookers and blow.”
    Ewww! I’ve heard of government cheese but government hookers!
    I can see the reviews now:
    Well they are decidedly unappealing, slow and are not very well qualified for their job but they have 17+ paid holidays and a great benefit and retirement package.
    I say again, Ewww!

  4. Mr Anderson says:

    Just ban all health insurance.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    #2: You do know I’m opposed to the current bill, don’t you? As for one of your points, since abortion is legal and a medical procedure, it should be covered.

    #3: The feds used to own the Mustang Ranch brothel when the IRS confiscated it. Admittedly, they closed it down instead of running it to make some money to help lower our taxes.

  6. eightnote says:

    The two are completely unrelated. I oppose the current health care bill because of the manner in which it is being implemented – mandated taxpayer funding of private industry. No public option.

  7. razuh says:

    Methinks you confuse Medicare with Medicaid.

  8. Jess Hurchist (who is sorry for the frivolity) says:

    I’d be interested in understanding the NHS disaster in England. No-one I know who’s used it has anything to say against it.
    That includes a full range of ages and seriousness of illness. There’s not the faintest chance I’d be prepared to swap to what I’ve read of the US system, it isn’t perfect but can be improved. As it stands I know that my family and I can cope with anything life throws at us. Can you say the same.

  9. joe says:

    how about farm subsidies, let see if republican american likes if we take away that, after all its communist to support farmers the don’t plant or artificially inflate market prices

  10. jbenson2 says:

    Uncle Dave said: #2: You do know I’m opposed to the current bill, don’t you? As for one of your points, since abortion is legal and a medical procedure, it should be covered.

    Answer: No, I didn’t. Probably opposed because it does not go far enough with a total Single Payer plan.

    And regarding abortions – just because something is legal, it does not mean the government should pay for it. I know – you libs hate that concept. The government should pay for everything – after all, it’s free, right?

    Getting a tooth filling at the dentist is a medical procedure as well, but it is not covered under Obama’s plan.

  11. Jared says:

    This are not linked items. Medicare provides coverage for those that can not work. Those that can work can pay for theirs. Opposing this health care bill does not mean you are against health care reform. Why do I have to support a pork filled bill? This current bill is a mockery. Full of bribes and crap.

    I am for health care reform, I am for the Government intervening to ensure coverage for those that need it. But I am not for the government continually handing out benefits and money to leeches. I work hard and pay a lot in taxes. I also have health coverage. Nearly 45% of “Taxpayers” actually did not pay anything and most of them got money back.

    This is a huge spending deal and until everyone is paying their fair share and they quit putting it on the backs of the middle and upper middle class then I oppose it.

    I live in CA and more than half the state eligible tax payers pay nothing and most of them still get returns. We are in some pretty dire financial straits and huge spending bills are not the way to fix it.

    Only 12% of the population lives in poverty, everyone else can pay up. CA has 11% of the population and 33% of the Welfare cases. This needs to change before I support more spending.

    Reform, yes. Stop insurers from dropping people for trivial things when they do get sick. protect the consumers. You can buy your own insurance, even if its just catastrophic. That’s what I did through college and my mom for us when she could not afford good coverage. Buy insurance instead of cable TV.

  12. bobbo, international pastry chef and healthcare expert says:

    I am for single payer so could not answer the poll but if I had–I see no hypocrisy in taking Medicare benefits. If you are “forced” to contribute against your will, it would in fact be salt in the wound thereafter to not even get some of that money back.

    Likewise, UD==I assume the f*cktarded benson is correct? Why have you made “the perfect” the enemy of the totally fouled up mess that is but the first step in achieving the desire goal which in the absence of taking any step at all will only come later and greater damage to our society? Huh? Why dat?

    f*ckbenson==why can’t you retards see that many of these “giveaways” have the intended or even unintended benefit to yourself? Paying for abortions is a good example. Who really wants to live in a society populated with any number of unwanted children? To be consistent, I assume you don’t want your money going to pay for health/food/shelter/education of all these forced to be born kiddies===so is what is your position if not having the Government Forcing these kiddies to be born and then letting them die off in the back alleys of our great nation due to lack of care?

  13. Sea Lawyer says:

    #5, Getting EE breast implants is legal and a medical procedure; doesn’t mean it should be paid for by the government.

  14. Uncle Dave says:

    jb2: I’m in favor of a non-profit run (ie, non-government), single payer system to provide a basic level of general services plus emergency room that covers citizens 100% and is paid for 100% by payroll and/or vat-type tax. Also not tied to who you work for.

    Want more, buy private insurance from companies that must provide coverage on a national level instead of current state-defined level. This could be provided by your employer as a benefit.

  15. dusanmal says:

    @#5 “As for one of your points, since abortion is legal and a medical procedure, it should be covered.” – so we should cover tummy tucks, nose jobs , face-lifts,.. too? Pregnancy is NOT a disease. Cases when it is are clearly exempt and accepted even by most staunch pro-lifers (ex. medical issues affecting mother , rape,…). All other cases are personal lifestyle choice of the mother.

    My top problem with this bill is that it gives unelected Govt. official essential control of the whole health system without any legal or electoral ability for the people to fight back and control the “controller”.

    Second is money. Medicare is program that must be applied to appropriate population: last 10% of the current average lifespan should be a new norm for it. Really old people do deserve our help and I am ready to pay for that. NOT for last 50% of average lifespan. Medicaid the same: really poor people must be helped. People BELOW well calculated and yearly updated poverty level. I am happy to pay for that too. NOT for people at 101% of poverty line income or any higher. If those can’t afford health care, they should work with charitable private organizations to help them.

    Finally, mandates. It must be specifically forbidden for Federal Govt. to require anyone to purchase anything just because they are alive and keep track of it. My health care coverage is my personal issue, GOVT. has no right to know or inquire about or mandate anything related to it.

  16. raster says:

    The Obama plan does not have the government paying for abortions.

    It has the coverage included by the INSURANCE PROVIDER as an option.

  17. bobbo, international pastry chef and healthcare expert says:

    #14–dismal==”My top problem with this bill is that it gives unelected Govt. official essential control of the whole health system without any legal or electoral ability for the people to fight back and control the “controller”.” /// It does huh? Name the official that does this -OR- demonstrate how that control is exercised -OR- name any other governmental function that cannot be influenced if not directly controlled by the government officials having authority over that area of service.

    Your made up BS has sloped over into complete fantasy. You aren’t THAT stupid. Who is paying you to type such tripe?

    Good Republican! (pat on the head, dog biscuit to the mouth-eagerly received.)

  18. bobbo, international pastry chef and DU Blog reader says:

    Hey dismal==I just watched the video below regarding the ignorant talking points regurgitating Teapartyers.

    How does anyone as literate as yourself wind up with the same position as people wholly ignorant on a subject?

    Or do you “really” have any substance behind your complaints?

    We look forward to you showing and connecting a few dots.

  19. Anon says:

    Every insurance company in your life has been screwing you. You pay them more than they pay you. This is how they turn a profit. Why people willingly get into this system blows my mind.

  20. Luc says:

    I am not American and choose to stay out of your political debates, but I certainly can proclaim an answer to this one:

    The right answer is NOT TO take this poll since it’s not a poll, it’s a political statement with a very obvious slant, disguised as a poll that in reality manages to defend the political views of whoever is proposing the poll regardless of the results. The whole piece is just sarcastic and disrespectful.

    Talk about being polled, I am APPALLED to see that DU editors underestimate the intelligence of their readership to such degree they think we can’t smell the stench of such a dishonest maneuver. In fact, I do not believe it’s underestimation, I think it’s just contempt and scorn. DU have a lot less respect for their readers than I thought.

    And guess what: I’m IN FAVOR of the underlying political view. This poll, on the other hand, stinks.

  21. bobbo, international pastry chef and poll monitor says:

    #20–Luc==so whats wrong with the poll?

  22. Father says:

    Anon is correct.

    If you pay into the system $6000 (plus deductible) per year for 40 years, and draw out maybe $1000 a year for the same period, even accounting for a 20% paper-pushing fee on the gross amount, they are pocketing $150,000 of your money.

    Some of you may bring up inflation, but that is irrelevant, as wages and costs are more or less in proportion through the period (unless you’re not in an employer provided plan).

  23. bobbo, international pastry chef and poll monitor says:

    Father—oh come on now? Is that how you really think?

    Here is your complete (intentional?) fubar: “if”.

    And how likely is it that people get old and don’t use healthcare? You should know????

    So, now, riddle me this: “IF” you pay 6,000 per year for 40 years and don’t use any healthcare at all and then at the end your have a heart attack, a long hospital recovery, and then spend the last 6 months of your life in a nursing home==then how much money have you wasted?????

    Extra credit: in 2003, you went to Vegas and signed up for a time share.

  24. ECA says:

    Umm, so you believe you dont get a choice, NOW?
    Do you believe in choice?
    If I wanted an abortion, SHOULD I be able to get one?? MOST states dont GIVE you a choice.
    its SOMEONE ELSE’S IDEA that you CANT have one.

    Sleezy deals?? those were added by your STATE REP’s..they were not part of the bill to start with.

    Disaster in england?? The BILL is to control Insurance corps, NOT to make NATIONAL Medical. Also you might look around, as ENGLAND isnt the only country with national medical.

    Paying the system..
    Lets look at something.
    If you want on the Fed medical, you pay out 7%.
    Think how much you payout as employer/employee PER MONTH for medical…
    Workmens comp
    State medical coverage MEDICAID.
    PERSONAL insurance to the corps..$200-400 EACH.
    AS WELL as:
    Your taxes going to medcial for VETS/State hospitals/state mental facilities/FREE clinics/Childrens hospitals…

    Wouldnt it be nice to give 7% insted of about 20% of YOUR CHECK..
    Do alittle math here.

    60% of the USA is about Min wage..$7 per hour. lets use $10.
    40 hour week=$400 A month is $1600

    $1600 and 7% = $112
    I would rather PAY $112 then $200+ for my medical. To START paying more then the CORPS want, you would need to make Around $20 per hour.

    Think HOW/WHy employers CUT benefits..OK??
    NOW its required to PAY 7%, for EVERY employee.
    NOW they have FEWER excuses for nit giving you 40 HOURS..

  25. ECA says:

    “Only 12% of the population lives in poverty, everyone else can pay up. CA has 11% of the population and 33% of the Welfare cases. This needs to change before I support more spending.”

    Where in HELL did you find 12% are in poverty?
    The poverty lvl is about $30k per year.
    ANYTHING under $15 per hour FULL TIME, is PISS POOR..
    lets ask you a stupid question..HOW much do you make? YOU, not the family/wife..
    If you do the numbers.. you will find, ANYONE making less then $18 per house and paying RENT, has to fight to pay bills.

    “Nearly 45% of “Taxpayers” actually did not pay anything and most of them got money back. ”

    let me add to this.
    1. the RICH pay there own or are GIVEN it by the corps they work for.
    2. gov employees are fully covered, about 3 times BETTER then company employees and dont pay AS MUCH.
    3. 45% is alittle low. as Companies Cut Hours to keep from paying State/FED benefits..
    And if you had PERSONAL coverage, thats about $400 per month out of your pocket.. at <$2000 per month, -Tax(600) -Ins(400) you just chopped his wages in half..and he aint paid rent/bills/food yet..

  26. WmDE says:

    #18 – Every insurance company in your life has been screwing you. You pay them more than they pay you.

    If you are lucky!

    #21 – they are pocketing $150,000 of your money

    $150,000 is a nice chunk of change, but not when you have $400,000 in medical bills. My brother-in-law did and to top it off he died. My sister-in-law is not in debt because of insurance.

  27. chris says:

    #7 The British NHS is not a disaster at all. It covers everyone at a lower per-person cost than the US by far. Everybody pays because it comes out of tax revenues. Doctors make good money and patients are well treated. The program is enormously popular.

    The right prattle on about the NHS costing money. That’s right, it’s a non-profit system! Lawyers and insurers lose a bit, but so what?

  28. chris says:

    Sorry, #7 I didn’t realize you were referencing somebody else.

    I should have addressed Mr. Benson(#2).

    You are wrong. Health care should be a national system like law enforcement and disaster response. It just works better.

  29. Tea Bagger's R Us says:

    It’s time we abolish government run public schools, police, fire, universities, the military, post office, clean drinking water, medicare, meat inspectors, state parks, border patrol.

    I dun’t wunt no fugg’n communist sheet round me.

  30. Father says:

    Bobbo, my assumption is that most people (note the word MOST) will be under Medicare when they suffer a serious condition. However, I’m not sure what the Medicare supplemental insurance covers.

    Now, I’m not saying that insurance isn’t A Good Thing ™. However, if I lost my job at age 62, and needed expensive care at age 63, the $145,000 I would have paid into the system WOULD DO ME NO GOOD.


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