This just broke:

The quake was centered 27 miles southwest of Guantanamo and had a depth of 14 miles, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. A magnitude-5 quake can cause considerable damage, but Chief Petty Officer Bill Mesta, a spokesman at the base, said there was none reported.

The U.S. base in southeastern Cuba was used to transport supplies and personnel to the aid effort after the devastating 7.0-magnitude January 12 quake in Haiti, about 200 miles away.

I’m eager to know what Adam has to say about this.

  1. Dallas says:

    The earth experiences 1.3 million earthquakes a year. This 5.6 at 14 miles deep is slightly less damaging than a Rush Limbaugh fart.

  2. NetPierre says:

    Could have been Adam’s Quake machine, indeed.
    Did it happen …in the morning!?

  3. The Ragi says:

    I’ll start worrying when beijing gets hit by a big one.

  4. nolimit662 says:

    Sure have been a lot of earthquakes lately…….are we ramping up towards 2012?

  5. emstrand says:

    Do you think the detainees had a tent wall fall in on them?

  6. Animby says:

    Poor Adam. It must be terrifying to live in his world where everyone is involved in a conspiracy. I was told he now claims that the US and China are involved in an earthquake war. Let’s see, there’s a word for the mentality that believes everyone is plotting against you. Oh, yeah, paranoia. Adam is getting very close to the point where chemical interventions may be required.

    Personally, I can’t listen to No Agenda, anymore. The constant begging for money (last time I heard) took up more of the show than if they had advertising! And their admitted lack of integrity (we can’t accept ads and remain objective) has to make listeners wonder. But most of all, there is nothing Dvorak can say that Curry can’t say better. Which he constantly does. Dvorak says a dozen words about a subject and Curry rants a couple of hundred more. Pooh. Now I’M ranting!

  7. The Ragi says:

    “And their admitted lack of integrity (we can’t accept ads and remain objective) has to make listeners wonder.”

    You realize news never attack their sponsors, right?

    Only case that might happen is when the contract is about to end and they won’t renew. Thats how it happens in any big news outlet.

  8. TooManyPuppies says:

    No, it wasn’t Adam’s earthquake machine. It was MY earthquake machine!

  9. Animby says:

    #7 The Ragi said, “You realize news never attack their sponsors, right?”

    That’s sort of the definition of integrity, isn’t it? So they are announcing in advance of the situation they would be liable to cave into the pressure of advertisers.

    Besides, you think Carbonite would try to keep them from their incessant harping about Monsanto? Maybe Audible would threaten to pull their ads if they talk about man-made earthquakes. Go Daddy, et al, don’t seem to have much trouble with the Cranky Geeks.

    It’s a specious argument. They’re just too lazy to seek sponsors.

  10. soundwash says:

    …ah no…this quake was most likely caused in part by the new moon charging up the plates on the 15th, along with the rather large CME on the 20th that emerged at 01:00 UTC through 08:00+ would have definitely sent some current into the plates and precipitated tectonic activity..

    take a look.

    HOWEVER…the quake before it and the two after shocks had the tell-tail 10km depth.. 35km depth is the other man-made quake depth..

    i’m still trying to figure which depth is done by the ground based arrays and which is done by space based resonators.. satellites or is one done by a coordination of the two… nonetheless…we will be seeing a lot more quake and volcano activity in odd places as the year progresses…both natural and man-made.

    -anyway.. there ya have it…


  11. Buzz says:

    Undamaged prisoners were rushed about on gurneys while base photographers scampered to catch them being wheeled by on the other side of the barbed wire.

    Film at 11.


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