Read about the “hoax memo”.

  1. Grandpa says:

    OK, now it’s the Republican traitors turn to prove the Democrat traitors wrong.

  2. ECA says:

    LOOK at the seats..where is everyone.

  3. denacron says:

    # 2

    “LOOK at the seats..where is everyone.”

    They have seen this theater before. They are tired of the same poor actors and have probably decided to catch a movie instead.

  4. Buzz says:

    The Republican Manifesto clearly says

    #1. The first rule of Republicanism is that you do not talk about Republicanism.

    #2. Remember always that people are sheep to be led. And misled.

    #4. Lying outright is merely bending the truth.

    #7. You can make anything so, if you repeat it enough times.

    #21. Solidarity without diverse opinions or convictions is simply not allowed.

    #26. Conservatism does not have to conserve one damn thing.

    #46. By the corporation, of the corporation, for the corporation.

    #73. When we do it, it’s a minor error. When they do it, it’s treason.

  5. Buzz says:

    Oops. #21 was misquoted. My #73.

  6. NelsonOH says:

    Republican, Democrat, really, what’s the difference?

    Divide et impera

  7. brm says:

    One party reads hoax letters, the other wants to pass the bill without a vote.

    Wake me up when we get some politicians with integrity.

    This is the beginning of a massive shake-out. Could take a decade or so, but it’s going to be interesting.

    Hopefully we won’t go bankrupt first.

  8. brm says:

    Of course, this could be a feint within a feint within a feint.

  9. chuck says:

    Why Do The Democrats Feel The Need To Pull Crap Like This To Pass The Health Care Bill?

    – they have majorities in the house and senate – and a president who will literally sign anything put in front of him — just vote on the bill.

  10. bobbo, international pastry chef and healthcare expert says:

    Republicans = scum in the pocket of Corporate America pandering to the religious wingnuts.

    Democrats = scum in the pockets of Big Labor attempting to get the Middle and Lower Class to vote in their own self interest.

    Yes, both parties are scum, but they are not the same.

  11. Tim says:

    #10, no really, they are the same. It’s just that one states what they really stand for, and the other hides their agenda to give the appearance they are different.

    Yes, the both are scum.

  12. cfk says:

    Lies worked before so why not again? Especially given the ADD tendencies of the press.

  13. FirstTimeCaller says:

    Weiner’s the best thing to come out of New York since… err… since ummm… Well, he’s the best thing to come out of New York in a long time.

  14. Robbie R. says:

    Using logic doesn’t work when dealing with Democrats. The only language they understand is lying.

    Using fake memos started with Dan Rather and CBS when they were doing their best to get a Democrat elected President.

  15. Dallas says:

    Republicans lying and making up phony stories for their sheep constituents to eat? Shocking.

  16. The0ne says:

    🙂 good one

  17. Animby says:

    # 10 bobbo,said “Yes, both parties are scum, but they are not the same.”

    Right on, Bobbo. I would expand a bit, though:
    …they are not the same and one is no better than the other.

  18. acryinshame says:

    Would you buy a used car from that pack of shysters?

  19. Somebody says:

    “Why Do the Republicans Feel the Need to Pull Crap Like This to Defeat the Health Care Bill?”

    Because they aren’t in a position to vote in massive bribes?


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