A civil trial that opened Wednesday in Portland will show that the Boy Scouts of America knew it had child molesters in its leadership for decades but kept the problem quiet, according to an attorney for one of the victims.

The case, expected to attract national attention, centers on a Portland man who confessed to Scout leaders that he had molested 17 Scouts but was allowed to continue joining boys in Scouting activities.

On a broader scale, the case is one of the first to bring into open court hundreds of confidential files that the 100-year-old organization kept on Scout leaders and others suspected of sexually abusing boys. Though the Scouts, based in Texas, have been sued dozens of times over allegations of sexual abuse, most cases have been settled out of court, keeping files from becoming public.

Patrick Boyle, the Washington, D.C.-based author of “Scout’s Honor: Sexual Abuse in America’s Most Trusted Institution,” said Wednesday that this case may be only the second time such files have been used in a trial…

The Scouts, Kelly Clark said in opening statements, knew it had pedophiles in its organization yet allowed Timur Dykes and others to continue to associate with its members. He held up file folder after file folder from Boy Scout headquarters that he said proves the organization knew of at least 1,000 suspected child molesters from 1965 to 1985.

Those decisions led naturally, predictably and foreseeably to the abuse of boys like” my client, he said.

RTFA. Ain’t nothing like a corrupt management trying to explain away the results of their policies..

  1. MikeN says:

    GregAllen, the critical praise for The Vagina Monologues I think shows feminist thinking on the issue pretty well. I’m surprised Hillary Clinton got away with writing a foreword for the book.

  2. Kosmikray says:

    What does any one expect from an organisation whose founder was in love with a fellow male officer in South Africa, who urged boys to have nothing to do with girls, who married a lesbian when it was suggested a single middle aged male might not be the best choice to head a boys club and who wrote the founding manual for the boy scouts and called it “Scouting for Boys” He could have been a catholic priest.

  3. stormadvisor says:

    I’m a 25 year veteran of the Boy Scouts, counting my time as a boy in the organization and now an adult and father of a scout. My council had a leader arrested for being a pedophile. As soon as it was found out, he was arrested, he plead guilty and went to prison. At the first accusation the cops were called. No waiting.

  4. Timuchin says:

    If a pedaphile specializes in boys, he is homosexual by definition. 90% of the kids the Catholic priests fiddled with were boys. The problem is homosexuals in the priesthood.

  5. Mom says:

    You should note that there are more than even within the Catholic church, one branch, the Melkite Catholics, allows married men to become priest. This can help alleviate the problem. But what you call Catholic priest or the “Latin” Catholics are ridden with governance problems. Partially because married priests are not allowed and no parents (fathers or mothers) are part of the governance structure. I think some of the good priests (and there are many of them) cannot comprehend how much more severe this issue is than simply masturbation, which is their only exposure to sex.

  6. BIlly Bob says:

    90% of the boys fiddled by Catholic priests were 16 years and older, meaning they were gay jailbaiters rather than “pedophiles” as is commonly reported. Gay priests should not have unsupervised contact with teenage males for the same reason that you don’t have male adults hosting sleepovers for nubile 18 year old girls. If you allow it you’re asking for trouble.

  7. Christopher says:

    I too was touched by a scout master, 25 years ago my life change and only recently did I remember this and dealing with it, it feels like it just happened.For this case in portland brought memories back the good thing is I have proof that this happened and a lawyer thats pursuing this case.The bad is ,the damage is already done.The scout master that did this is very old ,he did this to five boys in 1986 his bail was only 5000.00 thats 1000.00 per child and served no prison time.YES THIS NEEDS TO STOP! I thank the boy that told his story in portland.For it brought my memory back so I can deal with it, its not are fault that theres sick men that prayed on little boys.ITS NOT OUR FAULT!Thank you for telling and putting that sick bastard behind bar where he will get his.

  8. Stonehouse says:

    I was molested by an adult Boy Scout official. This man was a “Neighborhood Commissioner” in the late 1950’s. When my parents attempted to press charges, I identified several other boys who were among this pederast’s “favorites.” It turned out that while all of them had been molested, none of their parents would let them testify. Consequently, there was no prosecution. The perpetrator just quietly disappeared.

    The victims in this case were all in puberty. The criminal personally identified himself to me as what we now call “gay,” saying, “My mother would die if she knew I was a homosexual.” He used this argument to persuade me not to inform. Please note that this distinguishes him as a pederast and not a pedophile. There is an important difference, because while pederasts are by definition homosexuals pedophiles need not be. I wish people who offer their opinions on this subject would learn the difference.

    Similarly, virtually all the priest sex offenders have been homosexuals. Upwards of 90% of the victims have been males who were already past the onset of puberty. If these perpetrators had been pedophiles they would have molested pre-pubescent children of both sexes more or less equally. They did not.

    Why is it so difficult to understand that homosexual males are attracted to juvenile males in the same way many normal males may be attracted to teenage girls? Only those attracted to children who have not reached puperty are “pedophiles.” This confusion of terminology is deliberately perpetuated by the “gay rights” crowd, which is determined to deflect the truth that so-called priest “pedophilia” is fundamentally a homosexual problem. Those who knowingly carry on this linguistic confusion are collaborating in the disguise that allows male homosexuals to seduce teenage boys.


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