A civil trial that opened Wednesday in Portland will show that the Boy Scouts of America knew it had child molesters in its leadership for decades but kept the problem quiet, according to an attorney for one of the victims.

The case, expected to attract national attention, centers on a Portland man who confessed to Scout leaders that he had molested 17 Scouts but was allowed to continue joining boys in Scouting activities.

On a broader scale, the case is one of the first to bring into open court hundreds of confidential files that the 100-year-old organization kept on Scout leaders and others suspected of sexually abusing boys. Though the Scouts, based in Texas, have been sued dozens of times over allegations of sexual abuse, most cases have been settled out of court, keeping files from becoming public.

Patrick Boyle, the Washington, D.C.-based author of “Scout’s Honor: Sexual Abuse in America’s Most Trusted Institution,” said Wednesday that this case may be only the second time such files have been used in a trial…

The Scouts, Kelly Clark said in opening statements, knew it had pedophiles in its organization yet allowed Timur Dykes and others to continue to associate with its members. He held up file folder after file folder from Boy Scout headquarters that he said proves the organization knew of at least 1,000 suspected child molesters from 1965 to 1985.

Those decisions led naturally, predictably and foreseeably to the abuse of boys like” my client, he said.

RTFA. Ain’t nothing like a corrupt management trying to explain away the results of their policies..

  1. Buzz says:

    It’s beginning to look like any adult who spends time with kids is a pedophile-candidate. In the future, the only guarantee that kids will survive growing up without being molested will occur through their being reared by androids.

  2. Usagi says:

    Well, at least they kept the gays out…

  3. Anon says:

    You can’t leave you children alone anywhere or SOMEONES going to touch them.

  4. nilum87 says:

    And the atheists, can’t forget the godless heathens.

    Though, to be fair, the Boy Scouts (as an organization, not every member) do believe that belief in a higher power is necessary to lead a good life. Whereas nothing in the Scout Law or Oath actually precludes homosexuality.

    I’m getting away from the topic at hand though. I grew up in the Boy Scouts. I’m an Eagle and so are my father, brother, and a number of close friends. We’ve all since given up on the people at “national” in Texas as hopelessly out of touch.

    I personally hold that between the influence of the LDS and Catholic church, who sponsor a huge number of troops and make up a big chunk of scouts, “national” can never admit gays and atheists or risk schism.

  5. bobbo, international pastry chef and Den Chief says:

    “he had molested 17 Scouts” /// Looks like he earned his Pedophile Badge and is working on his first oak leaf cluster.

  6. Marc Perkel says:

    I think they kept the gays out so that they didn’t have the competition.

    They also kept the Atheists out.

  7. ramuno says:

    I spent several years as a Boy Scout, two decades as a Catholic, and 9 years of coaching youth sports but never saw any of this behavior. So it is not widespread…but it is there.

    The Catholic Church has done a horrible job of dealing with these problems. Let’s hope the Boy Scouts do better.

  8. deeznutz62 says:

    #6 wow, really? gays = pedophile? i did not know that.

  9. Thinker says:

    Thats good to hear, I would love to involve any sons I have in boy scouts, and would get involved (being an Eagle Scout) quite heavily.
    Good to hear good heads are prevailing.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    I wonder if the girl Scouts have the same problem.

  11. MikeN says:

    #11, the girl scouts do have the same problem. You can find plenty of stories of girls having their first lesbian experience with a scout master. Apparently that is not considered as big a deal. The feminists were full of praise for The Vagina Monologues which has the line if it was rape it was a good rape, after a 12 year old is raped by her teacher.

  12. GregAllen says:

    The basic defence of the national Scouts is that local troops where in charge and responsible. I see some merit in that argument if it can be proven they they had no idea about this problem.

    But, I hope the Boy Scouts have learned from this lesson and taken the issue of child abuse more seriously — all adults should be background checked, at the very least. (this may already be happening, I don’t know.) No kids should ever be alone with only one adult.

    I was a scout, myself, and it was a very positive experience with no hint of abuse at all. But, since then, I’ve heard stories from other formers scouts who where aware of abuse. It seems like NOBODY, including many kids and parents, took it very seriously even though it wasn’t much of a secret.

  13. GregAllen says:

    >> # 11 Angel H. Wong said, on March 19th, 2010 at 11:11 am
    >> I wonder if the girl Scouts have the same problem.

    I have a child in the girl scouts and attend meetings (but not as a leader):

    1) All adults are background checked (not just leaders).
    2) All meetings and outings must have multiple leaders present.
    3) Leaders get training on the issue.

    My guess is that the above three precautions would have likely prevented a case like the one here in Portland.

  14. GregAllen says:

    >> # 12 MikeN said, on March 19th, 2010 at 11:20 am
    >> You can find plenty of stories of girls having their first lesbian experience with a scout master.

    Really? I haven’t heard even one story, although I don’t doubt it has happened. But maybe not “plenty” of times.

    Even so, I actually agree with you about the double standard with underage lesbian encounters.

    A couple of times I’ve heard lesbians speak publicall of statutory rape (not what is usually called paedophilia).

    It’s not “plenty” of cases, even twice, boldly spoken, made me wonder if statutory rape is not taken seriously enough by the lesbian community. These two women (and those listening) seemed to not see a problem with a grown woman trying to seduce teenage girls.

  15. Floyd says:

    I was in the Boy Scouts and Explorers in the 60s. I wasn’t aware of any problems in either program at the time. Either pedophilia was rare, or there were enough parents along that there were no problems.
    I suspect the real problems with pedophilia in Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts is that it’s much harder to get the parents to get involved in troop activities (they’re too busy, supposedly), and so there’s more likelihood of pedophilia.

  16. George says:

    I’ve got a son in the Cub Scouts, and the issue of inappropriate contact between children and adults is front and center. Practically the first thing the Tiger cub (6yo) manual discusses is this subject. Then there are rules about having the adult partner (parent or guardian) at all scout events, including meetings.

    When I was a Boy Scout in the 70s, I never had to deal with this subject, but as I recall, there was no talk about the problem and certainly no policies I was aware of to make sexual abuse difficult to get away with.

    I think the Cubs are doing a good job. I can’t speak for the Scouts per se, but I’ll bet things are much better than 30 years ago when these cases of abuse occurred.

    I think the scouts have come a long way. I’m sorry the organization as it is today has to suffer for its problems that existed 30 years ago.

  17. comeon says:

    The pedophiles go where they have the best access. The Boy Scouts is one of those places, as are several others…

  18. Benjamin says:

    I was in cub scouts in the 80’s. I don’t remember anything like that going on. I would remember something like that. I think this was an isolated incident.

    #8 deeznutz62 said, “wow, really? gays = pedophile? i did not know that.”

    Of course gays = pedophile. Gays have sex with men. Pedophiles have sex with the underage. If both the victims and the pedophiles are both men that makes those pedophiles gay.

  19. bobbo, international pastry chef and logic taskmaster says:

    Benji, maybe this will help you out:

    Catholic Preist = pedophile.

    You see, Preisthood only open to those who renounce sex as diverting them from total attention to god. So who do you get? Thats right===liars. Or, just call them confused.

    When confused liars have sex with underaged choir boys that makes those Priests pedophiles.

    See how it works?

  20. Somebody_Else says:

    The BSA has some ridiculous policies in place regarding homosexuals and atheists, but based on my own experience as an adult leader I have to say that their youth protection training (required for all adult leaders) and policies are more than adequate if properly followed. 1-1 contact between youth and adults is prohibited and leaders are told to immediately report any abuse allegations to both the police and the local scout leadership.

    I think kids are safer at scouting events than they are in, say, public schools.

  21. the mirror says:

    grew up with the scouts in the ’60s, no problems I was aware of, can’t wait for my boy to get into scouting… on the other hand, at work there was a raging pedophile that was a scout leader of some level, assistant I think, one of my workmates was a stepfather and when he would bring in his stepson to work, this ped got so excited it was unreal! When the stepson got older, Henry had no interest at all, and the stepfather did not care, it wasn’t his son I guess, either that or because he had been a priest before coming to this job…

  22. eightnote says:

    #21 Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. The gender of their victims has nothing to do with their sexual orientation.

  23. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I wonder if they have a UFIA badge?

  24. John E. Quantum says:

    It’s hard to tell from the MSM, but both the Catholic Church and the BSA perform much good in the world. In the population at large there is some small percentage of people that are pediophiles. The Church and the BSA may have slightly higher percentages since they are in “target zones”. As both a former scout and a parent, you need to be aware of your kid’s reaction to the various other people in their lives. If your kid isn’t comfortable around some adult, either a freind, relative or scout leader, you need to pay attention to their concerns. This won’t stop all of the sick behavior- but it will prevent a lot of it.

  25. Dallas says:

    Follow the money to this story and there’s your answer. So far it’s a lot of attorney bull in an effort to build a case to get settlement money.

  26. Anon says:

    Eagle scout and current ASM of a troop. Let me say first of all that BSA has some of the most vigorous and sometimes ridiculous rules pertaining to separating the boys from the leaders. If districts/councils knew about this and did nothing I’m shocked. If they didn’t know, perhaps background checks are in order.

    As for discrimination against atheists/homosexuals I can say that it varies from Troop to Troop. I am an atheist and I got my Eagle because I was able to get some help from our charter organization (a church). I’ve know other Troops to accept homosexual boys.

    Girl scouts is locked down to the extreme in terms of regulations and shit. Don’t look to that as an example, because it doesn’t work, and it puts a huge burden on the troop. If a girl scout troop wants to go on an outing they have to write a sea of paper work detailing every little thing (BECAUSE GIRLS ARE SO DELICATE). Most Boyscout troops do a week long trip once a year and 1 weekend a month. Girl scouts do 2 a year if they are lucky.

  27. GregAllen says:

    You guys keep talking about Catholics but, in this case, it’s the Mormons who hosted this troupe and allegedly helped cover-up the abuse.

  28. BIlly Bob says:

    More Gay Boy Scout Leaders Now!

  29. cloewe says:

    Come on,

    Have we become so enthralled with becoming victims that we bring this upon ourselves? Hell, some two-bit shrink says “the reason your insecure Johnny is because you were molested, somewhere, sometime.” I know maybe some of this molestation happened but not to the extent the press or better yet lawyers tell us.
    I’m sorry if sh*t happened to you, but time to buck up. Bad things happen life goes on.

  30. Thomas says:

    As an Eagle myself, I’d agree with #4. The real issue with Scouts today is the Mormons and all the baggage they bring like child molestation. Years after I finished, I found out that one of the Scoutmasters had molested one of the other scouts. Background? LDS. The Scout in question? Recruited to join LDS before he was molested. Had no one told me, I’d have never known it happened.


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