NEW YORK (CBS) ― The NYPD is looking for the public’s help in finding a man wanted for the attempted robbery of a city livery cab.

Police say the suspect pulled a black semi-automatic handgun and demanded the driver’s money, but when a struggle ensued, the suspect proceeded to bite the cabbie repeatedly on the neck, arm and back. The suspect entered the cab at East 130 Street and Lexington Avenue around 3 a.m. on March 13. He then asked to be taken to a location near Bronx Community College.

Police said when they arrived to the destination, the suspect pulled the gun and demanded the cabbie’s money. The suspect is described as a 6-foot Hispanic male in his 30s, wearing a black leather jacket.

This economy is tough…even on immortals.

  1. bobbo, international pastry chef and Van Helsing Assistant says:

    Well, at least the vampire didn’t shoot the cabbie.

    Fighting to keep some money===stupid.

    I would however draw a line at getting bit in the neck. That sucks.

  2. sargasso says: has NY news stories, just like this.

  3. chris says:

    I could see this jerk getting a reality TV show. He should have something appropriate tattooed on his forehead.

  4. Mr. Show says:

    And I thought the NYC Vampire was Rachel Maddow!

    (see the latest No Agenda art work folks…)

  5. Rich says:

    “6-foot Hispanic male”?!?

    Super vampire-Mexican on the loose.


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