With all the drug trafficking that goes on in the Caribbean, this is probably a long shot. BTW, snorkeling is not scuba diving. Just wanted to clear that up for the Fox News dude.

  1. bobbo, international pastry chef and celebrity creep fan boy says:

    I hope to be updated on Bjorn vandersloot (sp!) every couple of years and keep up on this privileged young man’s progress in society.

    The day he becomes an international banker will make his parents proud.

  2. Sigma says:

    I love how they find bones and automatically try to drum up emotion over it by taking advantage of the Holloway family. Can you imagine what that family is thinking when they see that?

    What evidence is there to suggest that it is her? If there is no, DO NOT FREE ASSOCIATE LAME STREAM MEDIA!

  3. tdkyo says:

    Not news.

  4. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I remember some outfit from Texas bringing in “high-tech” equipment to search for her body underwater. They stayed there for quite a while until the money (or publicity?) ran out.

    So now I’m led to believe that this couple stumbles upon her bones by happenstance?

  5. MAOM7 says:

    Why do we even watch this stuff? Nancy Grace beating an old story to DEATH. That woman needs to find something else to do!

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    Is this poor girl fated to become the next Judge Crater?

  7. Wolfsbane says:

    Re #6

    They FOUND Judge Crater’s remains in the 1950s while excavating for the Coney Island Aquarium.

    On August 19, 2005, it was revealed that a letter from Stella Ferrucci-Good after her death at age 91 was sent to the authorities.

    The woman claimed the judge was buried under the boardwalk. She also identified her late husband, retired NYPD officer Robert Good as one of the murderers, along with his partner Charles Burns and Burns’ brother Frank.

    The unidentified remains had been found during excavation in the 1950s during the construction for the aquarium.




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