This CBC documentary is out and out frightening.

  1. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes dogma says:

    I have often notice getting “more emotional” as I age. I call it turning into an old woman.

    I don’t know if there is more or less comfort in finding out its hormones leaching out of the milk container or not.

    Moderation in all things, but if you ain’t growing and changing, your calcifying and dying.

  2. KMFIX says:

    I just saw that movie.. Children of Men???

  3. RSweeney says:

    Now where does Alan Alda come into this?

  4. ECA says:

    Taming down of the aggressiveness of Males..
    The need/want to explore and SPREAD OUT, EXPAND..
    The need to be independent..
    The need to compete..

    Are we finding out that NATURAL works?
    Are we finding that ROUGHING IT works?
    Chemicals are bad?? Who said that?

  5. wtf says:

    okay…. they saying college aged male and saying the sperm count is reduced , and half of whats there is damaged… i realllyy ponder if they tested for maryj …or any narcotic , or did a general inquiry into their personal habits

    lot of things affect the male reproductive i.e
    smoking of certain herbs can reduce male sperm count, alcohol causes issues too ,
    and then theres previous narcotic and medicinal abuse and use…

  6. Jim says:

    I don’t like it when documentary makers take some facts and then turn them into scare tactics. Especially with the friday the 13th music here and there.

    But they don’t turn around and give the viewer alternatives other than “let’s not do that”. Not to mention the tarring of people with a broad brush as to what their intent is.

    If they had discussed the potential problems, cited the studies they are using the results from, explained why the studies they disagreed with are wrong (they gave no explanation — was the science bad? the method? or did they just NOT LIKE THE RESULT?) And then they should have given some alternate things you the viewer can do IF YOU WISH TO — like using glass, steel, plant and wooden products in place of plastics when possible, or perhaps not living near chemical plants AT ALL.

    But no, it serves their purposes to be reactionary and scary instead of HELPFUL and EXPLANATORY.

    Not to mention no other alternatives are discussed — world temperature (there are studies of amphibians, I believe, that show that temperature of the environment affects how many males are born) pollution, air quality, water quality, stress, etc etc etc… and that’s just off the top of my head.

    Scare tactics may get people to do something, but they also cause mob mentality and idiocy, and a willingness to solve symptoms without examining the underlying reasons.

    For the low male birthrate town they were discussing — did the study include all people from the area, did it include those that moved away and had kids, did it take into account the locations of the people in the area, account for any personal travel, account for the location of the births….

    But it’s easier to take a study result that proves your point and demand someone do something about it, regardless of what it came from!!

  7. sargasso says:

    Grand dad had nine kids, worked in Welsh a coal mine for his entire life amid asbestos, chemicals, gas, radon, explosives, drank warm dark ale every day, smoked like a chimney and ate nothing but bread and lard. Died happily at 92.

  8. Canuck Bud says:

    Coming from the CBC I’d take this “documentary” with a grain of salt. They have a history of bias and unbalanced reporting. Look where it’s coming from, the CBC is a Crown corporation. They have a sense of entitlement. I’d love for the Canadian government to sell them off.

  9. LDA says:

    Compulsory family planning (what we used to call eugenics).

  10. ECA says:

    I LOVE IT..

  11. thatsmychin says:

    Went through fertility treatment 8 years ago. Found out I had over 10 times the normal sperm count (booyah!)

    But really, IF the population dwindles, those that live through it are probably more resistant to chemical effects and they would obviously produce children that are more resistant as well. Black plague didn’t kill everyone off, and those that were resistant passed that to their offspring.

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    I look at some of these comments and what I see is the old familiar “Them collidge boyz think ther so smart!” syndrome. This bodes ill for the survival of the human race.

    All I can do is quote Pogo Possum: “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

  13. Canuck Bud is a moron says:

    Hey Canuck Bud,

    Maybe men are becoming more feminine – whatever…but what is clear from the post of Canuck Bud is: People are becoming incredibly stupid. Stupidity beyond belief…. wow! what an incredible moron. Hard to believe a person can be as utterly stupid as you. Wow!!

  14. Rectal Dysfunction says:

    State of Fear.

  15. soundwash says:

    old hat with a new spin??

    haven’t watched the vid.. what i remember is that this was talked about back in the late 90’s, -back then blaming it on the chemical soup we dump into the earth and the mass flushing of birth control pills (and the high levels of estrogen in the ground water)

    what i have learned since then is part of this “mass transformation” that is to take place as part of the pole-flip/crossing event is the last 13,000 years or so we have been in the male patriarchal “dark” age (quite obviously) -and we are now entering into the female age of “light.”

    (think ying & yang)

    my take: so basically, the PTB nutballs that run everything behind the scenes are trying once again to cheat a regular cycle

    it’s all a matter of record in the ancient cultures we call “myth” -handily explains the rush to get the New (same old male) World Order established before the energy peak
    beginning this october 2011. “the “guys” don’t want to give up there little empire they have created here on this ball of water (again) -their power over (this) iteration of illusion is fading. i think that’s what scares them most..

    studying the ancient occults..ties it all together and makes it plain as day..

    our future, which is the past, which was our future many time before, will be told in many upcoming computer generated movies. -played out as fantasy, which in fact, is,the true reality.

    as always..The Mirror Image Rule applies.


  16. deowll says:

    Major problems in wild life were being reported 10 to 15 years ago, maybe more. The FDA said it didn’t affect humans. If you know jack about biology you that was an outright lie.

    Look at this way. The progressives want to reduce the population and this should work. It should also substantially increase the number of gender confused males so that should make at least one other group happy.

  17. JimD says:

    Whose slogan was “Better Living Through Chemistry” ? Well, it’s not nice fooling with Mother Nature, she ALWAYS WINS !!! Decades and Decased of Fertilizer, Hormones, Anti-Biotics running off of farmland into the water supplies and even the oceans !!! All the Plastics in the environment, the “Floating Plastic Dead Zone” in the Pacific, and of course, global warming and all the NO, and CO2, and other atmospheric pollution, the Earth may not support human life much longer !!! Well, it was great while it lasted !!! So long and thanks for all the fish !!!

  18. Jennifer says:

    Maybe it’s evolution at work because males commit the most crime against women and children?


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