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Wow, I consider myself quite conservative, and I’d agree that our government gives out too many handouts. However, someone who has a serious debilitating disease physically can not work for a living and has to rely on the goodness of others. Welfare for the disabled is a necessity, plain and simple.
There was another group in history that disparaged the vulnerable and disabled, refused them handouts and questioned their usefulness to society. Now what were they called? Had a leader with a funny moustache and only one brass ball.
And what is your point, Marc Perkel?
WTF! These teabaggers have no idea of reality. Gads I hope none of them are ” Christian ” what a bunch of biggots!!
This is great and proves my point that right wingers are greedy self centered pricks.
One one hand they don’t want the government to help anyone. They argue that the government should not take from the haves to give to the nots. Their solution is for individuals to help the poor and needy, not the government.
However, as this video clearly shows, they really don’t give a fuck about helping anyone other than themselves.
I once had a level of sympathy for the Tea Party’s frustration with government. This, however, shows they are nothing but greedy scumbags, little different than the bankers, etc that got us into the financial mess we’re in, with no compassion for anyone but their selfish selves who have completely abandoned the teachings of the religion most of them claim they believe in.
WE need the medical, for many reasons.
1. is to catch medical problems before THEY get bad/worse, so that we can have them work LONGER.
2. to be able to discover/find positions that CAN DO. A person with a Bad condition can STILL work, its just that CORPS and insurance do NOT WANT to pay for continued support.
3. I want 1 of these folks to need Total knee replacement. That is fun and requires about 1 year to get back to work. 3 months after dropping from the work force, HE HAS TO PAY HIS OWN MEDICAL.
4. TRY to find work with ANY pre-existing condition.. WHO there is a diabetic? AND CLAIMS IT.
5. WHO THERE makes less then $15 an hour?
6. Did you know that this bill will PROBABLY lower medical costs to business? its 7% of a workers pay. Everyone gets it, so that person working PART TIME, still gets coverage, and the company will still pay it at <32 hours, so they MIGHT AS WELL work them 40 hours.
Figure that Workmens comp would be LOWER as you already have medical, Work coverage for problems are COVERED, so no EXTRA medical. Your kids are covered so NOTHING extra there.
Making about $12 per hour, you would pay out $7 per day, $140 per month to cover the WHOLE family?? That is CHEAP.
Also, if you came down with a MAJOR problem, work could HOLD your job, as they arent paying you OR your medical.
I’ve met actors who get paid to “protest”. Actors will appear strangely happy to get the work, rather like the people in the video.
This totally ruined my day >.> Not even Bobbo can cheer me up with his lunacy. What the hell is wrong with these people. You don’t have to be Dem or Rep, just be nice and give a buck to help a person who’s clearly in need.
If they’re like this in real life, they might as well kill their parents for helping them out while growing up. No free ride right.
How someone can make this such a complicated issue is apparently beyond me. Truly pathetic. I need to visit the Children’s Hospital to get my sanity back.
You people are just fcking sick!
Those protesters better hope then never get sick…or old. If they do…Soilent Green!
So what? Freeloading bums are ruining the country. I am sure this guy gets plenty of free handouts, and he just got One Dollar more.
When you see your prejudices being stroked, recognized you are being pimped.
The INDIVIDUALS being shown have little to say about the TEA Party. We need to pay attention to their leadership activities/statements and their written position papers.
Course, from THAT perspective, they act and sound just like the guys on the video!
glad i’m a coffee drinker
that crowd needs some medical marijuana lets hope they have a plan where its covered
help or don’t help people asking for handouts but treat them with human dignity
Fox News is the great Satan it brings out worst in what are probably ok people.
@Uncle Dave – You’re taking the Democratic Party’s clip at its face value?
There are assholes on both sides of the argument. Doesn’t make the argument against Obama any less valid.
#14–MacGuy==so there are two sides to an argument and both have equal dignity? So, as the clip says “Obama is a Communist!” And THAT is a valid argument because of what argument on the other side?
Please enlighten us.
Dude’s obviously a plant and the whole thing staged to make the teabags look bad.
I just posted it because it’s a slow day and wanted to piss people off.
Why do you folks keep Pointing at Obama?
These bills were started back in the EARLY 1900’s with Teddy Roosevelt..
Its also caused by 30-60% of the USA not having medical coverage at WORK. As the corps tend to Cut hours to PART TIME, so they dont pay for it.
Many conditions could be FIXED, if you could goto a doctor BEFORE they became complex problems.
Many people would rather WORK, then get sick, quit and loose Medical.
IF MEDICARE would have fixed me 20 years ago, insted of waiting till Im over 50 to fix my knees, I would still be working.
PAIN pills dont make a person HAPPY. They cover pain, but dont stop the problem getting worse.
Teabagging scum. What a bunch of loser freaks from the hick countryside.
“I just posted it because it’s a slow day and wanted to piss people off.”
#17 Marc
I’m shocked and appalled at this behaviour 😉
This obviously invalidates the Tea Party movement in its entirety.
This obviously invalidates the Tea Party movement in its entirety.
(no sarcasm.)
Nah, they do plenty other things to do THAT!
(NOT sarcasm)
Have any of you looked up on Wikipedia what “teabagging” really is?
Have any of you looked up on Wikipedia what “teabagging” really is?
Do we really need to know?
That pretty much sums up the tea party mob monday through saturday.
Hey at least he is smart and faced the side with money…cause the SEIU people would have taken dues out of that dollar first before he got a cent!
You can confuse the issue with whatever clips you create. I wouldn’t have done that, but I still hate our current government and know that they are corrupt and out of control. Whatever BS comes from either the Demos or the Repubs won’t change my mind.
lets do it the EASY WAY..
1. remove ALL medical coverage, from State law, federal law, and so forth..YOU GET NO MEDICAL..
2. Then you raise MIN WAGE $5 per hour to at LEAST $12..
AND we pay our OWN medical..
THEN Make sure the SALE prices of food and goods DOES NOT GO UP.