1. tdkyo says:

    Didn’t anybody seriously consider that all these videos about the tea party movement is one way or another skewed to either side of the extremes? (i.e. these videos do not do justice in actually reflecting the reality of things)

  2. Joe says:

    When those hearty protesters grow old and frail and in need of medical care I wonder if they’ll be so ardently against “handouts” and subsidized medical care. I wish they were rallying against the banks instead. It’s a shame most Americans living between the coasts have been trained to rally against their own own self interests.

  3. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    I love how certain people on this blog are saying this ‘proves’ something about the ‘teabaggers’. As Uncle Dave says, “This shows they are nothing but greedy scumbags”

    OK, aside from the fact that this whole things was probably fake or at least staged (why did this supposedly disabled guy walk over and sit down in front of a row of protesters if not to taunt them?), how does the actions of a few prove anything about millions of people in general? I guess after watching the LA riots you must think all black people are racist murderers?

  4. George says:

    What would it take to get Marc Perkel off Dvorak’s blog?

    Perkel’s own “rantz” blog site reveals that his entries most often get NO comments and very rarely 1. Nobody gives a shit about Perkel’s blog, so why the hell is he over here?

    By the way, Perkel. If you’re so damn smart (you keep bragging about your brilliant legal mind on your website), then how did you get suckered into signing up for Freecreditreport.com, when anybody with half a brain knows the annualcreditreport.com is the site with truly free reports?

  5. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    I guess these protest pics prove liberals are hateful nutcases.

  6. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    If you want to see a protester pretending to be a beggar, this video is more interesting:

  7. ECA says:

    The deserve WHAT WE HAVE…
    and watch the jobs goto China…
    THEN watch them run to the GOV…SAVE US PLEASE..

  8. The Warden says:

    If you ever want to see democrat propaganda at work, just come to Dvorak.com. And what’s the difference between Dvorak Uncensored and Democratic Underground? Nothing, both as both engage in leftist propaganda. Again John, where do you find these leftist to post here?

  9. I’d like to propose a change to the standard high school curriculum. It would be called, “Groupthink and Mob Dynamics.”

    “Class, note the condescension toward the scapegoat. Now, the rising anger. Now, the need to humiliate. Good. This will be on your quiz.”

  10. Jeff little says:

    >Have any of you looked up on Wikipedia what “teabagging” really is.

    Why do you think the name as been associated with them?

  11. Bobo says:

    Shouldn’t the title read:

    “Tea Party Protestor Throws Dollar at Alleged Parkinson’s Victim”

    Just ’cause his sign says he has it doesn’t make it true.

  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #38 Warden…if you want see a liberal/progressive blog, this isn’t it. Go to crooksandliars.com and check their links. Those are liberal blogs, mostly.

  13. liunam says:

    The two most common health plans in America:

    1. I hope I do not get sick.
    2. I hope I do not lose my job and medical insurance.

  14. The King says:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, right-wing freaks will bring about the end of this culture. Intolerant, selfish, self-centered, crazy, religious, right-wing moronic freaks, whipped up in a frenzy of stupidity and blind dumb rage will cause the end of the world. We should take them out first.

  15. Killer Duck says:

    If NO one had medical insurance the problem would be solved. Market forces would dictate real prices, people would not go to the doctor unnecessarily and the weak would die. Darwinism. Sad, but its how 99.999% of all living things on the planet have it.
    You can’t possibly save everyone; nationalized healthcare will do nothing but drop the average health of an American. Paying for all those who can’t afford it now, will do nothing but take services and funding from those who can. Then everyone will be on an equal playing field. They made a movie about this, its called Idiocracy.

  16. Guyver says:

    First, just because there are some bad apples in a group, doesn’t mean the entire group is like that.

    Second, has anyone ever considered those guys could be agent provocateurs?

  17. the mirror says:

    I have seen in person these very same types of people, parents of my daughter friend and her husband a scout assistant. The mother was just like to people in that video, scared the shite out of me with her hate. Known her for years but had never seen this side of her, totally freaked me out! Asked her if she had seen the excellent PBS series with TR Reid on healthcare in other developed countries, she said stuff it! And, she is not the only one I know with this kind of hate, sad and scary…

  18. badtimes says:

    #46- well heck KD, carry out your thought to it’s logical conclusion. Eliminate health care completely. Think of all the $ that’ll save! And talk about survival of the fittest.
    You don’t want to reserve it for people with bucks- you’d be rescuing too many pencil necks. C’mon man- get with the program.

  19. EvilPoliticians says:

    Just because nutcases oppose your efforts does not equate to your efforts is right.

    Correlation Causality …or relevance.

    Someone should check into the Parkinson’s demonstrator as with Joe the Plumber. Does he really have Parkinson’s. Can he access health care under current state and federal programs. My guess is this is staged by the Ohio DNC. And well played at that.

    Doesn’t excuse the fools though.

  20. deowll says:

    It wasn’t nice however if you guys can’t come up with worse than that after all the effort you’ve put into it then conservatives must be near saints.

    Personally I thought the vermin ratio would have been higher than that for any group you could name. Glad to see I was wrong but you guys keep up the good work and keep hunting. I’m sure you guys will let us know if anybody conservative does anything bad at all.

  21. Greg Allen says:

    These anti-government, anti-tax teabaggers need to go live in a place with no government and no taxes.

    The place I visited like that was was extremely rural Pakistan (in the general vicinity of where bin Laden is reported to be hiding) and it occured to me that this is what conservatives are demanding.

    No taxes! No regulations! No liberal judges! No gun gun control!

    There are also no police, no traffic signs, no courts, no health regulations, no zoning laws, no water, no firemen. No one to stop anyone from shooting you in the head!

    After a year of in conservative utopia, those teabaggers will be begging to be sent to Sweden.

  22. ggore says:

    Giving to the poor=social justice=evil=fascist=Nazi=tyranny=anti-American=will destroy this country——Glenn Beck Nuff said

  23. MaKo says:

    The thing is, the dollar-chuckers could not have known whether the person was an “actor”. So we can only infer that to this group of people, a person suffering from a debilitating disease and holding a sign is fair game. I don’t even think he said anything to him. And I hate to spoil your tea partay, because this man is not an actor.

    . So what it means is that some members of the tea party are mean-spirited enough to ridicule a person suffering from an extremely debilitating disease.

    Healthcare is a human right. Let’s get it to everyone.

  24. killthebill says:

    I know what caparisons is and it gives you the shakes. This man was not shaking at all. I think this whole thing was staged by left wing insane nuts to fuel hatred towards conservatives that are trying to save our country!!!!!! That in my book is a hate crime and the people who staged this are criminals!!!!!

  25. dgbx says:

    “A demonstrator at a Columbus health-care rally who was chided for looking for a handout “on the wrong end of town” actually is a former nuclear engineer with a doctorate from Cornell University.
    Robert A. Letcher, 60, had no way of knowing that attending the rally would make him a flashpoint in the raging national health-care debate.”
    He’s a real person with a real case of Parkinson’s. He probably has and IQ twice that of any protester in that group (though that wouldn’t be hard to achieve). Who was the guy that threw the dollar bill? What a dickhead!


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