1. Sigam says:

    My mind… it is blown… how can there be such bad acting?

  2. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes dogma says:

    I agree. Looks like a combo of roto whatever, cartoons, and computer animation===with lots of explosions.

    Pure Crap. Teenage boys should like it.

  3. Jmrouse says:

    I had a better time watching that concept trailer then any Hollywood action movie I have seen in a while, so I don’t know what the guys above problem is with it. Looks a lot of fun.

  4. EnoughAlready says:

    See the 1:11 mark… I’m getting a bit bored with every movie now needing a scene with the masonic-inspired black and white checkerboard floor that someone walks over at some transitional point in the movie.

    Once you are mindful of it, you start seeing it in every movie and tv show. It’s getting to be annoying how often it gets inserted into everything. I mean, there just isn’t that much flooring out there with that pattern.

    Sometimes it is more subtle, where the secondary tiles aren’t jet-black, but it seems to be there more often than it ought to be.

    I now roll my eyes whenever I see it.

  5. subwoofer says:

    My subwoofer wants it’s 1000 euros back.

  6. nyc2malibu says:

    in the future all men will speak like batman !

  7. Anon says:

    It looks cool. A different style and atmosphere from the usual action movie.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Sin City meets Blade Runner meets Max Payne meets ….

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    Did I forget to mention 300?

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh, and add a touch of Resident Evil for good measure!

  11. JoaoPT says:

    While you’re at it, don’t forget the 1920’s Futuristic look. It’s the perfect setting for a Faschist/totalitarian dystopian scenario.
    It’s the same atmosphere that brooded WWII and Superman/Batman/Superheroes.
    Not related? …think again…

  12. The DON says:

    Recipe for film:

    Take 2 or 3 good ideas. Mash them together.
    Add another 4 or 5 into the mix.
    sprinkle in some plots from mixed film genres.
    add a good dollop of CGI.
    stir the mix till it blends into a lumpy paste.
    Cook on a luke warm plot for 90 minutes.
    Serve with deep bass voices in a dimly lit room.

    Total and utter crap.

  13. The Ragi says:

    For playstation, 360 and nintendo wii?

  14. Jorn says:

    If they can make this for a 1000 bucks I encourage further work work on it. Given the story line will gain some originality of course. (i know, fat chance).

    Might me more fair to compare it to a tv-series, instead of some big gazillion dollar hollywood productions.

    Might not be a great film, it looks entertaining non the less.

  15. admfubar says:

    this one so borrowed from every other movie!

    i’d rather see this flick made..


  16. Dale says:

    Looks to be a better candidate for a video game than a movie.

  17. Glass Half Full says:

    Steampunk…the movie

  18. yankinwaoz says:

    The Matrix meets Steampunk. Jeeze, they stole whole lines and scenes from Matrix.

  19. Kelvington says:

    1000 Euros hun? Well then the actors didn’t get paid, the animators didn’t get paid, but lots of nice after effects in it. I think they made it look too stylized. Sanctuary season 1 meets 3DS Max. Took some time, but not going to be a movie I’d want to see. And yea, Graystone would be cool. Maybe it will be movie 4 of the batman series.

  20. soundwash says:

    Before anything else,

    -did Nobody noticed that the “speech” starting at 1:33-4 was almost direct rip from of George H.W. Bush’s NWO/Thousand Points of Light speech? (oddly, a thousand points of light “collective consciousness” could join together to create/permeate a “mass illusion” (metaphysics has some wild concepts, to say the least)



    (/scattered thoughts with jack-whats-his-face on SNL)

    Interesting… 22 is the theme.. 22 is the masonic “master builder” (#4 -I see your masonic time mark 1:11 (symbol of repeating cycles) and raise you with a masonic 2:22–master builder..) 😮


    Warren Liche —can be “not too” loosely translated as: “the land to breed the undead/re-animated (beasts)” -or “food” for them. -and at 4:22, you get a glimpse of a somewhat humanoid/reptile creature, which marrys up nicely with the breeding chambers shown at 2:20…and at 00:22 we have “the master architect” (or archetype?) symbolized standing at the base of a triangle or pyramid, (which is a clipped verson of the double triangles with an 8 point star in it that line the floor leading up to that shot.. -masonic symbols..The Chaos Star) -hands clasped behind his back, looking through a window, perhaps inspecting his latest mastery of illusion, -or destruction..

    tons of crazy stuff in here…

    This is more like a direct ripoff of Dark City (1998) than anything else.

    (another 1920’ish dark “back to the future kind of movie.. -i HIGHLY recommend it. (and the sets are all hand made, no cgi. -sub[liminal]story deals with illusions within illusions, enslaved people who have no clue their enslaved, and Time. (or lack of it)

    oh, and the hidden meaning of spirals (of consciousness)

    –That story, like the story trying to be told in this CGI mess, is very relevant to the times of past and almost immediate future..) [yeah yeah, i’m a loon, we know this already..but i’ve done my homework)

    it may look like another empty “action” movie but there is duality to the story that is very real. -looks like one of the “message” movies put out by the PTB..

    the stories infers we live an illusion, which is true.. (hence the matrix “lifts” -the matrix itself, almost exactly telling the story of the life we currently think we live-over and over again via metaphor.) (research the original and the newer, “phony” occult, (the Illuminati crew) -and it will all be blatantly obvious)

    the stories (via imagery/symbols) told in this little clip are all lifted out of ancient mythology and the occult. it is telling of one real possible future that
    lies ahead if the current PTB cooks get their way.

    as #4 said/inferred… See the 1:11 mark… I’m getting a bit bored with every movie now needing a scene with the masonic-inspired…

    -you missed time index 2:22, -a mockup of the ancient sumerian winged globe-which plays into the whole sumerian-annuaki-that they are our true [reptilian] creators, and they are to scheduled for a return within the next two years or so..due to the return of our twin sun/brown dwarf (G1.9?) that is perturbing the orbits of the outer planets at the edge of our solar system etc etc..

    -they even threw in what looks like two black sun (twin star) clocks at 3:28 and 3:32

    -anyway, yeah.. its a masonic happy farm on steroids..

    Watch Dark City before you see this..it should add nicely to the bug out factor.


  21. soundwash says:

    er, correction: the winged globe is probably meant to be the winged sun of ancient sumer and egypt.., -as there is a lot of sun and saturn symbology stashed in this clip…research saturn theory. try google images for sumerian symbols..

    oddly…that symbol plus a sumerian cross sun symbol has shown up in NASA STEREO images a few times in the last year or two as well..LASCO3 iirc…maybe around 3/23 or
    3/27 2009..??


    definitely some occult lovers backing this movie..



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