Build one for yourself here.

  1. Rufus says:

    Make sure you take if off before you go to

  2. FRAGaLOT says:

    whole new meaning to masturbation.

  3. Can this be used with the lizard-spock expansion?

    From The Big Bang Theory episode below.

  4. Can this be used with the lizard-spock expansion?

    [“This video has been removed due to infringement.” – ed.]

  5. ray says:

    Yea one of you is following me. Every video I see on youtube is ending up on here. I’m very suspicious now.

  6. jescott418 says:

    Gee if only our smart people could apply themselves to really practical inventions we would still be admired as the technology leader in the world.

  7. Sorry for the bad link. How about if I just give a diagram of the lizard spock expansion?

  8. Guyver says:

    Ultimate Rock, Paper, Scissors:


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