• Google developing something called Google-TV.
  • Meanwhile Google denied Nexus One trademark.
  • FCC wants you to be taxed more.
  • IE9 supposed to be great. Oh really?
  • Windows Phone 7 back in the news.
  • New exoplanet found?
  • FTC slams Google.
  • Eco-friendly phone charger announced.
  • Moto Droid gets 2.1 OS.
  • iPad battery still in the news.

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  1. nunyac says:

    I am against almost any kind of tax on internet use, broadband included with this exception.

    It seems to me that Broadband is already taxed. Taxes are collected on business profits of ISPs and network equipment providers (CISCO, etc.). Who do you think really end-up paying those taxes? Their customers maybe?


  2. Bob says:

    Their will be a broadband tax in the next 5 years bet on it. After all, we have a government right now that has never seen a tax or tax increase it didn’t like.

  3. sargasso says:

    Yes, internet tax will happen. It is a river of money, everyone wants their piece of that.

  4. Gildersleeve says:

    Hmm,we can tax ourselves to death but we can’t apply tariffs to offset revenue losses from jobs lost to “free trade”? Kinda encourages the notion of, say, living abroad because it’s ultimately cheaper?

    Besides, how do you METER broadband for taxation? Let’s just hope the tax is low and FLAT, so we don’t have to add on any complex packet analysis to determine what your “fair share” is.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    This tax idea is so typical of government thinking. Tax all the users. But I’ll wager NOT tax the major profit makers, on the web. They always seem to get some form of waver. Their argument always being, to tax them one tiny bit, is to bring eCommerce to its knees. They have the same argument against raising the minimum wage.

  6. Universal says:

    meh Internet tax we have this in gitmo east which is surpost for the same reason.

    So far its only been used to give shysters (benefit scroungers) FREE laptops and FREE Internet broadband services.

  7. Father says:

    Taxing personal income is reasonable, as we all enjoy the personal benefits of our functioning society.

    All other taxes crush commerce.

  8. Improbus says:

    Leave it to government to fuck up a system that seems to be working … for greed. I know its late but could we put our country’s money in the hands of adults now?

  9. Jim says:

    Hey John, mind checking in with your google buddies and ask them some questions about their nexus purchase site?

    I’ve been trying to buy one for my t-mobile account since the 1st, took me a week to get t-mobile to set up the account exactly the way google says they want but it still doesn’t work.

    But what gets me, and which SHOULD bother google, is that the error pages you get back from their site give you absolutely NO information about what the problem is or what to do. At least they finally added a support phone number, though you seem to have to be referred to it from HTC.

    And now I’m waiting for google to elevate something with t-mobile to get my account to work with them. Just really annoying customer service from google.

    Yes, I’m blaming google — t-mobile has done quite a bit for me actually, considering I’m a 5-year customer. Google pretty much is acting like they have never sold anything over the web or even looked at online retailers’ customer service sites.


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