Grandpa punched kids in head while parents were not looking — Imagine this becoming a trend!

A $150,000 bond has been set for the 68-year old man accused of punching kids in the back of the head at Walmart while their parents weren’t looking.

Ralph would put his keys between his knuckles and whack children while their parents were entranced by Walmarts fabulous bargains. He said he did it for “the thrill” of getting away with it, and that he’d been doing it since January. His lawyer say he has mental health issues.

  1. fishguy says:

    Whats wrong with punching kids? My personal opinion is that they all need it.

  2. Tippis says:

    Mental health issues?

    Yeah, I suppose that the bliss this would generate would be perceived as very at odds with the general norm of stress and unease… ;P

  3. Improbus says:

    Grandpa needs to smoke some medical marijuana and chill out a bit.

  4. The0ne says:

    Schools in session at Walmart!

  5. Jeff says:

    Has anyone ever been in a Walmart? The other day I was going to pick up some cat food. It was the busy time of the day. Many women with armed shopping carts and children by their side. I know, not PC, but I felt like they might be targeting me simply because I was a male, away from work and they could not manage their children. I don’t know the number of times my cart go slapped aside so that they could get through. I even got line cut a number of times. One lady, simply moved ahead of me… here justification was, she needed to get home and she had more items then me.

    Still, you can’t go hitting kids on the head. You really shouldn’t bother the cops with this nonsense. Find a better place to shop or a better time.

  6. Breetai says:

    I recommend taking 1 joints twice a day and call me in the morning

  7. Pete Winkie says:

    What ever happened to: “Hey you kids, get off my lawn!”

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    Ooooohhh, that lucky guy got to do what everyone over the age of 40 wishes he had done himself at some time.

  9. Zybch says:

    “His lawyer say he has mental health issues.”

    So does anyone who shops at walmart.

  10. bobbo, the angular separation in perspective is all that matters says:

    I assume most of you dipwads are reading into this story the idea that Grandpa is hitting unruly kiddies that are making a scene?

    Such scenario is actually NOT implied==but even if true, my impulse in such situations is to smack the parents, not the kiddies.

    Kiddies are what their parents make them to be. Totally true the for the first few years, declining there after.

    Thats why I can’t fully blame you retards posting as you do, but I could rap your parents for the evident poor job they did.


  11. Randomized says:

    I thought this story was about Dvorak until I saw Walmart instead of Costco. 🙂

  12. Dave says:

    Shopping at Walmart has always been like a punch to the head.

  13. The0ne says:

    That’s because the poor shops there and we all know the poor are ignorant, dirty, disrespectful, and all that crap.

    And on a lighter note, yes many Walmart shoppers are rude.

    Avoid Walmart if you can, for the love of God…or yourself 😮

  14. newglenn says:

    Did you guys skip over this:”would put his keys between his knuckles and whack children”?

  15. stopher2475 says:

    No jail time but each kid gets to do it to him upon reaching 18.

  16. spsffan says:

    Even it it was not unruly kids that he was hitting, it will teach the kids a valuable lesson.

    That lesson is that in life, expect to be punished for things that you did not do and that are not your fault. Learn to deal with it. It’s part of becoming a grown up.


  17. The Ragi says:

    New bill reaches the senate: the use of helmets for children is now mandatory at supermarkets.

    Save the children!

  18. Greg Allen says:

    … and conservatives think all our government services should be auctioned off to Walmart.

  19. The0ne says:

    I vote that the kids get to taser the old man like in Hang Over 🙂

  20. Eva says:

    I am so happy he gets punished. I was in a kinder garten when a child, and one of the teaches would punch us all the time. Even though parents complained, she was still there…

  21. LDA says:

    Sociopathic asshole.

  22. GF says:

    A fist full of keys, the new Walmart greeting?

  23. Steve says:

    It’s not like he subliminally programmed them to surrender their lives to obeying corporate directives or anything.

  24. jescott418 says:

    Hey its the kids or the parents. Maybe he should punch em both!!

  25. Dallas says:

    I was wondering what Alfred1 was up to.

  26. chuck says:

    When shopping, I find the aisles frequently blocked by slack-jawed yokels gazing in wonder at a giant tub of mayonnaise.

    But, if I hit them in the back of the head with my keys, knock them down, and stomp on their neck, somehow I’m the bad guy!?

  27. sargasso says:

    Malignant narcissistic passive-aggressive pediophobia.

  28. Father says:

    The seperation of those below 40 and above has never been clearer on DU.

    I hope bobbo lives in a community crowded, crowded I say, with children when he is 50.

  29. Buckeye says:

    Walmart on Bethel Rd. in Columbus, OH. The Walmart I go to. Wasn’t me.

  30. Cursor_ says:

    I often wonder if people that resort to violence as a first option were either bullies or victims of repeated bully abuse.

    Not that it excuses people from their crime, but it would be interesting to see a study of how many violent people were either “pushing around some dork” or a “dork that got pushed to often”.



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