Got my census yesterday and filled it out. It just had 10 questions. I refused however to fill out questions 8 and 9 because they were about race.

The way I see it the race issue will never be dead until we quit focusing on it. Ever since blacks were deemed to be people and women were given the right to vote, the purpose of the census is just to count people. If you go back in time far enough we are all African. So I decided the questions were out of bounds. My opinion is that this question will lead to race based decisions and is therefore racist.

  1. EvilPoliticians says:

    #91 – TooManyPuppies

    They ‘could’ track down your new address within a short time. Correlation of data – unless you fall completely off the grid anymore – is easy for some. Not saying “I” could. But it’s there.

    And no I don’t wear a tin foil hat. I don’t avoid most things they would. My life is not so interesting anyone would want to get in my details.

    #92 – BmoreBadBoy
    100% right they are blatantly inefficient. But there are pockets here and there that are. I doubt any of them will control Nationalize Healthcare though…

  2. Slappy White says:

    The Census……oyyyy…

    The census is sent out for people to fill out and return. In this modern time , the powers that be REALLY want these things taken seriously so that the White House can start taking care of all of those poor, downtrodden, “disenfranchised” Black folks. The delicious irony here is that an overwhelming percentage of blacks won’t even bother to do it, then complain even more about being “kept down” by their very own government. No one should be surprised at this, for the ethnic group in question is notorious for not participating. Open the newspaper to the obituaries. Look for the dearly departed black folk. In almost 100% of the listings one does not see “In lieu of flowers, please make a DONATION to…” This is in addition to their behavior in restaurants- running the server ragged, complaining about every aspect of the meal, then either tip badly or not at all. This is all topped off by driving in the left lane at a very low rate of speed, and refusing to move or honor the “slower traffic keep right” rule of the road. They don’t play by the rules, follow directions, believe they are entitled to everything free. My favorite/least favorite quirk is what happens when you get 5 black women sitting around doing nothing. They describe everyone by race, then compare light-skinned blacks with dark-skinned blacks and find someway to act in a racist fashion to their OWN ethnic group. Talk about spinning your wheels as a segment of society.

  3. Un-racially profiled says:

    I really don’t like questions 8 and 9. The note above the two questions says that “For this census, Hispanic origins are not races”. Therefore, all hispanics must state in question 9 that they are of a race other than hispanic.

    I filled out questions 8 and 9 honestly.

    Question 8:
    I answered both yes and no for question 8 (I was born in the US, don’t speak Spanish, have never been to a Spanish speaking country and don’t share their culture. Therefore no – I am not of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin. However, I have Hispanic ancestry. Therefore – yes I am of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin. I checked Yes – other and filled in “United States” in the box.)

    Question 9: Since I think this question is blatant racial profiling and I didn’t want to go to jail for not answering, I answered honestly – Other and filled in the box. “UnRacially Profiled” fits in the box perfectly.


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