New witness comes forth — Yeah, this is the “liberal” area in the Middle East.

Ayman Najafi, 24, and Charlotte Adams, 26, are awaiting the outcome of an appeal against a conviction for public indecency in a Dubai restaurant on November 27.

The witness is understood from sources close to the case to have been present at the restaurant, but not to be one of the four friends with whom Najafi and Adams were eating.

The couple are hoping that a verdict will be given in their favour at a hearing on April 4, after they told an appeal court judge on Sunday that they had merely kissed each other on the cheek in an innocent greeting.

  1. Greg Allen says:

    The charge was more than a peck on the cheek.

    I have “pecked” many women in public in the UAE, since that’s the Euro greeting… I never really liked it but I did it without fear of being arrested.

    My guess is that there is more to this story.

  2. Bushed says:

    Is it me or is Islam the religion of misogynist homosexuals?

  3. Hmeyers says:

    Since Islam allows multiple wives, my guess is that a good percent of men never have a chance of getting a female.

    Therefore to police the problems that many Islamic men will never have a woman of their own, they need to have strict laws to keep them thinking about the sex they won’t be having.

  4. brm says:

    A shining beacon of progressivism!

  5. David Lauri says:

    @ “Is it me or is Islam the religion of misogynist homosexuals?”

    Um, yeah, Islam’s sure a religion that’s favorable to homosexuals:

    Blame the queers for wrecking marriage, blame the queers for breeders getting arrested for french kissing in Dubai, blame the queers for everything, I guess.

  6. Greg Allen says:

    >> Bushed said, on March 15th, 2010 at 6:33 pm
    >> Is it me or is Islam the religion of misogynist homosexuals?

    You’re a misogynist homosexual?

  7. ZZman says:

    No wonder there are no Russians, or maybe there are but they put all of them in jail immediately because they know some serious kissing will happen.

  8. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #1 Read the link, the prosecution’s witness has a few inconsistencies in her story.

  9. JD says:

    What goes on in Dubai, stays in Dubai. Unless you can get your sentence commuted.

  10. sargasso says:

    Let me tell you something, being a young, attractive, western, single, blonde white woman in the middle east, India and most other parts of South East Asia, makes you an instant creep magnet. And I don’t mean just the common and garden variety of greasy hood, everyone from the hotel manager to the chief of police and higher is going to attach himself to you whether you like that or not. Take a chaperone, ideally a mature woman family member who can kick and shout, and don’t look any man in the eye.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    >> Cap’nKangaroo said, on March 15th, 2010 at 8:31 pm
    >> #1 Read the link, the prosecution’s witness has a few inconsistencies in her story.

    I read the link.

    Look, Dubai isn’t Saudi Arabia.

    While it isn’t San Francisco either, most westerners don’t have any problem with the morals laws.

    Of course, you would not have a make-out session in public, a peck on the cheek is not enough to get you arrested. That’s why I think this story probably has more to it.

    Incidentally, the biggest “morals” law-breaking in Dubai is probably alcohol. While it is possible to buy it legally, its a hassle and most people just get it from the grey market.

    The other big “morals” problem would be pornography… mostly from the Internet but also DVD and satellite. (I would have no way of knowing, but this may be the biggest problem.)

    There is also a pretty active prostitution trade. Not far from our house was a part of town where I got solicited regularly. If the boldness of the hookers was any indication, the police where allowing it.

    Lastly, homosexuality would surely rate high on “morals” problems. Lots and lots of Asian and Arab men are on the “down low.” I mean lots.

    But pecks on cheeks? Not a big problem.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    I bet the Fundamentalist Christians are green with envy right now.

  13. MikeN says:

    JCD just hates the country because they banned his website as being in violations of their porn laws.

  14. deowll says:

    The universe gave and I.Q.test and they failed. This is exactly what they should have expected and if that isn’t the way you want to live keep you hairy bleep out of there!

  15. Red says:

    I love it when people compare Dubai to Vegas. Sure there similar, but the thing that will get you jailed in Vegas will get you killed in Dubai.

  16. sargasso says:

    #13. Good analogy.

  17. Hmeyers says:

    “Lots and lots of Asian and Arab men are on the ‘down low.’ I mean lots.”

    I never see Bin Laden with a woman. I would assume he prefers sausages.

    An important question to these religious zealot folks in the Middle East:

    Does their anger stem from the fact it is illegal for males to engage in sausage-fests in the Middle East?

    These are the answers we need to know.

    p.s. I’m not against sausage-fests. I’m just wondering if Islamic anger arises from unexpressed homosexuality, a common problem in that region.

  18. NelsonOH says:

    So, I’m guessing a boink in the elevator would be out of the question?

  19. Personality says:

    Same thing happened 2 months ago there as well. Didn’t I read it on this site? Anyways, i$lam is such a tolerant religion… just like christinsanity.

  20. MrMiGu says:

    #3. “Since Islam allows multiple wives, my guess is that a good percent of men never have a chance of getting a female.”

    From what I’ve learned, the purpose for taking multiple wives is because women do not have nearly the rights that men do. If a women loses her husband than it is ok for a married man to take her in and provide for her

  21. The0ne says:

    Nice excuse. Back in the old days our men could have multiple wives as well, to help give birth to many kids so the farm is well taken care of. Today, it’s done the same with old guys and very young girls but for reasons other than helping with the farm; considering no one has a farm here 🙂

    I think it’s nice to be 50+ and be able to go back to the country and buy me some 17 or less girls. Sounds yummy and absolutely delicious to me. Now if you excuse me while I go puke.

    Goddamn sick people in this world.

  22. Guyver says:

    19, MrMiGu, Having talked with my Middle Eastern friends on this, the reason for why a middle-Eastern man takes on multiple wives varies. It could be for altruistic reasons or it can be an ego trip.

    However, it is frowned upon in the Middle East if a guy gets multiple wives but cannot afford to maintain his family. Quite frankly, it’s more of a status symbol over there since it’s quite expensive to afford having more than one wife with kids.

  23. Jopa says:

    I guess it’s another breakthrough investigation of the know-all, genius-detective, mossad-hunter, general Dhahi Khalfan Tamim – the police chief of Dubai. They probably arrested her on suspicion of being an agent of the evil zionist entity (Israel)… she is blond! and attractive! That’s all the proof needed.

    What’s even more hilarious is that these bozos build hotels and luxury housing to attract tourists and then arrest the few who do arrive there for kissing in public! Pffffff…. now that’s a true arab operation!

  24. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    I wouldn’t visit any primarily Muslim country even if it was free, all expenses paid and in luxury. If you travel there expect to have no rights. I also would NEVER visit Mexico. Canada is just fine, thanks.

  25. chris says:

    That girl is a 10!

  26. MikeN says:

    #17, part of the Taliban’s appeal that brought them to power is that they shut down the gay pedophile culture in certain parts of the country.


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