Good story here.
The guy sitting next to him thought he was very creepy (note body language). The girl refused to go out with him.

  1. Frank IBC says:

    Good instincts and good hooters.

  2. honeyman says:

    That guy wasn’t nearly as creepy as the decor.

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    “That guy wasn’t nearly as creepy as the decor.”

    Yellow and red letters that looks like they were created by the people who gave us Gumi Bears.

  4. Gilgamesh says:

    They were all creepy to me… 😮

  5. UncDon says:

    The host’s hairdo was really creepy.

  6. BubbaRayMartin says:

    Well, there’s 10 minute of my life I’ll never get back. Now I remember exactly why I don’t watch this show anymore. What a POS.

  7. jman says:

    that’s why you don’t watch it anymore…?

    what about the fact that it’s been off the air for 20 years or so?

  8. sam says:

    I think they all were reading a teleprompter! Because they all sound equally creepy!!!

  9. Winston says:

    I liked his line, “You’ll remember a date with me for the rest of your life.”

  10. The0ne says:

    I think John’s creepy “researching” this type of material 🙂 j/k

  11. B. Dog says:

    All the psycho killers that I’ve known had the same creepy vibe to them.

  12. Mr. Show says:

    #13 Absolutely! We’re more or less have a built in sense for that creep factor to keep us safe. Thankfully psychopaths are rare but still it’s chilling to know how close that contestant came to being another victim.

    Note in the video how he smiles on cue. Like Richard Ramirez and Ted Bundy, some people sadly fall for the psychopath’s “charm” and by then it’s too late.

    There’s a really good book by Paul Babiak & Robert Hare called “Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work”. Highly recommended and based on decades of research.

  13. Killer Duck says:

    #12 Sadly, that’s a PS/2 Model 50, released in 1987!!!!

  14. Rider says:

    In the story that John links to I love the way the writer tries to imply that getting rejected after winning the show might be what caused him to snap.

  15. Miguel says:

    #12, then, of course, IBM was right…

  16. Miguel says:

    Some women only chose the best 😀

  17. Mr. Show says:

    #15 Ha! That’s right…the easy to disassemble Model 50 🙂

  18. GF says:

    She probably voted for Obama.


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