Offensive Facebook Pages Censored — Read between the lines. This is a blasphemy case. Nobody wants to admit it.

Abu Dhabi: The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) instructed all internet service providers in the UAE to block a specific site on Facebook that is insulting to God, the prophets and Islam.

“TRA received numerous calls and complaints from internet users expressing their anger against unidentified people who created a site on Facebook that is offending to God, prophets, messengers, the Holy Quran and even to all God’s books,” said Mohammad Al Ganem, TRA General Manager.

“The creator of this site which he named ‘God and Prophets’ Site’, attributes divinity to himself and spreads distorted writing pretending they are verses from the Quran. He also declared writing a new book falsifying himself as a god. He spreads talk that is insulting to the prophets and to their holy stature. This is considered to be a felony according to the federal law.”

  1. Greg Allen says:

    … Oh, I forgot. translations sites, the Wayback machine, Google’s cached pages, etc. etc. aargh.

  2. Breetai says:

    Sorry to butt in but something big just came though.

    “Corporate entity becomes ‘candidate’, kicks off bid for Congress”

  3. Micromike says:

    I never liked Facebook, but if these assholes don’t like it maybe I should give it another look.

    Too bad this blog didn’t tell me where to find the exact site they are upset about because, of course, that is where my interest would be.

    Thank god for the Freedom From Religion, and Protect the American Constitution.

  4. don quixote says:

    So long as we treat superstition as fact, this is the direction the western once enlightened world, will go.

  5. honeyman says:

    Its a lot like how the family values dead-jew-on-a-stick worshippers want to filter the internet in Australia.

  6. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    The free market of ideas thing doesn’t appear to have caught on there. Or maybe it was censored.

  7. sargasso says:

    Those wacky, Abudabadoans!

  8. deowll says:

    #6 The last I heard there weren’t that many people that cared about the dead Jew on the stick down under. They are a small minority at best.

    That pretty much leaves the holier than though unbelievers to do the dirty deed. I think they call themselves Progressives as in they progressively want to take over and run every aspect of your life because you don’t have the brains to do it for yourself.

    As for Dhabi, if this wasn’t what you expected you need to wake up and get real. These people do not tolerate descent. You are free to agree with them or you are free to die.

  9. honeyman says:

    #9 deowll

    The last I heard there weren’t that many people that cared about the dead Jew on the stick down under. They are a small minority at best.

    This is true, but the DJOAS worshippers are politically organised, unlike 99% of the Aussie population, and their evil minions have the balance of power in the senate.

  10. NelsonOH says:

    Sounds like a stifling place to live. No chance of folks clamoring to move there. Wait! This may be the answer to OUR immigration problems. Toss out our pesky First Amendment and maybe nobody will want to live here either!

  11. Improbus says:

    People sure do get worked up over imaginary things. Hairless apes are a never ending source of amusement and horror.

  12. Micromike says:

    #9 Your definition of Progressives is true for every political organization on this planet, especially the Catholic Church and the Moslems and the Jews.

    People who believe any political philosophy is the only one that works are just stupid. All government is simply oppression of people who are willing to work, and I don’t care what you call it.


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