Seen in Berkeley, California as I drove by. What does it mean?
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Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!
Judgment Day! May 21, 2011
It means he is a little unstable.
Not a damn thing.
Although I wonder what that guy will be thinking on May 12, 2011.
Who to believe, the people who misinterpret the Myans (2012) or the freaking doomsday christrians (2011)?
“What does it mean?”
That there are crazy people in Berkeley?
This means the guy with the sign needs to be taken away “to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time,” before he jumps off that bridge.
Well that’s disappointing, at this rate the Cubs will never win the World Series.
Good luck Sarah and John Connor!
It means you should keep your eyes on the road.
It means somebody forgot to take their meds.
#4 beat me!
God Bless
3..21..11 has been around ALONG TIME.
Maybe you’ll be replacing Simon Cowell on American Idol. O_o
That’s a Friday. I’ll be fishing.
Floyd #13,
Don’t have to worry about that till May 22, 2011
Since we recently have discovered the Biblical calendar of history on the pages of the Bible, we find that the flood of Noah’s day occurred in the year 4990 BC. This date is completely accurate (for further information on the Biblical timeline of history, please go to: It was in the year 4990 BC that God revealed to Noah that there would be yet 7 days until the flood of waters would be upon the earth. Now, if we substitute 1000 years for each one of those 7 days, we get 7000 years. And when we project 7000 years into the future from 4990 BC, we find that it falls on the year 2011 AD.
4990 + 2011 = 7001
Note: When counting from an Old Testament date to a New Testament date, always subtract one year because there is no year zero, resulting in:
4990 + 2011 – 1 = 7000 years exactly.
The year 2011 AD will be the 7000th year from the flood of Noah’s day. It will be the end of the length of time given to mankind to find grace in God’s sight. This means that the time to find refuge in Christ has grown extremely short. We are only a little ways off from the year 2011 AD!
Adam Curry is now holding up signs on highway overpasses? Isn’t he enough crack-pot on No Agenda?
Bible math is a funny thing. These dates change all the time… every year. You’d think God was better at simple time and dates? Make up your fucking mind o’lord.. it’s getting old.
Besides what happened to 2012? not even seen the movie yet.. Hmm… think ill make some popcorn.
# 17 motleyzen,
What sort of math determined that Jesus was born when he was already 7 years old? Look “Bible math” is about as dependable as “Christan scientist’s theories” …okay?
Please shut the fuck up and just shoot your self in the head and go be with your deity already, and leave us alone. Let the rest of the world live their rest of their natural lives. We die when we die, not 2011, not 2012… stop trying to scare people into believing your deity.
#17 motleyzen
You know, your edible fellowship reminds me of something – Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Sir Bedevere: “…and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped.”
King Arthur: “This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere. Explain again how sheep’s bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.”
Chiliasts! They’re fun to make fun of on “the day _after_.”
Should we put a paper bag over our head or something?
Well, if you think it will help…
Hey you with the sign! Need a loan? No need to worry about the interest rate, just pay it back on May 22, 2011.
I guess this guy couldn’t wait till 2012 and wanted things to hurry up.
he’s got it wrong, judgement day is in November of 2010
Maybe these people will be ruptured.. I mean ratpureed.. Sorry, raptured up there, with their guy in the clouds, and LEAVE US NORMAL PEOPLE ALONE!!!!!!!!!
Cool that’s my brothers birthday. I’m gonna be pissed if I don’t get him anything and this end of the world thing doesn’t happen
All the folks taking out loans thinking rapture will take care of the balance should really help the economy..till they default when reality hits them sometime around Memorial Day.
I wonder if those who are predicting the last days have even read the Bible.
“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.”
Matthew 24:36
Oh and the real judgment day will be November 2, 2010. That is the day Congress will be judged by the voters.