Have these chuckleheads learned nothing from the past? Only the winners get to rewrite the history books. Plus, there are just too many people still around who actually lived through the past twenty years who know what really happened. Or are books and whatnot from these people meant to be fiction?

Now the revisionist floodgates have opened with the simultaneous arrival of Karl Rove’s memoir and Keep America Safe, a new right-wing noise machine invented by Dick Cheney’s daughter Liz and the inevitable William Kristol. This gang’s rewriting of history knows few bounds. To hear them tell it, 9/11 was so completely Bill Clinton’s fault that it retroactively happened while he was still in office. The Bush White House is equally blameless for the post-9/11 resurgence of the Taliban, Al Qaeda and Iran. Instead it’s President Obama who is endangering America by coddling terrorists and stopping torture.

Could any of this non-reality-based shtick stick? So far the answer is No. Rove’s book and Keep America Safe could be the best political news for the White House in some time. This new eruption of misinformation and rancor vividly reminds Americans why they couldn’t wait for Bush and Cheney to leave Washington.

But the old regime’s attack squads are relentless and shameless. The Obama administration, which put the brakes on any new investigations into Bush-Cheney national security malfeasance upon taking office, will sooner or later have to strike back. Once the Bush-Cheney failures in Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran again come home to roost, as they undoubtedly and explosively will, someone will have to remind our amnesia-prone nation who really enabled America’s enemies in the run-up to 9/11 and in its aftermath.

  1. R.O.P. says:

    It worked for the benefactors of an addle brained, Alzheimer’s victim president Ronald Reagan. Just keep repeating and the lies become truth.

  2. qb says:

    Karl Rove is a testicle with legs.

  3. ECA says:

    I will give you a job..
    Look up WHO is in the government positions..
    Then look in the past, who was there 20 years ago.
    The list is very similar.. and will be in the near future.

  4. Uncle Patso says:

    # 19 Thomas:
    “[…]When Bush left office, Iraq was getting ready for elections and we had a plan in place to reduce our presence there. That’s about as successful a war as you can get.”

    I disagree. I think “unconditional surrender” and the Marshall Plan, leading to actual reconstruction, functioning democracies and Germany, Italy and Japan being our allies was much more successful. We, meaning the entire Western world will be _extremely_ lucky if Iraq doesn’t descend into civil war, get taken over by yet another strong man and/or become the surrogate for all the struggles within the Islamic world and yet another destabilizing influence in the Middle East.

  5. Frank IBC says:

    #30 ECA –

    Your source is a long post on educationforum.ipbhost.com by commenter “John Simkin”. He lists no sources for his information.

  6. Rabble Rouser says:

    I’m surprised that the BS meter is not off the scale on that one. It is such a blatant lie, you have to be in a fantasy world to believe it.
    Then again, Bushco, Inc. is from an alternative universe.

  7. MikeN says:

    #17, let’s see in 2006 Republicans lost 6 Senate seats and about 30 House seats. I think 2010 will be worse than that for the Democrats. Anyone have numbers on governorships and state legislatures?

    2008 Republicans lost 20-25 House seats and 9 Senate seats. Senate loss might not be as high, but I’d say the Democrats do worse than this overall in 2010.

  8. MikeN says:

    What does Liz Cheney’s group have to do with ‘rewriting history?’
    Puts up an ad complaining about DOJ lawyers who were lawyers for Al Qaeda. That is current policy, not a book about the past.

  9. Michael says:


    The shame of the Liz Cheney ads is that it implies that there is something wrong or shameful about defending people who you are asked to defend. This ad comes out, not during the Bush DOJ, when I guess it was ok to defend terrorists, but now, when it suddenly isn’t.

    The “rewriting history” involves slinging mud at an activity that was perfectly acceptable when your side was doing it.

    Then again, Republicans have always had a problem with following the Constitution.

  10. ECA says:

    Then go read the wiki. On the Bush family.

  11. MikeN says:

    >destabilizing influence in the Middle East.

    Democracy is a destabilizing influence in the Middle East.

    >This ad comes out, not during the Bush DOJ, when I guess it was ok to defend terrorists,

    Did the Bush DoJ hire these guys, or Obama? The Justice Department wouldn’t identify the people who did this work and what positions they were in for people to judge for themselves.

    >something wrong or shameful about defending people who you are asked to defend.

    Well, in these cases, the question was whether the people in question should be defended at all, should they have been in the regular courts. Quite different than defending a murderer, rapist, etc, where the government must prove its case.

  12. Frank IBC says:

    #40 ECA –

    Could you be more specific than that?

  13. The0ne says:

    I see giant balls everywhere! I may know math and logic but those be damn in the name of arrogance and elitism!

  14. Greg Allen says:

    Rove, Cheney, Kristol… what a vomitous trio.

    If we lived in a just world, Americans would be parading their heads around on pikes.


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