Mexican Military Copter over US Neighborhood

The Zapata County sheriff Thursday was questioning why a Mexican military helicopter was hovering over homes on the Texas side of the Rio Grande.

It was one of the more jarring incidents of the fourth week of border tensions sparked by drug killings, and rumors of such killings, in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas.

Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez said he’d reviewed photos of the chopper flown by armed personnel Tuesday over a residential area known as Falcon Heights-Falcon Village near the binational Falcon Lake, just south of the Starr-Zapata county line. He said the helicopter appeared to have the insignia of the Mexican navy.

“It’s always been said that the Mexican military does in fact … that there have been incursions,” Gonzalez said. “But this is not New Mexico or Arizona. Here we’ve got a river; there’s a boundary line. And then of course having Falcon Lake, Falcon Dam, it’s a lot wider. It’s not just a trickle of a river, it’s an actual dam. You know where the boundary’s at.”

Shoot it down I say.

Found by Aric Mackey.

  1. Me-Mongo says:

    Boundaries. . .we don’t need no stinkin’ boundaries

  2. Who says:


  3. Improbus says:

    They don’t need no stinkin’ badges either. My guess is that they were working for the drug gangs.

  4. Special Ed says:

    How do Mexican’s know when they’re hungry? Asshole stops burning.

  5. sargasso says:

    PR stunt by a land developer.

  6. Bubb says:

    I second the shoot them down sentiment, do that and see how many more make this “mistake”.

  7. Dr Dodd says:

    Great Title – Mexico Invading USA??

    With 30 Million+ illegals covering the nation it takes a helicopter flyover before you ask is Mexico invading?

    Good one!

  8. Yeah, why don’t you shoot them down. I hope then Mexicans shoot down the next few thousand US border agents crossing the border south as well.

    The xenophobic sentiment Dvorak and comrade have been spreading as of lately is sickening! I stopped listening to the last episode of No agenda when the Wilders stuff came up.

    Really, some times US Americans can appear pretty nice, and one thinks “well, at least there’s hope for you guys once the Dollar value equals that of the Mexican peso and you’ll have a lot more people going for holidays up north.” Different from the US economy, the Mexican economy is actually based on producing something.

    But then there are comments such as this one which makes one lose all sympathy for the US. Sorry, but your empire needs to fall! And fall quickly! Old white man like Dvorak don’t seem to get quite what has been done to the rest of the planet for the last few hundred years by his (and my) ancestors.

    Greetings from a white European.

  9. wooten says:

    Mr white European, your just jealous. America rocks

  10. GRtak says:

    What happens if a foreign military helicopter crosses your border? Do you throw them the teapot and cookies? I think not.

    But I also don’t think shooting them down is a good idea. They need to be captured, all equipment seized, then left the diplomats figure it out. But these incursions, if they are happening, need to stop.

  11. Alex says:

    The sheriff department should shoot the Wetbacks out of the sky and be done with it. Mexico is a toilet and don’t need anymore of this low grade trash in our country! I say kill everyone of them that cross over without permission. US Border control is a joke, they keep their collective thumbs up their butts on the Mexican border, while harassing US citizens at the Canadian border and in the Canadian airports.

    Time is now for action, shoot first and dump the bodies back over the fence!!!

  12. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    There are a lot of Americans heading to Mexico for more affordable health care. Although I believe a Mexican IV will make you fart.

  13. gquaglia says:

    #9 How does it feel to get butt f**ked by every few decades or so by another country. The Nazis and the Soviets. Who will be next and how loud will you cry for the evil empire, aka the US, to save you. You are pathetic!

  14. RTaylor says:

    The drug lords operate close to the US border for a reason. This is another situation totally fubared.

  15. N74JW says:

    I wonder if it would have been illegal for a U.S. to have take the helicopter down with their own firearm? Foreign military chopper hovering over my house? Looks like a threat to me…

  16. Well, good to see to have such a nice line up of complete rednecks here tonight. That makes one feel less guilty for attacking you guys.

    For starters: what happens when a Western airplane enters Soviet Union air space and lands on the red square? Sure,t eh pilot gets arrested. Does it get shot down? No, there is no reason to risk a war over nonsense. What happens when a weather balloon crosses the border? again, nothing.
    For all you tea-bagging tricker-happy gun-nuts out there: Luckily not even George W. Bush was crazy enough to follow your advice and shoot at anything moving. And different from the Soviet Union, Mexico is not even an enemy country. It’s an ally, and you guys are integrated into the same trade zone. Crossings of border patrol and/or military may even be cleared with US agents.

    But as I have you guys listening: I really think you are the product of the nationalism of another period. You guys grew up during the cold war, many of you had to suffer: the government couldn’t pay you through college because they needed to buy tons and tons of guns. Maybe they even sent you to ‘Nam. In the end it made you bitter, and you are completely unable to see anyone outside of the US as a human being. You also think life’s just about competition and don’t realize that you are at the button of the food chain.

    Now this kind of crazy-nationalism that was bred successfully in the part, is not what the country is interested in today in something that becomes more and more a multi-polar world. You are being used by Glen Beck and others as their useful idiots to keep the rich rich for the moment. Generally speaking you are the zombies of an empire that no longer is.

    So, have a nice life. but don’t expect pity once you (like described in the last posting on this site) when entering Mexico.

  17. Father says:


    I present to you: Korean Air Lines Flight 007 shot down by Soviet jet interceptor(s) September 1, 1983.

    Shall I continue?

  18. johanneswilm says:

    Ok, sure, there have been singular incidents. And I’m sure anyone involved in it was reprimanded. But once again: Mexico is not an enemy country. It is an ally. And lots of US law enforcement agents go “visit” Mexico every day.

  19. Father says:

    Have you been there?

    I have, twice. There is no reason for me to risk my life by going there any more. I’m an “East-Coaster”, so I don’t know how to survive there.

    I’d rather go to India.

  20. gquaglia says:

    Ok, sure, there have been singular incidents. And I’m sure anyone involved in it was reprimanded…

    Tell that to the families of the 269 people that were killed in that “singular incident”

  21. HangLoose says:

    Shoot down the Mexicans… but you guys can invade pakistan right?

    Americans are a bunch of hypocrite morons. You guys can defeat Mexico very easily right? Why dont you try to kick the ass of North Korea or Iran?

    Bunch of pussies…

    from another white european

  22. Father says:

    If you white euros are a nominal example of the educational and intelectual capabilities of your cultures, I can see that your zone is going to be in more trouble with the passage of time.

  23. mr. show says:


    Did you say “U.S. Americans”? I think I have the girl for you.

  24. Frank IBC says:

    If Mexico would take the Texas State School Board off our hands, then that would be worth allowing several million Mexican immigrants.

  25. Frank IBC says:

    #24 Mr. Show wrote –

    “Did you say ‘U.S. Americans’?”

    There’s a whole hemisphere outside this country that’s also called “America”.

  26. mr. show says:

    #27 It’s a joke…see the video. Lighten up my friend.

  27. Winston says:

    US armed helicopter gunships are hovering over all sorts of other sovereign nations.

    So, how does it feel?

  28. Father says:

    Damn, I meant #25.

  29. Father says:

    Winston, that’s why everyone wants The Bomb. With it, they’ll be protected from us. By the way, which country do you hail from?

  30. yankinwaoz says:

    Oh for Christ sake. One chopper, slightly over the border. That is an “invasion”. Please.

    Raise them on the radio and ask them whats up. They may have had some technical difficulties. They may have have to move out of the way for another aircraft who was coming in to the area they were watching.

    Do you want the Mexicans shooting down any US aircraft that accidentally stray over the line. What is this? North Korea?

    During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Cubans managed to shoot down a US plane that was flying low taking pictures. A bunch of generals wanted to start WWW 3 over that incident. Luckily, Kennedy called for cooler heads to prevail. A shot down plane does not mean we launch nukes.


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