Assailants gunned down three people returning from a party at a U.S. Consulate employee’s home in the Mexican city of Juarez, including a pregnant U.S. government employee and her husband, in two attacks a few minutes apart that prompted a furious response from the White House on Sunday.

The White House said President Obama was “deeply saddened and outraged” by the slayings, which occurred in broad daylight. They appeared to be the latest sign of the surge of drug violence in Mexico in recent years, which has claimed thousands of lives in border cities such as Juarez. But it was unusual for U.S. citizens to be slain — particularly an American government employee.

State Department officials said authorities were still investigating whether the victims were targeted by drug gangs, but it did not appear that the slain consular employee was involved in counter-narcotics work. Her in-laws identified her as Lesley A. Enriquez, 35, of El Paso, just across the border. She was a locally hired employee of the consulate whose job involved helping U.S. citizens, American officials said. Her husband, Arthur Redelfs, 34, worked for the El Paso County Sheriff’s Department, according to his brother, Reuben Redelfs.

First the Mexican Military terrorizes Texas border town and now this. I have to wonder… why can’t Obama keep us safe from terrorists?


  1. Rich says:

    Truth be told, illegal Mexican “immigrants” have caused me more personal grief and stress than the Islamists ever did.

  2. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    #17, honeyman, re: “Of course the drug companies would NEVER sell anything unsafe or market destructive and deadly drugs, and the government would NEVER approve anything harmful or untested. ”

    So after intense regulation and clinical proof, a very few drugs happen to get through the system.
    … and your solution is to do away with the system and purposely allow all harmful drugs to be legal and freely available.

    ..there was a great gasp of incredulity.

  3. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    #19, R.O.P., re: “sounds like you are describing the ills of alcohol in a bottle.”

    Actually I am… so why not remove the illegality of alcohol below a certain age? According to you, we’ll all be better off.

    …. A 10-year old with a bottle of Vodka is so liberal… so… what’s the phrase… a knuckle dragging leap forward.

  4. honeyman says:

    #33 Skeptic

    Your faith in an impartial system is admirable, but foolish. Drug laws are based in nepotism and corruption, not in science or harm reduction.

  5. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    There are several wonderful drugs that I owe my life to. if that system wasn’t in place, I’d most likely be dead. So although the system has minor flaws and is fighting greed and corruption, doing away with it completely instead of addressing the problems and plugging the holes… is simply ridiculous.

  6. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    The solution for Mexico is to cut them off. Stop taking vacations there. Stop trading with them for cheaply produced luxuries. Stop buying their oil…. until they clean up their own backyard.

    Yah, I thought so.

  7. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    They are probably pissed off about the jokes we tell about them.

  8. honeyman says:

    #38 Skeptic

    I’m not suggesting that drugs become completely unregulated. I’m suggesting that your view of illegal drugs is skewed by politics.

  9. The0ne says:

    Yes! More countries for potential nuking! So who do we have lined up as possible candidates…

    1. China
    2. Russia
    3. Iran
    4. N.Korea (obviously!!!)
    5. Afgan
    6. Iraq (I could hope!)
    7. Mexico (yes!)
    8. US (ourselves, why not!)

  10. George says:

    To me, the real heros are those that seek treatment bit it Methadone, Suboxone and/or 12 Step Recovery. These are the ones who are chosing to stop using Heroin and that will eventually slow down the US market for Mexican Heroin and other drugs. They need to be honored for their committment to stop using Heroin.

    Thanks for being


  11. jbellies says:

    #34 AOBCSS:

    “A 10-year old with a bottle of Vodka is so liberal so what’s the phrase a knuckle dragging leap forward.”

    You need to read more. If anything is liberal in Western society, it is that you no longer see children of 10 out on the street drinking gin.

    Or if you mean to label people who in your imagination do things that you don’t like, perhaps you need a new word. I suggest farliberal, short for farcical liberal: a non-person whose actions and motives you can invent at will.

  12. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Jbellies… didn’t think I needed to identify my post as sarcasm.

    … but you really do need to look up the word “liberal” and not confuse it with”Liberal”.

    So, are you for legalizing illegal drugs (which would include age limited alcohol) or not?

  13. Rick Cain says:

    Americans love their drugs.


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