1. bobbo, the angular separation in perspective is all that matters says:


    the study of “surfaces” is highlighted here. A cousin of origami. All fun to dip into from time to time.

  2. Zybch says:

    Just get them from the source http://getbuckyballs.com

    These were the ones Leo and Dick reviewed in the DailyGizWiz # 827

  3. Zybch says:

    Whoops, try http://www.twit.tv/dgw827 instead

  4. Winston says:

    Nope, get them from Zen magnets, the site that produced the video. $24.74 with free 1st class shipping and six spare balls. Even the sources in China I’ve found want more than that.

    I bought from them just now using PayPal.

  5. bobbo, the angular separation in perspective is all that matters says:

    Eds==I don’t “really” care but you changed the meaning/import of my post by your edit.

    MY LINK–clearly showed it was to ebay where the item could be bought.

    YOUR LINK–looks like to an academic study paper which probably is not of interest to many folks and irritating to those who had such an expectation.

    BETTER–change my link to “Ebay-Link”

  6. admfubar says:

    get your magnetic toy cutter card! It slices and dices and juliennes!! you can make mounds of magnetic toy goodies!!!

  7. moondawg says:

    Just a note:

    These magnets are AWESOME and also unbelievably DANGEROUS for little kids to get a hold of. Any kid who might swallow them should never be allowed around them… they can wreak havoc on their intestines.


    Link to an explanation of the damage.

  8. Skeptic of the AOBCCS says:

    Another word of caution… If you have magnetic balls, do not get on a bicycle.

  9. Milo says:

    That’s sooo fake!

    He was obviously using magnets!

  10. zzzzzz says:

    Cheaper ones on Ebay but I bought it form Zen because they produced the video that got me pretty good.

  11. newglenn says:

    Wonder why my credit card keeps getting unscanable.

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    Whatever you do, be sure to keep them away from disk drives and CRTs! Also tapes, electric motors, mechanical clocks and watches, camera shutters, speakers, copier/laser printer toner, breakfast cereal (you’ll never get all the iron dust off), compasses, analog meters — what else?


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