Today’s Guests:
Sebastian Rupley, Co-Crank, Editor,
Carlos Rodela, CEO,
David Spark, Host, The Spark Minute

The Topics:
The Rise of the Web Introvert
Twitter’s Advertising Plans Take Shape
Is Android Too Fragmented?
In Defense of Adobe Flash
Google Hackers Targeted Many Companies

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  1. tdkyo says:

    I am certain that this was already posted several days ago at Dvorak Uncensored…

    [No… that was Episode #208. – ed.]

  2. chputney says:

    What’s going on with the magic show which is shown after a few minutes. It looks like some other video is being shown while the audio is still Cranky Geeks ?

  3. sd card says:

    The show’s a less comprehensive and informative version of Leo Laporte’s THIS WEEK IN TECH – though, as you’d expect from a show starring John C. Dvorak, it’s always grumpily amusing. Problem is, while Dvorak’s a great guest, as a host he has a tendency to cut off discussions that don’t interest him, talk over or shout down co-panelists, and take over discussions.

  4. corvettelady says:

    #3: Leo is the worst at cutting people off, talking over them, laughing while they’re speaking. And TWIT lately digresses into frivolous discussions about twitter. Ever listen to TWIT when John C. Dvorak isn’t a guest? It can go way off track.

    IMHO, Cranky Geeks is about the best tech podcast specifically because John C. Dvorak keeps it on topic. Also, he usually has great guests from the tech industry.

    Could Cranky Geeks be improved? Yes – 1/2 hour is too short for starters. But it’s miles ahead of TWIT as an informative tech podcast.

  5. Gildersleeve says:

    TWIT seems too casual sometimes, although you’re right – Leo can easily be more obnoxious than John. I’ve never really seen John talk over his guests, although I haven’t watched CG nearly as often since they stopped selling it to TIVO – GAH. Anyway, if you want to improve the show, bring on Om Malik again. Or did I hear mention he’s refused to come back on the show?


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