BANK of America apologised after its local contractor entered the home of a mortgage borrower when she was away, cut off utilities, padlocked the door and confiscated her pet parrot, Luke.

Angela Iannelli, 46, alleged in a lawsuit that the October incident – which separated her from her 11 – year-old parrot for more than a week – caused so much “emotional distress” that she needed a prescription medication for anxiety.

A Bank of America spokesman said a bank employee erroneously believed the house was vacant and sent the contractor there with instructions to install a new lock and otherwise “secure” the property.

The bank spokesman said those instructions were inappropriate, because Ms Iannelli wasn’t in default and the house wasn’t vacant.
In her civil suit filed in the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas, Ms Iannelli said a contractor hired by Bank of America entered her house, north of Pittsburgh, in mid-October when she was away.

According to the suit, in an “invasion” of the home, the contractor stopped utility services, cut water lines and electrical wiring, damaged flooring and finishings, poured anti-freeze into sinks and toilets, and “stole” the parrot.

Ms Iannelli, who owns a diner and works part-time as a bartender, said Bank of America representatives weren’t helpful when she called in to protest.

They first denied knowing where the parrot was, and later told her she could go to the offices of the contractor, about 120km away, to retrieve the bird herself.

Comedy gold. This stuff just writes itself.

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    So… Anyone recommending BoA?

  2. Father says:

    Tell me again why I have money in BoA?

  3. meetsy says:

    I spent hours on the phone with BoA recently, and finally asked “where are the corporate offices”? The clerk I was speaking with had no idea. He said, “for all I know, there aren’t any. I get a check, and follow the written procedures, that’s all I know.”

  4. Father says:

    My x-GF (3 GFs ago) received a constant stream of charges (fines) she couldn’t afford from BoA. I think she fixed it by moving to a credit union.

  5. Cephus says:

    I had a friend who, years ago, had his ATM card cloned. He couldn’t convince BoA that he wasn’t the one withdrawing money from his account 500 miles from his house, even when he demonstrated that he used the card locally and less than 5 minutes later, it was used in San Francisco. BoA refused to acknowledge it couldn’t be him, I guess he just drives really, really fast.

    Anyone who uses BoA is a fool.

  6. Floyd says:

    That took about 2 minutes:

    Bank of America
    100 N. Tryon St.
    Charlotte, NC 28255
    United States

    Phone: 704-386-5681
    Fax: 704-386-6699

    Go for it.

  7. Jetfire says:

    So wasn’t a felony comited? Wouldn’t take make BoA quility under the RECO Act?

  8. The0ne says:

    I’m telling you, don’t bank with BoFA! Most branches are pretty bad.

    And yes, lets all make good use of the address and info to show how we appreciate them.

  9. JimD says:

    Hope she gets a bundle !!! You got to hit them where they live, in the wallet !!!

  10. yankinwaoz says:

    I am very surprised that they did not destroy the parrot.

  11. sargasso says:

    #11. BoA don’t put a hit on parrots. That’s Citibank.

  12. Nobody says:

    To be fair – the contractor was told it was an empty house they were securing. Turning off the water and putting anti-freeze in the drains in winter is hardly vandalism.

    So assuming the parrot had been abandoned they were presumably rescuing it.

  13. deowll says:

    I think Citibank may be worse. A lot of people ended up with BoA when BoA was allowed to buy out a lot of smaller banks. I don’t see why anyone would sign up with them. The locals at the bank seem to be nice people but the top dogs are people you don’t want to deal with. All they want to do is shaft you.

  14. morriscox says:

    Wouldn’t the contractor have realized something was wrong when he noticed that there were furnishings in the house? One glance in the fridge would have been a huge tip-off.

  15. noob says:

    I saw a show about a company that cleans out houses for banks. They do find houses where the people didn’t move out they just walked out and left most of their stuff, tv’s, computers, clothes, toys etc. Sometimes even food on the table. Their job is to clean out the house to the walls. What they do with it is their busness.

  16. just me says:

    B of A bought my mortgage recently. They have been a total pain to deal with so far. What should have been a couple of clicks on their website to make automated monthly payments turned into 2 1/2 hours being transferred, put on hold and told I need to open a checking or savings with them. The nearest branch is 500 mile away, why would I open a checking account with them? They finally did it, but that’s 2 1/2 hours of my life I’ll never get back.

    I hope they don’t try to send a contractor to my house. I’d probably end up in jail after my dog kills the contractor and B of A would end up with my house.

  17. Tim says:

    “That Bird really brought the room together man.”

  18. The0ne says:

    Exactly. To further prove your point give me your address so I can send a hitman so he can do his job for you. Don’t blame me O.o, I’m clean!

  19. RTaylor says:

    Gather your pitchforks, shotguns, and rope, then call me. Don’t carry a silly sign, go packing for bear. I’m ashamed my fellow citizens have no knowledge of rioting and revolutionary struggles. I suggest you begin within Metro DC. Also learn from gitmo, don’t take prisoners.
    Yes my meds are screwed up again.

  20. meetsy says:

    So now, call that number and try and find out how to make a phone payment on a mortgage….they’ll shuffle you around for about 90 minutes, and then say someone will get back to you…and that’s the end of it.
    Seriously, been there, done that.

  21. UncDon says:

    #11: “I am very surprised that they did not destroy the parrot.”

    Anyone did that to my pet there’d be a murder charge for sure — at least I’d try to have one filed.

  22. xjonx says:

    BoA here is your summons for: Robbery, Home Invasion, Receiving Stolen Goods, Breaking and Entering, Terrorism, Accessory after the fact and Conspiracy to Commit a Crime.


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