Well, as you will see from the results, if you are going to mess around with bacon, it would be better to dedicate your energies to the bacon explosion.

  1. Mick&Monk says:

    Makin Bacon?

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    That was AWESOME!

  3. jmsiowa says:

    looks like the string wasn’t taught enough.

  4. admfubar says:

    string???? hell these guys weren’t wrapped tight enough!!!!

    bacon should be used for hella tight hats, with lots of butter!

  5. jim says:

    This could be deemed terrorist activity in the UK. I’d bet they will be getting there door busted in and water boarded at any moment now.

  6. Rufus says:

    That bug-eyed fellow was funny.

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    The song is excellent, and the flight path was hilarious.

  8. Awake says:

    Actually… bacon grease was an essential part of WW2 explosives… people collected bacon drippings and turned them in for further processing. So yes, in theory you can make a bacon rocket with a few additional ingredients. Try adding some nitrogen fertilizer to you bacon rocket for maximum effect.

    Breaking news:
    The TSA has viewed the bacon rocket video, panicked, raised the alert level and is spending billions on developing bacon sandwich detectors.

  9. fulanoche says:

    You’re gonna poke your eye out!

  10. Uncle Patso says:

    I thought at first they were going to use the bacon for rocket FUEL, not the body! With the right oxidizer, I’m sure bacon could make a decent rocket fuel, but it’s structural strength SUCKS!

  11. Rabble Rouser says:

    What a waste of good bacon!

  12. I'm Abe Lincoln And I Been A Thinkin' says:

    After any random Obama speech, that was possibly the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Still funny though.


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