- Microsoft fixing bugs, says there is a zero day bug on IE about to hit. RUN!
- My thoughts on 3D TV.
- HP says it has a killer app for its tablet.
- Google translation services goes for the voice.
- NASA worried about Obama’s plans.
- Windows 7 SP1 coming out later this year.
- Amazon Kindle browser showing up.
- Filemaker 11 comes out.
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The zero day bug didn’t bother my system as far as I can tell. Though I have a Windows laptop,I use Firefox instead of IE and haven’t had problems.
However, my daughter’s Mac apparently got turned into a spambot. I thought Macs didn’t have that problem. I may need info about undoing the mess.
RE: Translation:
Can it do Klingon?
HP’s killer app would be not being a cheesy piece of shit or having an expiration date embedded.
I find a whole lot of Windows 7 updates are not getting pushed out by company and campus sysadmins.
I have several browsers. If one is looking flawed I just swap out for a while.
In the past I’ve listed five or six things I thought sucked about the pad. Apple could fix all of them but I’m not holding my breath until they do. From my point of view it will be very easy for HP or any of several other vendors to give me better hardware. I would think the same would be true of the software though tastes vary.
I’m sure some Jobs worshipers are going to tell me why I’m wrong but that is their point of view.
#5 deowll
I think you’re right except that Windows (as it currently works) would make a lousy slate/pad/tablet computer. It’s designed for keyboards and mice.
HP, Archos, and others are making nice devices using Android. It’s designed for tactile input, gestures, etc. and runs really well on limited hardware. After seeing the Nexus One I think an Android/HP (they’re a great hardware company) tablet could kick ass.
Apple’s advantage is a well stocked app store (potentially) with iTunes. That may be less of a factor on tablets since web applications should work well.
I think 3D for theatres is a life saving idea for them. For home, not so much. That said, after having seen Alice IMAX 3D, I realize that the BD version will be a let down compared to that.
BTW, WTF the cares about FileMaker? I’ve said that dbs like FileMaker and Access are like drugs: in small quantities and used in the right circumstances, they can be beneficial. Too much will kill you. Frankly, I don’t consider FileMaker to be much above Excel in terms of db functionality. If you want to keep track of your recipes, fine. If you want to use it as a LOB system: bad idea.
I hear ya John about the 3D. Who the heck is going to go over to a shelf and put on 3D glasses? Especially, especially after they just had to go over to the same shelf to get that book. And turn the pages too while watching 3D TV. After putting on their reading glasses. Let’s face it. This book thing ain’t gonna last.
“…Apple could add Flash at any time…”
Yes, but they won’t! The love affair between Apple and Adobe has gone cold, nothing left but ashes.
Why? I don’t know why! Would certainly make a good article, though.
Hey John you’re really one of the least critical thinkers out there. Literally ‘out there’ heh.
So what is it EXACTLY that is ‘bad’ for you with 3D?
Please don’t mumble something about them being bad for you and you read something somewhere bla bla bla like you have been doing on the subject.
Actual studies?
I know you don’t value ‘evidence’ but, trust me, the world works that way.
If you just think somethings bad then sorry but that doesn’t amount to proof, evidence or even anecdotal nonsense. It is just your made up uninformed opinion!
When did you stop caring about TRUTH and FACTS?
It is a sad day when the great tech wiz Dvorak is more interested in the rewards from peddling nonsense and lies than bringing people the latest FACTS.
Oh well … money gets everyone in the end 🙁
How did all the media companies get together and agree to push this 3D crap? Hate it. Hurts my eyes. looks stupid.
I don’t see the fuss about 3D. Call me old-fashioned, but I think a good script, good acting and good direction are what is important to a movie or TV show. Avatar was terrible, but it looked good. But that’s not enough for me. I like watching online video sites and keep up to date with http://www.twitter.com/dozenvideo but I can’t see what the 3D hype is all about. I think in 2 years, 3D will be yesterday’s news. Don’t believe the hype, 3D is just another gimmick.