Wondering if I can push the hit count higher on this dog of a video.

  1. crucialwax says:

    I can see you’re nervous Leo’s wifi caller just might catch you. Well be nervous! 🙂

  2. LtSiver says:

    Feeling the heat from Leo’s Wifi theft caller and Leo’s Old Spicy Horse?

  3. nicktherat says:

    saw this thing behind you while you were recording twit…. whats the deal with the barney?! i thought your kids were a generation past that purple beast

  4. meetsy says:

    even the dog won’t play with that thing

  5. Improbus says:

    That video could be improved if you set Barney on fire (maybe a time delayed phosphorus explosive) at the end.

  6. FirstTimeCaller says:

    We’re not some kind of plaything that you can throw at your every whim. The power of the internet is a force to be reckoned with and must not be unleashed so casually!

    Oh ok… I’ll go watch the damn video.

  7. Wow..blowing up the Barney could work!!!

  8. ECA says:

    SHOT GUN..

    we need a video of it playing and a Load of dynamite STUFFED UP IT BUTT, going BOOOOM

  9. trirnoth says:

    I’d actually been wanting to track this down after having heard much on TWIT.

    Now that I’ve watched, I, like the other 1,359,383 people who watched, feel a bit cheated.

  10. trirnoth says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  11. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Any truth to the rumor that Gitmo detainees choose waterboarding over being repeatedly forced to watch that video?

  12. deowll says:

    #11 I read that making them listen/watch Barney was part of their stringent questioning.

    Not sure if they really did that to somebody or not. I can tell you it would drive me nuts.

  13. BobHand says:

    I was hoping to hear a gunshot at the end or something.

    #11, I hear that when things were just starting in Afghanistan, the troops were blasting this and the Sesame Street theme to make the insurgents surrender.

  14. /T. says:

    Too much purple,

    Not enough C4 !!

  15. noname says:

    “Wondering if I can push the hit count higher on this dog of a video.”

    All I can say John is, stop the insanity.

    Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?

  16. I'm Abe Lincoln And I Been A Thinkin' says:

    Why don’t you push the hit count of something that deserves it: http://tinyurl.com/mzgdct

    A celebration of talent if there ever was one.

  17. Cris_W says:

    As a No Agenda producer, I felt obligated to help John get the hits up. I vote for blowing Barney up, but maybe you should hit him in the mouth first?


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