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No Agenda
Media Corruption in 3D
By John C Dvorak Sunday March 7, 2010
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Wow! There are 40,000 hookers lined up for the World Cup in South Africa? Don’t rip your rubber:
Excellent cover art. My complements to Paul T.
Might there be a poster of today’s art?
Dude, the rabbit totally looks like John! hilarious!
Comment about the show: George Bush Sr. doesn’t remember where he was when JFK was assassinated….how interesting.
Family of Secrets is an excellent read. If it doesn’t wake you up…you are brain dead already.
And yes..Kudos on the cover art. It’s gorgeous. I would buy it!
Amazing cover art. World class.
The cover art definitely has become an integral part of No the show and just as exiting as to listen to the show.
Paul T nails it again and again and this time big time! Amazing!
the new 3D glasses (like in avatar) are special (offset) because the projection system is sending out two SPIRALING light beams (like the way sound travels) one lens blocks the clockwise spin projection, the other anti-clockwise.
those who know how the brain really works (and stores/processes information) will understand that this is very good way to implant suggestive behavior.. ie: spiraling light is a very good way to hypnotize someone.
ps… on the [cia] “big cabal”
hellooooo.. It’s called
“hide it in plain sight”
a *very* old tactic.. [look it up]
They say that to listen to No Agenda, you have to be as mad as a hatter! Fortunately, I am.
Do JCD as a badger, as in Wind in the Willows. Make Curry Mr Toad.
One of the best shows yet!
we’re calling out requests for kids books????
Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham
Yes amazing art work!
Alice in Wonder land with Adam as the mad hatter? Mercury could explain a lot. I would think good whores and blow would both be organic and blow would be vegan. The real thing is a plant extract after all. One of the analogs causes instant advanced Parkinson’s disease. A college student chemist found that out the hard way back when I was in college. He synthesized the stuff and he and some of his friends got high on it. At the time it was claimed this discovery advanced the science relating to the disease a lot.
Guys you are going to make me as nuts as you are. Grass doesn’t make you violent. The pushers don’t want the stuff to be legal and neither do the people getting paid off.
Sure pull all our troops out of the middle east and everything will be fine. Except the war won’t be over because to many people want the world run by the Mullahs and the price of fuel would go through the roof.
excellent cover.
Thanks for the feedback guys, means a lot to me!
Sorry, my internet broke down for the last two days.
You can download individual higher resolution versions of Adam and John here:
Adam The Mad Hatter:
John The Rabbit:
I cant stand the art. Sorry to the artist I’m sure you worked hard on it.
The Joker in the Air Traffic Control tower was off the hook.
This well.. Distraction of the week.
# 18 E@$+ C0@$+ said,
Next time you come up with something. I’d love to see a genius at work.
I’m with the other folks in applauding Paul T’s work. It’s just amazing to me. Not sure if #18 was trying to be funny. He wasn’t.
I can’t please everyone, but happy that you at least liked the joker in the air traffic control tower. In my defense, I do all the designs while the guys are talking live via the stream 1am – 3am Mondays and Fridays. I wake up at 7-8am for work. None of the designs are done in advance. The longer i wait for them to talk about a topic that I can design the shorter time I have to make it. I try my best, but sometimes the timeframe gets a bit too short.