This is just now coming out? And there is no test that will reveal you’ve smoked it.

Will K2 synthetic marijuana get you high?

Last week, The Kansas City Star and metro TV news were brooding over K2, a legal synthetic pot.

It supposedly gives you the same high as marijuana and was legally available for purchase for $15 a bag at shops in Lawrence.

Of course, the cops don’t like it. And legislators want to ban it.

But in all this fuss, no one has actually said whether K2 gets you high.

The answer is important because (a) if it doesn’t get you stoned, lawmakers have better things to do than pass unnecessary laws to curry political points and (b) you have better things to do than drive around searching for barely legal faux-reefer if it doesn’t work.

So in the interest of investigating political intent and protecting consumers, the Pitch Action News Team took a day trip to the Sacred Journey — a Lawrence botanical store — bought two bags of K2 and smoked up in the parking lot like a bunch of high school kids getting stoned before first bell.

From a regular pot smoker: “I was satisfied with the high I got. It didn’t last long, but I did feel some visual effects (things appeared bright, slightly blurry) and a relaxed physical state. I thought the Blonde was more smooth on the lungs and tasted better.

From a moderate: “As a sometimes-to-moderate pot smoker, I think K2’s high is pretty comparable to the buzz you get from smoking a oney of middies. We smoked two joints.

  1. clancys_daddy says:

    “Of course, the cops don’t like it. And legislators want to ban it.” Welcome to Missouri.

  2. Raff says:

    How’s the taste?

  3. Grandpa says:

    And five years from now will your teeth be falling out? Will you remember the child you had three years ago? Will the lung cancer you got when you are 50 be caused by this whatever the F**k this stuff is?

    or is it already too late to think first?

  4. me says:

    And again, this is what prohibition spawns. Odd weird solutions of dubious safety. Much like the recent story of poisoning industrial alcohol by the government during prohibition.

    Im not a user, but I say legalize it (the real stuff) and let the private markets sort it out. What I mean by that is if your employer doesn’t want it in your system, then you trade a job and income for abstaining.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #3 – Grandpa

    No need to reason… junkies are junkies.

  6. Lou says:

    Fucken Monsanto

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    I was thinking to send a bunch of this stuff to the local police.

    Maybe they will start smokin’ it and leave me alone.

  8. chris says:

    Anything an individual does for enjoyment without consequences to others can rapidly be proscribed. Anything an organization does for profit cannot be regulated no matter the externalities.


  9. Mr. Show says:

    What’s in this stuff anyway? That is, what constitutes the “synthetic” part?

    Are we talking about someone getting the placebo effect from a bunch of grass clippings? If you want the real thing buy the real thing not this BS which contains god knows what.

  10. Cursor_ says:

    A little research and I find that these products are merely synthetic cannabinoid powders that are dissolved with alcohol and then applied to the plant material contained within.

    None of them seem to list the ingredients and none tell you the percentages of the stuff used.

    So you are taking your life into your own hands with this junk. Because who can say what and where the plant material came from or was the process done safely?

    But then again you are endangering your own life and others when you use the other stuff too. Just as you would by using any drug for recreation.


  11. Storm Drooper says:

    This story is old news. Sacred Journey was raided two weeks ago. Even though at that time it was legal to sell such product, when the KBI, Lawerence PD, Douglass CO SO and the FDA raided the place they were stating they came for the K2. Nonetheless, it’s so nice here the FDA came to the party, not like they had anything else to do. With friends like these who needs to buy herbicides.

  12. billabong says:

    What happens when I can buy an electronic device that will simulate the pot high.Make it illegal.Stupid,stupid,stupid!

  13. Gildersleeve says:

    Are you guys kidding? You should start worrying WHEN this kind of crap is legalized. You won’t have to worry about the black helicopters watching you – you’ll be manning them.

  14. whythaycallmedope says:

    So does anyone know exactly what it’s made of?
    At least real pot has been studied for many
    years by scientist and Crackpots.

  15. Somebody_Else says:

    @ #14,
    supposedly they spray it with JWH-018 or other synthetic cannabinoids.

    What little research there is on the subject seems to indicate that synthetics are safe, but without regulation who knows what other chemicals might be in these products.

    You can actually buy “pure” JWH-018 online from certain large retailers if you search around.

  16. eaze says:

    well cursor needs to do a bit more research into cannabis…you do not endanger yourself or others from the real stuff, that is nonsense.

    there is a diference between the real stuff and the synthetic stuff. the synthetic stuff can be fatal. only a fool would use that shit. trouble is, theres plenty of fools around. just look at how many people smoke tobacco.

  17. Greg Allen says:

    Isn’t this regulated? Even if not as a drug?

    It seems like everything we consume falls under some regulatory body.

  18. anjin says:

    Ok, I’ll bite the bullet and admit that I’ve tried this stuff, and similar products. I’m not particularly proud of it, but my curiosity got the better of me. I lived to tell the tale.

    Of course they don’t beat the real thing, and in most cases they cost MORE than actual cannabis. Their longterm affects being a giant question mark, and who can trust a product what will not list its ingredients? The JWXXX line of synthetics are controversial at best, scary at worst. There’s a whole underground scene for legal pot alternatives, and a growing market for other alternatives for drugs like Ecstacy and cocaine that’s pretty damned seedy.

    Frankly, there’s only two reasons to even bother with these synthetic pot alternatives:

    1) Convenience – you can order these items online and have them delivered to your doorstep in under a week with no worries about Joe. Q. Law showing up to give you a ride to the station.

    2) Drug testing – if you work somewhere that insists on invading your privacy, this stuff is not on their radar (yet)

    None of this would be necessary if pot was decriminalized. These synthetics could turn out to have unforeseen side affects down the road while it’s virtually impossible to overdose on pot.

    Lastly, K2 is actually one of the weaker blends. Zohai RX is the one to worry about. It’s some powerful shit, I dare say it got me higher than the best weed I’ve ever toked. The few weeks I dabbled with that stuff, I had some of the darkest thoughts and feelings that I’ve ever experienced. Pot never made me consider suicide, so another +1 for weed, -1 for synthetics.

  19. The0ne says:

    People, are we all dumb enough here already? You don’t need drugs, you just need to come to DU to get your high!

  20. Jeff says:

    The key to understanding moral enterprising like this is to look at the substance in question and simply ask:

    1). Does XYZ make you happy (or content) without god, family, friends or government?
    2). If yes, is it a simulated contentment?
    3). If yes, will it reduce overall productivity of the workforce (and society)?

    b). If yes on all 3, ban the substance in question. If yes on only 1-2, heavily regulate. If yes on 1, employee peer pressure for the user to limit their partake in the activity.

    Example of controlled substances:
    Yes to all 3: pot, coke and meth
    Yes to 1-2: cigs, boze and porn
    Yes to 1 : food, pain killers OTC, TV

  21. MrMiGu says:

    all of the things you mentioned can be used both responsibly, ie wont harm society, as well as abused so that they will.

    Also, if you think pot reduces productivity more so than booze you are sadly mistaken.

  22. The0ne says:

    My brother had a great friend. Was a great fellow to be around with…that is until they got drunk and drove off the road into the canyon and he flew out the window.

    Ah, great times. Drinks and Pot for everyone!

  23. Somebody_Else says:

    @ #20
    I wasn’t aware that the government had a constitutional duty to improve workplace productivity.

    By your logic they should ban books, television, and the internet too.

  24. k2 incense says:

    Some of these states are absolutely frantic over this, but it’s not because they care about the health of the people. Don’t be fooled into believing that. Look at all the FDA approved toxins in the food you eat. They want you to get high off their drugs. You know, the ones with a million and one side effects that they advertise on tv all day long.


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