Ionia kindergartner suspended for making gun with hand — More from Michigan? What’s going on there?

To the little boy’s mother, it was just a 6-year-old boy playing around.

But when Mason Jammer, a kindergarten student at Jefferson Elementary in Ionia, curled his fist into the shape of a gun Wednesday and pointed it at another student, school officials said it was no laughing matter.

They suspended Mason until Friday, saying the behavior made other students uncomfortable, said Erin Jammer, Mason’s mother.

School officials allege Mason had displayed this kind of behavior for several months, despite numerous warnings.

“I do think it’s too harsh for a six-year-old,” said Jammer, who was previously warned that if Mason continued the practice he would be suspended. “He’s six and he just likes to play.”

Principal of Ionia, stylin’

Found by Bunni.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    This is what happens when you make things taboo for children.

    More bullshit liberal policies like this one.

  2. Saint Gut Free says:

    I don’t see the political bias here…. How is this liberal?

    This is just another case of people making irrational decisions due to living within a culture of fear.

  3. Reverse Engineer says:

    In loving memory of…

    Common sense

  4. deowll says:

    Playing Cowboys and Indians seems to be a lost art. That was the way my friends and I used to spend recess when we were about that age.

    Nanny state knuckle heads.

  5. clancys_daddy says:

    The new definition of to stupid for words. Don’t be concerned when I point my finger at you, be concerned when some one cant tell the difference between play, and actually being disturbed.

  6. Floyd says:

    Deowll has it right. Little boys have been playing “Cops and Robbers”, “Cowboys and Indians,” or other such games for decades, maybe centuries. The school district needs to put the principal in the time out chair for a semester or so.

  7. ECA says:

    can I ask, HOW do you make a nation of slaves and Pacifists..Those without a BACKBONE..Those who cave into WHAT OTHER WANT??


  8. SparkyOne says:

    I bet that kid intentionally brought his hand onto the school grounds. They need to remove his smile and take away his birthday.

  9. bac says:

    Clearly, the zero tolerance policy is leading to all school children being guilty at the start and should be suspended on day one of school.

    I am waiting for a child to be suspended for sticking his/her tongue out.

  10. Holdfast says:

    So, as I understand your country, you are not allowed to point your finger or bring in a Lego figure with a gun but your constitution says you are allowed firearms giving you some of the highest murder rates in the western world.

    Not very consistent…

  11. RSweeney says:

    Pretty obvious that putting idiots in charge of education is not very wise.

  12. AOBCCS Skeptic says:

    I see this as an affront on the right to carry hands.

  13. clancys_daddy says:

    Would that be left hand or right? Sorry couldn’t help it.

  14. MikeN says:

    The school was right to suspend him. The kid needs to learn that snitching is bad.

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Michigan is the new Florida.

  16. AOBCCS Skeptic says:

    #15, OLO… another disaster of global warming?

  17. srgothard says:

    This is pretty simple. If you are warned for “months” to not do something and keep doing it, it’s time for stiffer punishment. School is not for child rearing. If your child can’t obey the rules, he shouldn’t be allowed to attend. period.

    (And of course it’s the dumbest rule I’ve ever heard of, but you have to teach children at a young age that even dumb rules must be obeyed.)

  18. brm says:

    “but you have to teach children at a young age that even dumb rules must be obeyed”

    wrong. dumb rules are to be broken, and when enough people break them, they get changed.

    quit being a pussy.

  19. amodedoma says:

    Sheesh, you know when the kid gets home from school he watches his brother play Modern Warfare 2 on the PS3, after dinner his dad’s gonna watch a Chuck Norris film, and if he watches TV who knows how many more men with guns. What is the school attempting to achieve?

  20. LtSiver says:

    In defense of Michigan, please don’t blame the citizens of the state for the actions of extreme left wing school administrators and teachers. Most of us have common sense, but I think you’ll find at most schools in the United States the administrators and teachers preach gun control, the government is there to take care of you, and don’t oppose the government or the school administration EVER.

  21. ECA says:

    What do you expect from TV?
    we dont get to watch people LOVING each other, only SHOOTING each other.
    How many shows, SHOW how to get along. How to deal with each other, HOW many CHILDREN LISTEN then get beat up for listening to BARNEY.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    I notice the same people that complain about Obama not doing enough to fight terrorism are the same ones demanding zero-tolerance yet think this is stupid.

    Although, in the interest of fairness, it could just be they haven’t thought the whole thing through.

  23. bsprowl says:

    IF this was my child, I would not discourage his “hand gun”.

    Let them expel him every day for the next twelve years. THe school is the one with the problem.

  24. Nitroneo says:

    All this big whoopla over a kid picking his nose and then showing to others what surprise he had pulled out. Wow, what has this nation come to?

  25. jpd says:

    Yup,Michigan’s becoming the “Florida of the North” but this ultra law and order, follow the rules, even stupid
    rules, sounds more right wing than left wing to me.Isn’t the Republican party traditionally the “Law and Order” party.

  26. FrodoX says:

    What happened to our Cowboy and Indian games? You pull out a Smith & Wesson play gun and you get sent to Gitmo – as a 6 year old???

  27. Greg Allen says:

    This is the key to the story:

    >> School officials allege Mason had displayed this kind of behavior for several months, despite numerous warnings.

    and this:

    >> Jammer, who was previously warned that if Mason continued the practice he would be suspended. “He’s six and he just likes to play.”

    I would be surprised if everything is OK in the Jammer household.

  28. KarmaBaby says:

    #10, Yes, you can have arms, just no hands.


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