Click pic for “America’s Prophet’s” website

Who could possibly guess that a psychic would be a fraud? Especially when he’s investing your life savings!

-The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has filed a civil suit against “America’s Prophet” Sean David Morton, alleging he lied about using his psychic expertise in investing more than $6 million from investors.

Morton, of Hermosa Beach Calif., solicited individuals over nationally syndicated radio broadcasts, public appearances and newsletters to put money into Delphi Associates Investment Group. He claimed his psychic ability would be used to invest in foreign currencies, the SEC said in a suit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

In one newsletter, the SEC quoted Morton as writing “I called ALL the highs and lows of the market, giving EXACT DATES for rises and crashes over the last 14 years.”
The SEC charges Sean David Morton invested “only about half of the funds” with the foreign-currency trades he had promised the money would be put into. Further, the SEC said, the Mortons used at least $240,000 of the funds for their own nonprofit religious organization, PRI.

Morton, 51 years old and known as “America’s Prophet,” appears on a nationally syndicated radio show, “Coast to Coast AM,” with an audience of nearly 3 million listeners, the SEC said. He also publishes the monthly newsletter The Delphi Associates Newsletter, a paid, subscription-only newsletter that the SEC said has about 20,000 subscribers.

  1. SparkyOne says:

    Hey, I know this guy! He is the new Social Security Czar, right?

  2. bobbo, just following the logic says:

    I suppose if I said “All psychics are frauds and such activities should be illegal–ie NOT “exclusively for entertainment purposes” the psychic crowd would call me out for:

    1. “Hating” psychics
    2. Not having any morals
    3. Trying to force my anti-psychic position on the rest of society
    4. Trying to eliminate psychics
    5. Denying this country was built by psychics

    and so forth.

    Heh, heh.

    Stoopid Psychics.

  3. Improbus says:

    Thank you for paying your stupidity tax … now, please move along.

  4. madtruckman says:

    actually, one morning i saw this guy on an old episode of ‘card sharks’ on game show network. he wasnt really psychic on that show either. i heard him on the radio show coast to coast am one night and thought id call in and ask him about it. when i got through to the screener, i was politely turned away… he talks a good game, and sometimes in life, thats really all you need….

  5. nospam says:

    Glad the SEC spent so much time and effort to pop this latter day Miss Cleo instead of stopping Bernie Madoff after Markopolis TWICE tried to get them to take action on ol Bernie.

    And don’t know about you guys, but I feel soooo much safer. Just cut all funding to the SEC and send everyone there home. It’s not like they are doing anything but hassling spoon benders.

  6. bac says:

    Bobbo made me think of this.

    Teach the controversy! Psychics were placed on earth by supreme beings from another universe. No evolving took place.

    Psychic theory should get equal time in the science class.

  7. Scott M. says:

    The fouth line on his banner is not shown. It should read, “Bullshit is King”.

  8. Rich says:

    Has Morton checked for Madoff’s hand up his arse? He should.

  9. amodedoma says:

    Hurray they got this little scumbag, now what about all those bankers investing in poisoned assets because they knew they were too big too fail.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    Psychics, ya gotta love ’em.

  11. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Just curious, how long was this guy doing this before the SEC noticed?

  12. admfubar says:

    ever notice that psychics have a phone number to call them…
    if they were really psychic they would be calling you, and you wouldnt have to give them your number ahead of time..

  13. hahahaha, I had the EXACT same idea… if he were *that* all-seeing, wouldn’t he have seen the SEC coming from a mile away? Oh well, obviously the guy was a hack.

    Still, the cat. Come on, you can’t make this stuff up.

  14. srgothard says:

    In Bible times, a prophet who had only one prophecy fail was given the death sentence. It fascinates me that people still listen to a psychic who is only occasionally wrong. 🙂


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