‘Atheist Agenda’ Group Starts ‘Smut for Smut’ Campaign – myFOXphoenix.com: It’s part of a campaign called ‘Smut for Smut’ sponsored by the student group, ‘Atheist Agenda.’
“We are comparing their religious text to pr0n..” says group member Carlos Morales.

Oh, brother…

  1. Zybch says:

    #39 Pity the rest of your faith doesn’t do the same.
    Deep down they ‘know’ that gays should be sent to hell, and they keep trying to make that happen themselves rather than let god sort us out later for sticking our peepees where he doesn’t think they belong, even though they fit quite nicely 🙂

  2. bac says:

    #61 — I do not know if Dean actually complained about christmas but I do know that most of the complaining is coming from so-called christrians.

    If a christrian says merry christmas to me, I will say happy holidays back. If the christrain gets upset then they should learn some tolerance. I do not think I should be forced into saying merry christmas just to please some intolerant christrians.

    There is no war on christmas in the eyes of athiest. Only christrians have problems with christmas.

  3. iamoneofmany says:

    the argument is moot all –
    it is a book that was and is written and EDITED (heavily) by man and men it was written when people were not granted great knowledge; such that the earth was round that we’re not the center of the universe; knowledge of the physics base elements i.e gold/hydrogen and so on including genetics in the same way we are so granted. people were .. hmm either educationally lacking (definitely illiterate for the poor and the majority) and even definable as per a batman like spoofery “a superstitious and cowardly lot”

    the book gave the MEN at the time POWER ! over the .. less intelligent or educated masses ; look at ancient temple statues many are actually devices that employ tricks of the eye combined with sciences of water and air pressure to fool the masses the book subjugates women , treats children as if they are disposable and replaceable (an amoral concept if none other) and some how indoctrinates people to a concept that anyone thats not white is inferior and not of the same value.

    humans cannot generally or seemingly handle concepts that deal with absolutes and loosely strung together parables that give powers to few. I ponder a time when we will grow beyond the tribal and primitive state and stop fearing a “non-corporeal” entity and start looking within and around to find the great mysteries of the universe as best as we can find ..

  4. qb says:

    #45 Loupe Garou said “Sounds like you are whistling past the graveyard.”

    So you’re saying the whole point of being born is just to die?

  5. Greg Allen says:

    I am so tired of this needless conflict between atheists and religion.

    It seems like some atheists felt left-out because of the cranky fundamentalist Christians and Muslims, so they started a fundamentalist wing of atheism.

  6. #61 – Dean Franz,

    @#57 …

    People, please put the name of the person to whom you’re responding. I don’t think you meant me on this one; you probably meant bobbo judging by your content.

    Numbers change when the editors approve something previously marked as spam. Please don’t expect them to remain constant.

  7. steelcobra says:

    #14: “I think you are confusing Christianity with the ravings of Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church that is neither Baptist, nor a church, but actually a tool of Satan to make unbelievers stay lost and give Christianity a bad name. And some nut that shot some guy.

    Jesus offers freedom from sin. You can accept Him or reject him.”

    Nice No True Scotsman fallacy there. They are as much christians as the San Franciscan Holy Erection church’s members. (Wouldn’t it rock if that church does exist?)

    #66: We just don’t like getting shut out of a debate where the biggest players are three people fighting over a shitty city in the desert, where it makes as much sense as killing a guy because his great-great-grandfather killed your great-great-uncle.

  8. #66 – Greg Allen,

    It seems like some atheists felt left-out because of the cranky fundamentalist Christians and Muslims, so they started a fundamentalist wing of atheism.

    Nope. Sorry. Antitheism is what you’re discussing. It started partly in response to all of the violence and evil inherent in religion and partly as defense against those who ram religion down our throat.

    All over the country, religious fundamentalists (I know, not the majority of religious folk) are trying to ban teaching of evolution.

    All of our money now has the divisive “In God We Trust” godvertisement on it instead of the unifying “E. Pluribus Unum” (out of many, one). This started around 1956.

    Our pledge of allegiance now has a godvertisement in that as well that also came into being during McCarthyism, in 1954.

    Texas, the single largest determinant of what will be in text books, has been pushing a religious agenda to rewrite history to state that the U.S. has always been a Christian nation. This is bullshit. And, it’s going to pass because the fundies are fanatical about it.

    So, yes, some atheists such as myself, have gone over to being antitheists in self-defense. This is most common among those who call themselves “recovering Christians”. This does not describe me. Instead, I’ve been beaten up as a child for being of the wrong faith. I can only imagine what the result would have been had I then been an atheist rather than merely a “Jew-bastard”.

    At age two, a neighbor’s kid called my sister a Christ-killer. What the frack are you religious folk drilling into kids’ heads at birth??!!? This was not a fundamentalist in the bible belt, but a mainstream Catholic in a suburb of New York. (Her response was classic: “What’s a Christ?”)

    So, for those who think that sectarian means something other than dividing people into sects of Us and Them and spreading hatred, show me the evidence. I’m not seeing it.

    I’m not even seeing it on this thread.

    Dr. Dodd in post #27 has already implied that I’m going to burn in hell for eternity because his god who loves me so much can’t forgive my atheist views. How much more can he hate me than wanting me to burn in hell with gnashing of teeth at the hand of his benevolent god.

    Dr. Dodd? Care to comment on how much your Christian love is going to do for me in hell? Or, would you like to reinterpret your post #27 to backpeddle and try to claim that you didn’t imply that, but I merely inferred it. I think most readers will make the correct interpretation of your words.

  9. Greg Allen says:

    Misanthropic Scott,

    You think atheists are immune from the current trend of fundamentalism sweeping the world?

    Nope. Sorry!

    This new breed of atheist supremacists are as absolutist, aggressive and eliminationist as the religious fundamentalists.

  10. steelcobra says:

    #70: What a horrible thing, for the whole world to use reason and good values instead of religion decide what to do! [/sarcasm]

    Ya know, just like how the founding father REALLY wanted things to be like.

    “Evil men will do evil, but it takes religion to make a good man do evil.”

  11. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Scott: “Whats a Christ?”/// That is a classic, thanks for sharing. I remember being a kiddie in class and the girl behind me said “I’m a Jew.” and I said “So what?” and she got insulted. I too had to go home and ask my parents what a Jew was.

    Greg Allen: more projection, really, of a very obscene kind. “This new breed of atheist supremacists are as absolutist, aggressive and eliminationist as the religious fundamentalists.”—Care to show any evidence of this beyond the fact that YOU feel threatened when other people exercise their rights to be free of YOUR nonsense?

    I can’t even by that YOU are being oppressed when some “activist” group wants “In God we Trust” taken off our money, but to ratchet it up from their to such ideas being “eliminationist” is a sign of the basic mental illness that all religion is. You are well down the slippery slope. Reverse course to sanity if there is any desire at all to actually practice that christian charity you like to flap jaw about.

  12. #70 – Greg Allen,

    This new breed of atheist supremacists are as absolutist, aggressive and eliminationist as the religious fundamentalists.

    Well, I think you probably mean me in this, so …

    Eliminationist? Sorry, I won’t wear that moniker. I’m not even sure what it means. I’m not really absolutist either. I just think religion, like politics can and should be discussed, even if the discussion gets heated. I am aggressive. But then, I’m pretty radical and aggressive on a lot of subjects.

    But, I refuse to believe religion is, dare I say it, sacrosanct. So, I will continue to discuss exactly why I feel the way I do about religion complete with logic, bible quotes that show how silly religion is, and historical and current religion-induced violence.

    Your religion has physically harmed me and discriminates against me, often with my own money. That is not OK.

  13. #72 – bobbo,

    I too had to go home and ask my parents what a Jew was.

    A Jew can be a lot of things. I’m an antitheist and oppose the entire Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion in all of its sects. And yet, there are people who hate me, some of whom want me dead, because my parents are Jewish.

    That is what it means to be “chosen”, chosen to always be the butt of the joke for a god who is into practical jokes of the worst sort.

    Here’s a great line from Fiddler On The Roof, from the character Tevye on finding out from a “friend” who is a Cossack that there will be a progrom tomorrow. “God, I know we are your chosen people. But, just once, couldn’t you choose someone else?”

  14. Dr Dodd says:

    #74-Misanthropic Scott-there are people who hate me, some of whom want me dead, because my parents are Jewish.

    Maybe it’s not that you are Jewish but that you sometimes act like a total ass.

    Just something to think about.

  15. #75 – Dr. Dodd,

    A) I’m talking about people who don’t even know me.
    B) The violence I personally experienced was when I was a shy kid and didn’t speak my mind.

    Just a thought, but perhaps you are failing to look at the real results of your own religion. Perhaps you’re in denial.

    BTW, how would you describe your own actions as of the time that you suggested that your wonderful god would send me to hell for my beliefs, even if I did no harm to anyone and even if I commit no sin other than non-belief?

  16. Dr Dodd says:

    #75-Misanthropic Scott-perhaps you are failing to look at the real results of your own religion.

    Not in every instance, but on the most part Christians are the best friends the Jewish people have. Not because you are such wonderful people but because it is what God wishes.

    >>how would you describe your own actions as of the time that you suggested that your wonderful god would send me to hell for my beliefs.

    I don’t make the rules… I just understand the game.

  17. #77 – Dr. Dodd,

    So, let me get this straight. I’ve been beaten up by my best friend for being Jewish? Interesting take on things.

    And, you think that a god who is literally infinitely unforgiving to those who are good and decent people but merely don’t believe the existence of said god who also refuses to prove his/her/its own existence just to keep us in suspense is a god worthy of your worship?

    Shit. If I die and find out such a vicious bastard of a creator really does exist, I’m going to do my best to get in one good shot before I get zapped for eternity. I’ll punch that mean vindictive tantrum throwing practical joking god in the nose.

    But, for me personally, I’ll say this. If you’re capable of belief in and worship of such a god, I’ll be thrilled not to be spending eternity with you. Damn that is one psychotic set of beliefs you’ve got.

    All I can say is that even when I was agnostic, I always said that if god did exist, s/he would judge us on something far more important than how well we sing praise to his/her name.

    Apparently, you don’t agree.

    This belief of yours that an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-benevolent deity actually wants the saccharin adoration of his subjects and becomes petulant if s/he does not receive it does little to show either your own intelligence, your own compassion, or your own judgment.

  18. Dr Dodd says:

    #78-Misanthropic Scott-If you’re capable of belief in and worship of such a god, I’ll be thrilled not to be spending eternity with you.

    Well cry me a river you whiny little baby. What makes you think you are so special that everything should revolve around you?

    If you would use your head for thinking instead of playing the poor little me game you might see past your own insecurity.

    Everybody has problems. Man-up dude!

  19. bobbo, just following the logic says:

    Heh, heh.

    Dr Dooty Pants shows the worst of his true beliefs.

    Amusing if it weren’t so hateful, and as always, hypocritical. And to that end Dr. D I do hope your are completely in the mold of being hypocritical in your beliefs–saying one thing–doing something else. Its the only way you could be a half decent person.

    Or maybe you just got caught up in a reverie of some kind? Speaking in tongues?

    Religious types can be tolerated until they form groups===which they tend to do to the worlds injury and the basic precepts they say they go by.

    IOW–Dobbs, I can see you having a “flash” of the emotions you express, and I can even see typing them on a blog, but I can’t see anyone actually posting them and then amplifying them.

    A Challenge to you: copy this thread and take it to your local mental health counselor. Get some third party intervention.

  20. fred says:

    #79: Dr Dodd

    “Well cry me a river you whiny little baby. What makes you think you are so special that everything should revolve around you?”

    What a wonderful example of the tolerance that makes Christianity so attractive to non-believers.

    I am sure that Jesus would have expressed himself in exactly those terms.

  21. #79 – Dr Dodd,

    … you might see past your own insecurity.

    My insecurity??!!? That’s a good one coming from someone who believes that the supreme being, creator of the universe, needs the external validation of the sycophantic adoration of those he created.

    Explain this to me, and try a little logic this time instead of platitudes with no relation to anything I’ve said.

    Why would the supreme eternal being who is all knowing and therefore already knows the outcome of everything bother to actually create the physical universe instead of merely thinking about it, knowing the outcome, and determining that his knowledge of all eternity was good enough?

    Why create the physical thing?

    Logic please, you know logic, right? It’s the stuff you’ve failed to use in every single post on this thread thus far. You believe god gave you your brain. You must think there was some purpose for it beyond mere blind obedience.

    So, why did god bother to create the physical universe when he already knew exactly in minute detail what the outcome would be?

  22. Dr Dodd says:

    #80-boobo-(Amusing if it weren’t so hateful, and as always, hypocritical.)

    Is insults all you can manage? Maybe you can dust off the little gray cells and tell me where what I said is wrong?

    Perhaps I ask too much or the impossible.

    #81-fred-(What a wonderful example of the tolerance that makes Christianity so attractive to non-believers.)

    You have a great economy of thought. I bet you never miss Oprah.

    #82-Misanthropic Scott-(coming from someone who believes that the supreme being, creator of the universe, needs the external validation of the sycophantic adoration of those he created.)

    You have this uncanny ability to come up with silly ideas then claim they are mine then argue against them.

    This is no way to have a conversation.

  23. bobbo, forgive them lord, they have eyes but cannot see says:

    Dr Dodd–do you not understand what a hypocrite is? Thats someone LIKE YOU who claims one thing but acts in another way.

    Now, indeed, it may be “insulting” to be called a hypocrit but THE BASIS for that charge was included and that should be the “fact dispute” that you or I have wrong.

    You claim to be a Christian, yet you show “no love” towards Scott. It would have been sufficient to disagree with Scott but you went to the personal. “I” can do that without being a hypocrit because I make no claim about loving my fellow man.

    Too easy if you simply default to the “I’m not perfect” defense==THATS THE WHOLE POINT. YOU aren’t perfect, but further, you don’t even try to live up to it, to learn from it, to become a better person or to change what you think you believe in the failure to do so.

    Scott also got a learning lesson. While he probably did not take terrible personal offense, having been the victim of such christian love for much of his life, still==its what we open ourselves up to when we offer any personal information on a blog. I avoid it not because I can be injured, I just don’t want the distraction from the point at hand.

    You do this when you claim the “I”m a Christian” malarkey. You could make your point without that personal info, but you choose to include it==as a badge of honor of some sort I assume.

    A badge you haven’t earned as demonstrated in this thread.

    Scott–yea, the problem of evil in a universe knowingly created by the all good god. “He knows” but it is still our free will and “we” can still be punished for the universe god made. Again—the christian god, the most evil sack of shit ever created. The Dr D’s of the world are not surprising.

  24. fred says:

    #83: Dr Dodd

    “I bet you never miss Oprah.”
    I’m sorry to disappoint you but you are wrong. I don’t even know what Oprah is. Whatever it is, I have neither seen nor heard it.

    “You have a great economy of thought.”
    I shall take that as a compliment, rather than the insult that I am sure you intended.

    Since my heavy sarcasm appears to have passed you by, maybe I should be a little more explicit in my views.

    Although I personally oscillate between agnosticism and atheism, I find the moral principles apparently expressed by Jesus in the new testament to be admirable and I’m sure that most humanists, of whatever flavor, would agree with me – whether Jesus actually existed or not is another question.

    What upsets me, and apparently others on this thread, is the disparity between the ideas of love and tolerance expressed by Jesus and the words and actions of too many of those who pretend to be his followers.

    To summarize my opinion of religion, I can do no better than to quote Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary:-

    “RELIGION, n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable.”

  25. #83 – Dr Dodd,

    #80-boobo-(Amusing if it weren’t so hateful, and as always, hypocritical.)

    Is insults all you can manage?

    Considering your comments to me, you should not be deriding anyone for being insulting to you.

    You have this uncanny ability to come up with silly ideas then claim they are mine then argue against them.

    This is no way to have a conversation.

    OK. So, once again, way back to your own post to me, #27, tell me in your own words what you meant by this:

    you lost and don’t even know it.

    Did you mean that I’m going to hell? If so, did you not mean for not being a sycophant to your god? What exactly Dodd you mean by this? Be clear. Be specific.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:



    Hell can’t all that bad a place. So many people keep suggesting I visit it.

  27. Greg Allen says:

    >> Misanthropic Scott said,
    >> Eliminationist? Sorry, I won’t wear that moniker.

    No need to keep apologizing. I may not be talking about you.

    The atheist eliminationists are the ones who say crap like, “Religion needs to end for society to progress.” or “Religion is the biggest killer in the world. It should be outlawed.” etc.

    You need to look no further than this blog to find these eliminationists.

    Don’t get me wrong. I am by NO MEANS saying that atheists are the only eliminationists or even the worst of them (now that communism is mostly history).

    I am saying some atheists are just another wing of the fundamentalist phenomenon that is overtaking the globe.

    This may or may not be you.

  28. #88 – Greg,

    I don’t personally recall ever seeing such phrases on this site. I’m about as antitheist as anyone here. And, even I think the way to end religion is education and persuasion, never force. I also believe we should voluntarily choose extinction by attrition or at a minimum dramatically reduced numbers of humans. Unfortunately, for most complex life on this planet, neither of these is likely to happen.

  29. #87 – Mr. Fusion,

    If heaven is full of most of the people who are so sure that they and only those who believe exactly as they do are going there (e.g. born-agains), that would be hell enough for me.

    Either way though, I expect the afterlife to be just like the beforebirth. As I was for the first 13.73 billion years (minus my age), so I expect to be until the universe dies a cold entropy death (or big rip, though I’m not sure how different those two would be, one just arrives faster, IMVHO).

  30. Dr Dodd says:

    #89-Misanthropic Scott- I think the way to end religion is education and persuasion.

    Typical liberal.


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