‘Atheist Agenda’ Group Starts ‘Smut for Smut’ Campaign – myFOXphoenix.com: It’s part of a campaign called ‘Smut for Smut’ sponsored by the student group, ‘Atheist Agenda.’
“We are comparing their religious text to pr0n..” says group member Carlos Morales.
Oh, brother…
#30-bobbo-“Thou shalt not blog in an ugly way.”
You obviously meant that comment for Misanthropic Scott in reference to his brazen display of arrogance.
Live long and prosper.
#30: bobbo
“bobbo, its turtles all the way down said”
Come on – you can do better than that.
It’s “it’s”, not “its”.
Please try to get a grip 🙂
#31 – Dr Dodd,
Arrogance for quoting scripture to prove to the morans who don’t read it but think they believe it that it is a crock of shit?
OK. Then I’m arrogant for using your own scripture to show you how ridiculous it is.
That story of Lot above … keep in mind, he was the one god thought worthy of salvation from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Selling his daughters into sexual slavery … burn MF … or should I say DF?
What kind of a god would save that scumbucket?
No Dr D==just another example of a faith that cannot be followed. It requires too much==again unlike the Greeks, Romans etc. THOSE gods let people follow them. YOUR god does not. Look at a woman?===thats a sin.
Guilt, guilt, GUILT. The only thing that keeps the religion going is a HUGE DOSE OF HYPOCRISY.
Catholics running homo sex services? Its hypocrisy.
Right to Lifer’s killing doctors IN FREAKING CHURCH===Its hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy because the religion is inhumane.
“Thats why I love mankind, they really need me!” ((Randy Neuman))
Think about it.
#34: bobbo
“Its hypocrisy”
You’ve done it again.
Will you never learn?
fred–really? If you track my postings at all, the lack of punctuations is the least of my crimes.
Dr Dodd will confirm its what I’m saying that contains the most deficiencies. Sometimes, even I don’t understand what I meant to say.
In this case however it was tits all the way down and turtles got inserted by my fingers, not me. A miracle if you will.
ha ha! Dr D==you do have a good sense of humor.
#36: bobbo
It’s (sic) all right. I’m only pulling your leg!
However, the concept of tits all the way down has to be considered seriously. A miracle indeed.
#37 Zybch said, “as soon as the ‘real’ religions stand up and condemn Phelps and his inbred kin instead of turning the other way because they tacitly approve, then I might think differently.”
I do stand against Phelps and his inbred kin. The preacher at the church I went to before I moved condemned Phelps from the pulpit.
The Phelps folks tend to protest Christian churches as well as military funerals and homosexuals. The also must hate cigarette smoking since they have a domain name called GodHatesFags.
I know Christians are supposed to love their enemies, but I hate Fred Phelps and his entire congregation/inbred relatives. I hope some car loses control accidentally and wipes out a whole group of their protesters.
Is that condemnation enough?
#38 – fred,
However, the concept of tits all the way down has to be considered seriously. A miracle indeed.
It would certainly make for a soft landing in the afterlife. Too bad I don’t believe in one.
BTW, since you’ve been correcting bobho, isn’t it technically correct to spell it teats and pronounce it tits? Heinlein always said so.
Hmm… Seems there’s some discrepancy in the dictionaries on the preferred pronunciation of teat.
However, some dictionaries don’t even acknowledge the spelling tit for breast. One that does acknowledges it as slang.
So, I’m sticking with teats. Little birds interest me a lot as a birder, but not in the same way as teats.
fred–I wouldn’t have commented at all, but I thought of tits. I always get dizzy when that happens.
#39 – Benjamin,
Is that condemnation enough?
Good enough for me.
Note to All: Atheists are not anti-Christian, we love everybody. We just want you all to understand your religion is nothing but ignorant superstition invented by savages trying to make sense out of what they saw in the world. From the Greek pantheon through the Norse Gods right up to the Bahai and Muslim faiths it is all lies and bullshit.
Atheists are good citizens because they want to be, not because they fear eternal damnation by an imaginary creature invented by people who could not read and write. We know our lives are better because we are good people who don’t bring trouble into our lives by knowing we can misbehave and be forgiven by an imaginary being, and again, not because we are under threat.
Modern religion is more politics than the teachings of the prophets and scriptures. Churches only solicit money, and often your children aren’t safe with them, and they don’t help anybody but themselves – just like my congressman.
Yay for freedom from religion. Preserve the Constitution!
Nice to see all engaged in their favorite pastime, trashing religion. Polishing that sophisticated razor wit, bibble Har! Pretending to be intellectuals by using third grade humor. Wheres all that tolerance and valuing of diversity?
Sounds like you are whistling past the graveyard.
#40: Scott
“BTW, since you’ve been correcting bobho, isn’t it technically correct to spell it teats and pronounce it tits?”
Yeah, sure – you’re right of course.
In my defense (or defence, depending on which side of the pond):
a. I was merely quoting bobbo verbatim.
b. I thought that I would try to lighten up the discussion, which I thought was getting a little heavy.
“As strange as it sounds there are some claims you just know to be true no matter if you can physically prove it or not.”
That is a symptom of senility, please seek help before it’s too late.
#45 – fred,
I thought that I would try to lighten up the discussion, which I thought was getting a little heavy.
I resemble that remark.
fred–I’m a “ho” now? But seriously, you thought the discussion was “heavy?” Actually engaging the brain? A rarity.
The normal model, a la Loupe, Dr D, Benji, et al is to go ad hominem or total smugness.
Yes, either you are “on your knees in deep prayer” or you hate/fear/disrespect/trash the religion “and surely will suffer for it.”
Rarely does the religious type EVER actually engage the issue(s) raised. Lets take this thread for instance. ((Forgot myself, so now have to look it up.)) OK–trading bibles for pron. OH!!!! I made the first post. How quickly time flies. Gee==its a pretty good post to. I’ll amplify.
“True”/not silly religion must be found in the private relationship between the believer and his god? Yes? Faith based on some holy scripture really is all about the politics/pervesion of religion/god-relationships. Just like porn is a perversion of a healthy sexual relationship. Not that bits and pieces of the good and the bad aren’t all over the place.
Any discussion of why focusing on words written by man is “silly?”—Nope. If I were of a religious turn of debate, I might ask: why do all you religious type HATE discussing your religions outside of exchanging dogmas? You see the pushing a valid argument to the very extreme? ((I know that you do!))
Hypocrisy as the basis of all religious conformity?===Not a bite.
We all are really satisfied with our terminal decisions aren’t we. heh, heh.
Stoopid hoomans.
Yeah, this sounds like the type of thing that gets done in college… Certainly such grandstanding is good for grabbing headlines and attention…
#43 – Micromike,
While what you say about atheists is true. Today, my comments are in my role as an antitheist. And, much like Christians who “hate the sin but love the sinner”, I am not anti-Christian or even anti-Judeo-Christian-Islamic, but am opposed to the religions themselves, not the followers. Were that not the case, I would not bother to point out the silliness of religion to the religious in hopes of turning them away from what I view as a hugely divisive and negative force in the world today.
Divisive? Yes. Well, isn’t that the definition of sectarian? To divide us into sects.
#49 – Thinker,
Perhaps. But, did it get you to think? Did the grandstanding cause you to invoke your blog moniker and consider whether the bible really might be considered pr0n? Did you think so already?
Dang. I can’t believe I didn’t think to post this image earlier. It’s perfect for this thread. I’d almost forgotten about it.
#52: Scott
Thanks for that image reference.
Quite the most succinct and accurate description of the contents of the bible that I have ever read.
#52 “Dang. I can’t believe I didn’t think to post this image earlier. It’s perfect for this thread. I’d almost forgotten about it.
Can you make a Koran version of this picture?
As a student who is currently attending UTSA, and also speaking as an Atheist who has willfully disassociated from Atheist Agenda ever since I heard of them, I can say from personal experience that this group (AA) is just a bunch of idiots/jerks who only cause trouble amongst the student body and do nothing positive or constructive. They don’t even try to give Atheism a good name. It’s kinda sad.
…and on a side note, I’m really getting ticked off at people blogging now, saying how Atheists all have the belief that “God doesn’t exist and everyone must know it!” I personally believe that the point of Atheism is more about living without God, not taking every chance you get at denying/devaluing God. We, like-minded Atheists such as myself, don’t care if *YOU* believe or not, just don’t force the rest of us to. Give us the choice to not believe.
#54 – Benjamin,
I think the same label might apply. I haven’t read any of the Koran, so can’t be sure. As far as I can tell though, there isn’t much difference.
The Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion is basically the same and singular from where I sit. The minor differences between the various sub-sects don’t amount to much.
I mean, really, what are the big differences? Islam is monotheism from its first commandment. Judaism and Christianity acknowledge the existence of other gods but forbid their worship prior to Yahweh. Christianity adds Hell and a second explicitly named god Satan who must not be worshiped even after the one with multiple personality disorder. Does Islam have hell too? I’m not even sure. Catholicism in particular has a whole cadre of minor deities in addition to the big two.
Other than that, they all forbid killing … of Us … but allow/require killing of Them. Most sects have a concept of a heaven to go to, though the Jewish religion is a bit unclear on the subject.
Jews and Muslims both agree that they’re descended from a common paternal figure Abraham, though they are still in dispute about his last will and testament.
So, just how different are these things?
I’m getting pretty ticked off too. Imagine responding to a thread about exchanging porn for bibles and having it devolve into a discussion about whether or not god exists, the proper role of religion in society, the relationship of dogma to human charity and what not.
Is that taking “every opportunity?” Why would religious talk on a religious thread be comment worthy?
Speaking of extraneous irrelevant issues being introduced, I don’t see any of the religious types, or even the atheist types, trying to “force their opinions” on anyone unless you think voicing ones own opinion is forcing an issue.
What a massive amount of projection going on?
fred: ”””’ put them where you will, and yes, I’m forcing my punctuation rules on you.
#55 Dean Franz
I thoroughly agree with your second paragraph, which I found very well expressed.
It reinforces the point that missionaries (in the broadest sense of the word), whether of religion. atheism or anything else, are something of a damned nuisance, incapable of considering any point of view but their own.
#55-Dean Franz-We, like-minded Atheists such as myself, don’t care if *YOU* believe or not, just don’t force the rest of us to. Give us the choice to not believe.
Sounds reasonable. God provides the gift of freewill for you to believe or not, so who among us should take that freedom away from you?
The only thing I would ask is stop whining about Christmas and Easter and leave it to those who would like to be respectful of the real meaning.
Your powers of deduction are astoundingly bad if you got that as the point…I was talking about the misconception of Atheism, not whether or not God exists. Maybe you’d like to read that post again before going off on your anti-anything-religious soap box.