The view, of course – coming from a Fortune magazine survey – is defined by other businessmen.
Which companies have the best reputations? Apple tops the list for the third year in a row. Who else made the top 50 this year?
Apple, Google, Berkshire Hathaway, Johnson & Johnson, Amazon.com
If you’d like to see the whole list, look over here.
And here’s how they ran the survey.
Why did this catch my eye? Think back a decade. Did you ever think 3 of the Top 5 most admired companies would come from the world of high tech?
My friends admire my company. That is when they can get a hold of me. I am the world’s most fascinating man.
I think Satan works in the Apple PR department. That would explain everything.
What’s not to like about Apple?
iconic brand, great products, $40B in the bank, profitable and people who use their products are cool.
So how does the country rebuild its wealth with all these companies, either service organaiztions or their products are manufactured off shore?
Forty years ago the most admired companies actually built their wealth and products in the US.
#3. Not to mention their use of underage child labor…very admirable.
I use three out of five of those companies products each day! The rest maybe once a month.
@Dallas, I agree with you. Where is pedro to put down everyone who thinks highly of Apple?
“3 of top 5 admired corporations are high tech”
Yawn. Computer tech industry people are so self-absorbed. In other news:
“Bishop tells people to give up their ipods for Lent.”
– Oh, and that’s news? What did you expect, give up your phonographs?
Seen on Buzz Out Loud couple of years ago:
“The Queen of England is a modern woman: she plays video games with her grandchildren.”
– No kidding! I thought they all rode wooden horses in the garden.
“I was in the gym the other day and saw an elderly woman using an ipod/cell phone/other gadget on the treadmill next to me.”
– Yes, her valve radio must have been in the repair shop so she had to make do with the next best thing.
“Think back a decade.”
– Oh no! Don’t tell me that things change in 10 years. Why didn’t anybody tell me that before!
Geez, IT people will use ANYTHING to get a little attention. John should make fun of this kind of no-news tech news instead of obsessing over the so-called “redundancy” that seems to bother him so much.
How ironic to see this after I made my first post in a while about Apple today. You have to have no standards of ethics in corporate behavior to like Apple. They are the worst company in America.
Wow, classic Apple logo. I wonder if I can still order a Mac SE/30?
“The Most Admired list is the definitive report card on corporate reputations.”
“the Hay Group asked 4,170 executives, directors, and securities analysts who responded to the industry surveys to select the 10 companies they admired most.”
The claim of “world’s most admired” is misleading, and if you read the article, the selection of qualifying companies is highly biased with U.S. based firms.
#7 Pedro is a closet Apple admirer.
He only disses them because he can’t buy Apple products in his village and people will still make fun of him if he did.
#5 You do realize that Apple found the under aged workers when auditing there partners factories. They do this periodically and penalize these manufacturers.
I would connect Apple with snobs rather than child labor. This looks more like a list of companies people have heard of.
Wal-Mart and Goldman in the top 10 (or on the list at all)? Really??? That any of the big banks are on here is silly.
Honda and UPS should have scored better. Amazon takes first place without breaking a sweat.
Maybe one in ten of these companies are places I’d care to work. A completely different approach to “most admired.”