1. smartalix says:

    I’m still not sure if Fox (and the right who it seems to speak for) is badly disingenuous, or just plain stupid.

  2. Mikey Twit says:

    #1 smartalix

    To quote Grampa Simpson
    “A Little from column A, a little from column B”

  3. nyc2malibu says:

    Fox news tool’s of the RNC & Big Biz , so tiresome the same talking points always , so good to see Rep Weiner shut them up on all points.

    No they aren’t stupid just look that way.

  4. On the plus side of things, we have a representative in congress making very good points and fighting the good fight for all of our benefit. Let’s hope he can get some traction on this.

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    “Congressman, there’s this thing called history.”

    I’d love to know what he really wanted to tell that stupid idiot at this point.

    I like to call that show Dumb, Dumber, and Dumberer.

  6. qb says:

    Ouch, uber pwnage.

  7. Alf says:


    Your response is disjointed and ultimately doesn’t say anything other than perhaps a bit of condescension.

    “Congressman, there’s this thing called history.” is a statement that both sides of the debate use so your use of it is not a game changer.

    Try again but more clearly.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alf, Gretchen’s condescension was so thick Weiner should have cut it in half and beat her over the head with it. I realize that most of her guests are necessarily idiots and fellow talking point regurgitators, but speaking to a congressman like that is always inappropriate.

  9. freddybobs68k says:

    Wow. Someone who can engage their brain and put together a coherent argument together.

    I’d complain that he was a bit shouty – but I guessed he learned that from the Fox interview style.

    Now I can just hope he goes shouty all over Obama.

  10. J says:

    Those people are simply no match for him. It was like watching seals getting clubbed.

  11. Jmrouse says:

    I’m a fan of a public OPTION too. Shouldn’t be mandated, but it should be available.

    He really destroyed the FNC talking heads. I would love to see him debate someone with an actual head on their shoulders.

  12. Knightheat says:

    Fox News guys were so stupid. Why didn’t they bring up the fact that tons of new federal employees with their new government benefits will be more expensive than the insurance companies trying to squeeze every dime of profit from a company by paying low wages and firing the unproductive. Why didn’t they bring up the fact that Congress, under political pressure, will just add benefits and increase government spending causing more deficits because they never met a voter they could say no to. Why didn’t they bring up the fact that the Constitution does not give Congress the ability to make a “living tax” where if you are breathing then you must pay for healthcare or be fined or arrested. I agree those Fox peeps were useless except for the Republican talking points.

  13. Jmrouse says:

    #12 you are right that the plan he proposed is not perfect and there are issues like the comp A/B you mentioned.

    So what? It’s not perfect, but it will be a better system all around then we have now. NO ONE in the USA should go without medical care. We are the richest country in the world. The fact that far less well off countries manage to take care of all their citizens and we don’t is a disgrace.

    Get a public option passed NOW and work out all the details and issues as they come. No plan is perfect from day one and it will take time to get it 100% right.

  14. #12 – Animby,

    You’re right about the advantage to company B. But, don’t worry. Here in the U.S., company A will simply close it’s doors for about 12 nanoseconds, reopen with a new name, and drop their coverage.

    As for the public option, given about the same 12 nanoseconds, I’d jump on it immediately. These thieving denial of health care companies must be put out of business immediately. They’re all competing to see who can suck worst and still give the highest salary to the CEO.

  15. bobbo, keeping the truth as a touchstone says:

    #12–Animby==for the status quo huh? OF COURSE the current plan is shite for a number of reasons but c’mon===NOTHING IS AS BAD AS WHAT WE GOT, AND WHATS COMING DOWN THE ROAD. 79 Percent Premium Increase in one year? Theres a plan everyone can get behind.

    It is simply foolish or dishonest to compare this plan to “perfect” or what makes more sense when that is not the choice in front of us.

    Its a bad plan, better than what we have or will get without a bad plan to break the egg. Omelet to follow.

  16. bobbo, keeping the truth as a touchstone says:

    I caught the last 10 secs of a clip this last night wherein Weiner was telling Faux News that “they were liars” and Ducey threatened ((yes, jokingly–but in fact thats all he is capable of, empty threats that is)) to put him in a head lock because the 3 idiots could not out debate him.

    What lie they yelled.

    And Weiner said the number of times Fox pushed the notion of their being a death panel.

    I’d like to see THAT clip.

  17. angry says:


    Lulz…you said thick Weiner!

  18. stopher2475 says:

    They say it’s 17% of the economy. Isn’t that the problem? If you get the cost down it’s less of a percentage of the economy.

  19. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Weiner’s point is spot on…do you want an accountable agency handling our money or an unaccountable and arbitrarily operated profit-motivated corp?

  20. Knightheat says:

    #20 is right. Why should I be out trying to live my life making a profit? I should let the government tell me what to do and give me a place to live, food, and shelter in return. Wanting more than that is just GREED. Right on #20!

  21. Floyd says:

    Representative Anthony Weiner, meet Senator Al Franken.
    Sen. Franken, meet Rep. Weiner.

    If the two of them could get together and look at the real situation in health care, we just might be able to get a bill drafted for a good health care system.

  22. J says:

    It’s not about profit or greed it is about excessive profit and excessive greed at the cost of peoples lives.

    What all the dipshits on the right don’t seem to realize is that they are already paying for all those that don’t have health care. Just because it isn’t in the form of a “tax” doesn’t mean it isn’t costing you just as much or more. Why not insure them and let them get primary care so that they don’t end up at the emergency room where it cost 100x what it would have if they had instead treated their illness at the early stages. If you are a conservative and looking to lower costs you should be in favor of the public option and health care reform.

    The same goes for education and prison. It is much cheaper to spend more money educating someone all the way up to a PhD. than it is to keep them in prison for 20 years because they decided to earn a living the only way they know how.

  23. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    FOX News dumbasses. Even at three to one they couldn’t keep up.
    BTW, isn’t Anthony one of Jon Stewart’s childhood friends?

  24. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #21, You sum up the insurance industry position well…insurance company profits are far more important to most US citizens than reasonably-priced health care.


    While I’m just as much about profits as any Republican, applying that to certain essential industries is asinine.

  25. Animby says:

    Bobbo – I am not necessarily for the status quo. In fact, I have, in previous entries here, expressed my vision of how to fix the health care problem. One thing you need to remember is that NO ONE in the US is without health care. Show up at the emergency room and you WILL be cared for. Maybe not quickly and certainly not to the highest levels. What is lacking however, is the financial assistance to pay for the care. Before I went to medical school, I worked for a county hospital in Arizona. We were one of the best hospitals in the State and we were supported by the taxes of the local people as well as federal funds for medicare and medicaid. Patients’ incomes were verified and they were assigned a payment plan on a sliding scale. It was a teaching hospital so there was a lot of slave labor in the physician staff. Hey! I ended up as slave labor at Cedars-Sinai for a while. And later at Lenox Hill. It happens. And you can’t imagine how nice it is when you’re 30 hours into a 36 hour shift and some rich, ancient Manhattan diva comes in and demands your undivided attention.

    Anyway, I just wanted to state I am NOT for the status quo. I just think there are better ways to handle the problem and that might not bankrupt our country. And I have a four year old granddaughter: I like to dream she will someday see the US not a debtor nation. Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s one o’clock in the morning where I live and I have no idea why I’m screwing around on the internet.I gotta be up at 4:30!!!

  26. chmilar says:

    Rep. Weiner gives a good example of how easy it is to pwn the Fox News Droids.

    First, he knows they cannot do much beyond repeating the Fox News Talking Points. Second, he learns the Fox News Talking Points. Finally, he makes sure he has good rebuttal to each Talking Point.

    You can see him listening to how each Talking Point is spun out to him, and then he simply has to present his rebuttal, adjusted slightly to address the spin on the Talking Point.

    The only difficult part is to stay calm and assured, while also making sure not to be shouted down or bullied. And he does that very well!

  27. Loupe Garou says:

    Bitch and cry all you want to but wait until the end of the year and I guarantee you will still NOT have a public option. We will see who wins that debate.

  28. Jmrouse says:

    #26, so you are under the impression that all health care should be/is dealt with at a hospital level? Was about preventive care? What about someone with diabetes that needs long term health treatment and consultation? Regular doctor visits. Things a hospital is not and should not be taxed with providing. It’s ignorant to say this is a solution and means that we provide healthcare for everyone already.

  29. ECA says:

    and why dont we Shoot the stock market in the FOOT and watch it bleed to death.
    Corps dont NEED the Stock market, they shouldnt USE the stock market.
    Stock market= Long term LOAN that you pay back in PENNIES, and never pay off.

  30. MikeN says:

    So how much are insurance company profits, and how much is spent on Medicare?


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