• Apple iPhone WiFi finders banned from app store.
  • Apple looking for a long battle with HTC.
  • MSFT secret phone going to Verizon.
  • Methane threatens the world.
  • Dinosaur extinction linked to crater.
  • Sony comes up with PSP phone. Cripes.
  • White House Cyber Czar says there is no Cyberwar. OK, whatever.
  • Gartner sees huge PC sales coming.
  • Where will Google go?
  • How much is Microsoft going to spend on research. You will not believe it.

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  1. deowll says:

    Jobs treats his customers like property. If they are willing to take being walked on why should I care?

    If John is right and this is proxy war between Apple and Google then there is only one sure winner. The lawyers.

    Anyone that claims that 90% of climatologist supports either side is a lier.

    Methane could be a major problem but this stuff has always been leaking and I’m not interested in hearing more alarmist twaddle. Some hard fact, data based research that shows something new is happening would be different but there hasn’t been a lot of that coming from alarmist climatologist for a long time: “You want to know how I came up with those numbers? I used my data. No you can not see my data. That is privileged information. Okay, so I lost it what difference does that make? You can trust me.”

    They are right I can decide to trust them but that is a religious thing. Science isn’t based on trust. Science is based on proof. On the evidence and what can be demonstrated. To Hades with trust.

    There is no cyber war. Everybody is at great pains to say they aren’t doing anything. However no matter how good you are there is still a chance that somebody somewhere is going to get access to your data and rip you a new one.

  2. sargasso says:

    “Gartner see huge PC sales coming”, as they have always been correct and proper in their predictions previously.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Lemme guess, the iPhone must only accept AT&T wifi.

  4. Dallas says:

    Yay for PC shipments.

    I urge my Republican friends to upgrade their 486 based PC’s to help the economy.

    Buy three, their cheep! One each for yourself, for the wife and for the mistress.

  5. AOBCCS Skeptic says:

    hotdidly, global warming deniers are very rare. Get with the program.

    Did you even read your link to the end? The truth is, Shakhova doesn’t know much more that the fact the methane is percolating from the sea floor. She doesn’t know how long it has been going on. It could be 1000’s of years… or 20 years. There is also equal and compelling evidence that CO2 is not the sole cause for atmospheric warming… which suggests there is something else at work. So by all means, continue the alarmist prophesying of which you barely understand. GW deniers? Ptff I’ve never met one.

    Skeptic of…
    Anthropomorphic Orgasm Between Consenting Climate Scientists

  6. qb says:

    Dallas, be fair. pedro is running a Pentium II.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    It’s kind of hard to imagine a “huge” increase in computer sales unless there is a “huge” change in what computers have to offer.

    Just cheaper, smaller or a spiffier OS doesn’t seem enough.

    I’m working with a lot of teens, these days, and they aren’t very interested in traditional computers. They love their phones, though — much of what I do on my PC, they do on their phones.


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