Michael Moore: ‘Democrats are a bunch of wusses…It’s disgusting… I’m sick of them’

Just over a year ago, Michael Moore vigorously campaigned for President Obama and the Democratic Party. But watching them jettison the public option from health care legislation appears to have been the final straw. “These Democrats are a bunch of wusses,” Moore told Raw Story in a hard-edged interview Wednesday. “They don’t have the courage of their convictions. They won’t stand and fight.”

Health care is a uniquely important issue for the liberal filmmaker, whose 2007 documentary “Sicko” explored the heartbreaks and inequities in the US health care industry. He says he’s fed up with the Democrats’ reticence to take on insurance companies. “It’s embarrassing, it’s disgusting and I won’t have it anymore,” he told Raw Story, mocking them in a baby’s voice. “I’m sick of them.” His views on the Republicans? Well, at least they have cojones, Moore said.

“You really have to admire the Republicans on some level, because they stand up for what they believe in,” he said. “They come into town, and when they win, oh they win. They come in with guns blazing.”

Next up, Michael Moore backs Ron Paul…he he.

  1. AOBCCS Skeptic says:

    You are very lucky to have a guy like Michael Moore. The USA is in a very bad way and most of you don’t have the means to take a public stand on anything that is hindering your own country. He definitely has a grass roots feel for what the US really needs or wants, or his documentaries wouldn’t be winning awards or grossing such high revenues.

    I haven’t seen any documentaries or comparable in depth responses to the contrary of any of his documentaries. Where are those visionaries that a few of you would love to hear from… that you would applaud here? Why don’t they exist? You know… the one where overeating is the best thing for a healthy country…. or how corporate dominance is good for America… or how it’s is so beneficial to you to pay through the teeth for just average health care…

    What you need is discussion outside of any government, and Moore gets it started. I can’t understand why anyone would knock someone so beneficial and rare.

  2. tcc3 says:

    The problem with the minor American parties is they are typically crazy extremists. They cant get any traction because they don’t really represent anyone. The Libertarians are basically anarchists. The green party platform has one plank – the environment. I’m not sure what the constitution party is about – not sure I’ve ever seen a candidate. Any successful local third party candidate quickly trades up to a bigger party as he moves up the ladder.

    The death grip the R’s and D’s have on the system doesn’t help, but its no the only factor.

  3. Faxon says:

    Mikie, baby…Sweetie… How long has it been since I told you what a handsome man you are?

  4. jescott418 says:

    I hate both parties. All they do along with their supporters is blame each other for the problems of this country. I think they better look in the mirror.

  5. Phydeau says:

    #37 Aw, little pedro made a funny! How cute. 🙂

    Personally, I agree with Moore that the D’s are major pussies. I just read today that Obama’s thinking about trying the accused 9/11 defendants in military court rather than in civilian court, like every other civilized country. He’s made big noises about how right and fair and just it is to try them in civilian courts, but now he’s wavering. Why? Because the Republicans are pushing him! What a pussy.

    Interesting article here (http://salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/03/05/obama/index.html), and a quote from it:

    During the primary campaign, Obama unequivocally vowed to filibuster any FISA bill that contained telecom immunity, only to turn around — once the nomination was secure — and vote against a Democratic filibuster of such a bill, and then in favor of the underlying bill itself; in other words, he blatantly violated his own unequivocal vow in order to avoid being called Soft on Terror (but did so assuring his believing supporters that, once in office, he’d fix the surveilllance excesses he helped enact; don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen). Then, last May, Obama announced that he would comply with two court decisions by releasing photographs of detainee abuses in the Pentagon’s custody, only to turn around two weeks later and completely reverse himself after Liz Cheney and friends accused him of Endangering the Troops and Helping Terrorists. If, in the face of “GOP demands” that Mohamed be denied a civilian trial, he again reverses himself — this time on the highest-profile civil liberties decision of his administration — he will unmistakably reveal himself, even to his most enamored admirers, as someone so utterly devoid not only of principle but also of resolve: you just blow on him a little and he falls down and shatters into little pieces.

    Maybe it’s because he was raised by a single mother, didn’t have a father to learn toughness from. Whatever it is, he’s being revealed as a major league wimp.

    Congratulations, wingnuts… you have your Republican president. In the shape of a Democratic president who gives in to what the Republicans want every time.

  6. I'm Abe Lincoln And I Been A Thinkin' says:

    Mikeys got a point. Mikey also needs a major dose of laxative by the look of him.

  7. Phydeau says:

    #40 Thanks for providing your own unique perspective, little pedro. 😉

  8. Follow the Money says:

    Republicans and Democrats, instant death or life in the hospital, hemorrhoids or tooth aches.

    Isn’t having two choices just the greatest?

  9. Phydeau says:

    #42 You’re gonna have to work on making that trolling a little less obvious, little pedro. 🙂

  10. Greg Allen says:

    The average Republican doesn’t stand up for what he believes in — he does what his leaders tell him to.

    That is VERY different than having principles. Once they got in power, the conservatives betrayed every core value they preached.

    BTW, was Moore ever a Democrat? I’m pretty sure I’ve heard him say he was not.


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