Michael Moore: ‘Democrats are a bunch of wusses…It’s disgusting… I’m sick of them’
Just over a year ago, Michael Moore vigorously campaigned for President Obama and the Democratic Party. But watching them jettison the public option from health care legislation appears to have been the final straw. “These Democrats are a bunch of wusses,” Moore told Raw Story in a hard-edged interview Wednesday. “They don’t have the courage of their convictions. They won’t stand and fight.”
Health care is a uniquely important issue for the liberal filmmaker, whose 2007 documentary “Sicko” explored the heartbreaks and inequities in the US health care industry. He says he’s fed up with the Democrats’ reticence to take on insurance companies. “It’s embarrassing, it’s disgusting and I won’t have it anymore,” he told Raw Story, mocking them in a baby’s voice. “I’m sick of them.” His views on the Republicans? Well, at least they have cojones, Moore said.
“You really have to admire the Republicans on some level, because they stand up for what they believe in,” he said. “They come into town, and when they win, oh they win. They come in with guns blazing.”
Next up, Michael Moore backs Ron Paul…he he.
Thanks for stating the obvious Mr. Moore. Maybe we will get a new viable political party once this new Depression finally gets started in a year or so. I love the smell of a popular uprising in the morning.
I’ve been finding myself liking the Democratic party much more after Scott Brown won the Mass. Senate seat.
It almost looks like they are trying to make the health care bill respectable by jettisoning the pork and some of the untenable amendments and porkulus.
Ive said it many times. The Democrats have neither balls nor brains, and the GOP has neither hearts nor souls.
He’s gonna be disapointed. The Lobby controls both sides like a puppeteer.
Exactly. All of them are in the pockets
If Republicans stood up for what they believe in we wouldn’t have had a deficit the past 8 years, “don’t ask don’t tell” would have been replaced with “no gays in the military”, there would be a 1984 style camera in everybody’s bedroom, Senator Craig would have been taken out and shot, there would be no more corporate income tax…….
Liars, cheats and thieves make up the majority ranks of both major parties.
Michael Moore? He should really join the Greens. For that matter, he should try eating some greens in place of the mound of cheeseburgers he obviously consumes regularly.
You seem to state that businesses should pay taxes? Why?
So he’s going to the Communist Party USA?
I agree with M Moore. The Democrats are just too bipartisan. Few things gets done by pursuing this inclusive philosophy.
Like the Nazi party, the GOP has at least the fortitude to pursue a scorched earth strategy.
I’ve always said Obama needs to run over the Republican speed bumps and take no prisoners.
I’d like to see M Moore make a documentary and tear down OBAMA like he did GW Bush. Just sayin.
republican – democrats.. just two different flavors of fascism.
Nothing new here. Samuel Clemens and Will Rogers made a decent living at blasting Congress. I’m sure they weren’t the first.
He is going to become a Muslim.
While Michael Moore may break with the ruling Washington, DC Democrats, none of his famous colleagues are likely to follow suit. Unlike many of his fellow liberal celebrities, Mr. Moore grew up poor, and his working-class roots exposed him only to the often-insulted values of “fly-over country.” He naively expected his political party would believe-in and support the policies that they advocated. After so many years working in the Hollywood system, you would think he could recognize a phony by now. He needs to regain his grip on reality and view his experience as a great learning exercise.
Both sides are basically paid for fuckheads that I have no use for. It has been suggested by someone other than me that we toss them all out of office and do a random draw from the phone book for our next set of “law-makers”. Sounds good to me. Of course, first, we’d need to round up all the lobbyists and shoot them.
Yea, I have to say also that I have been disappointed with Dems since switching parties too. EVERYTHING is a political calculation for them. You either believe in what you are doing or you don’t. Of course with Republican lying, you aren’t left with many choices.
I have been disappointed with Dems since switching parties too. EVERYTHING is a political calculation for them. You either believe in what you are doing or you don’t. Of course with Republican lying, you aren’t left with many choices.
#9 “I’ve always said Obama needs to run over the Republican speed bumps and take no prisoners.”
He has been trying but just can’t seem to do it. Just another epic fail. How is that change going?
Back in 1976, when OpSail was in NYC for the bicentennial, there were a lot of folks from all over the world in NYC, where I lived. I was having a conversation with a Russian sailor about the differences between our systems of government, and he stated, quite rightly so, that the difference between the US and the USSR is only a difference of 1 party, and not much difference in that.
What we need in this country is a plethora of parties, so that there can be more voices out there.
#19: The USA has a plethora of minor political parties, but registered voters only cast their ballots for Democrats and Republicans. Minor parties (even bigger ones like Libertarians) are ignored in the voting booth.
It’s obvious that Obama is a great disappointment so I understand where Michael Moore is coming from.
Sounds to me like he’s run out of steam. Basically he’s tired.
I could care less what this waste of skin does.
If he wants to just go away, I’m all for that!
#9 “I’ve always said Obama needs to run over the Republican speed bumps and take no prisoners.”
HA! HA! HA! Dallas again!
Brain dead Dallas apparently doesn’t know that the Democrats had a supermajority for a FULL YEAR and couldn’t get healthcare through.
The “speed bumps” were fellow Democrats!!
Here is some more info for Dallas, not that he can read…
It would be better for Michael Moore to switch countries. Cuba, maybe?
Oh and another for Dallas.
Here is another of your deities hard at work:
Like shooting fish in a barrel.
#12 hit a home run.
I’ve got to find that World War 2 era propaganda piece I saw a while back that was my inspiration for my solution to the gay marriage debate. It was basically saying look at these fascist regimes requiring a license to get married. I thought it was very fitting.
The republicans and democrats have rigged the system so that no serious 3rd party will ever be allowed to develop. Guess who owns the presidential debates? The Republican and Democratic party. They have also gotten state election rules passed that make it very difficult for any 3rd party candidate to be on the ballot.
#25, 27
I agree with you. Obama decided to go the bi-partisan route and lost a year. he should have run over the Republican air bags and pushed through what the people voted him in to do.
I agree that you agree!
Yep, I saw that too on John Edwards. He’s a disgrace. I never trusted anyone that is too religious. They usually have something to hide.
How are your GOP skeletons doing in jail? All OK?
#30 John Edwards was too religious? You’re kidding me, right? If his church was the hair salon then yes he was too religious.