1. Ah_Yea says:

    Do you think maybe this is the guy that Balducci was trying to hire??

  2. honeyman says:

    LSD hit the Soviet Union in 1973, with devastating results.

  3. Overfifty says:

    Andy Kaufman’s father

  4. bac says:

    Rap music in the very beginning. The difference from then and now, better beats but same content.

  5. revdjenk says:

    Millivich Vanillavich

  6. Awake says:

    One of the better Lawrence Welk episodes.

    (Uncle Dave has been hanging out at LGF)

  7. prothrocks says:

    And the winner of this year’s Child Molester Talent Show is….

  8. Grim says:

    Communism’s 287th Greatest Hit otherwise known as “Oh ya ya ya yaya ya oh”

  9. JustAnotherSquare says:

    Another Smiling Bob commercial … when will they end?

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    #6: LGF? That’s the stock symbol for Lions Gate, the film company.

  11. wonadick says:

    man can that ‘tard sing…and can he dance too…ohh and what a snazzy dresser!!!! i’m just so jealous!!!!

  12. AOBCCS Skeptic says:

    Climate scientist finally sings… reveals data sources.

  13. sctv says:

    Ugazzo Home Vision.

  14. SRG says:

    *before* gay was cool…

  15. ManBearPig says:

    Thanks to the latest Scientific breakthrough, we can now see and hear George W. Bush’s inner monologue

  16. Bill B says:

    Eight year olds, Dude.

    [Uh..Ya Think! – ed.]

  17. Howard Beal says:

    Lawrence Welk Show from back in the USSR?

    kids ask your parents what/who was the Lawrence Welk? What was the USSR? ‘and’ Just what was the deal with the 70s

    I would hate to see what they did with Hee Haw but love to see a USSR Dukes of Hazard

  18. ManBearPig says:

    This reminds me of a similar clip:

  19. haymoose says:

    US TSA Training video.


    Proof Russia never used waterboarding tactics.

  20. admfubar says:

    now on the Lawrence Welk Network, where it is all Larry All the Time!
    the psychedelic ramblings FrankenWelk, with injection molded hair!!! just like your local weather wiener!.

    this is trippin’ stuff…

    the had some great drugs in the ussr, almost as good as the karaoke program in the usa!

  21. ECA says:

    Death of Lip sync..

    Birth of the first robotic expression?

    Birth of “THUNDERBIRDS” Hooo!

    Now you know where they got the Puppet voices..

  22. Wow…the best example of how the comments are better than the blog! Oooops…erase, erase, delete…

  23. hhopper says:

    “Cripes, I forgot the words.”

  24. carnusis says:

    If I smile really big and goofy maybe no one will notice I forgot all the words

  25. propogandized says:

    This guy looks like Mr. Bean’s dad. lol

  26. ArchtMig says:

    It’s so stupid! But sometimes, stupid is so, so funny.

    Nice hairpiece, BTW. Where’d he get it… House of Roger Moore?

  27. Gilgamesh says:

    20th Century Soviet Free Press on TV: A Prospective on the Future of Ours

  28. raster says:

    Sir, the replacement soloist is here, but we can’t find the song sheet!

    We’re live in 2 minutes! Just tell him to fake it. I’m sure nobody will notice!

  29. Mark T. says:

    The Soviet Union’s wholesome answer to the decadent capitalist Beatles.

  30. Mark T. says:

    This broadcast is brought to you by the 1968 Trabant. No with three forward gears!


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