Found by Eideard.

  1. Michael H says:

    “Just take a little from the top” – Mother Nature

  2. AOBCCS Skeptic says:

    4 seconds to powerline contact… 3… 2… 1…

  3. Buzz says:

    “Look. It’s simple. Piece of cake. All we have to do is…”

  4. McCullough says:

    Damn you Miracle Growwwwww!!!!!!

  5. tomattto says:

    Squaring up those sides is gonna be a real b!tch.

  6. Improbus says:


  7. KMFIX says:

    I know that cat is in here, somewhere…

  8. cjohnson says:

    A whole new level of stupid

  9. ECA says:

    thinking of what he needed to trim his TALL hedge..
    And moving ladders around, and using a WIMPY trimmer..
    He decided to ask his neighbor for alittle help..

  10. admash says:

    The picture is an analogy of government spending:

    a. Why use a $5.00 tool from your own yard when you can outsource tools from your neighbor’s yard?

    b. “Look! We saved one job and created at least two!”

  11. B.Dog says:

    When the only tool you’ve got is a lawnmower, everything looks like a lawn.

  12. Overfifty says:

    Riding lawnmower = Cool
    Crane = Cool
    Lawnmower held in the air by crane = FRACKIN AWESOME!

  13. King Kong says:

    The Newest Disney Ride..”Mower Kingdom”

  14. FRAGaLOT says:

    stupid? looks clever to me! Now if there’s a video of this becoming an epic fail… then it was stupid.

  15. FRAGaLOT says:

    ok now what i dont get is why anyone needs to sit in it if he isn’t steering it anyway?

  16. green says:

    F&*$ it! I have an idea.

  17. admfubar says:

    #2 what is truely amazing the crane is on one side of the power lines, and the mower is on the other….

    looks kinda like a First Energy tree trimming operation to help avoid another eastern blackout.

  18. kvolk says:

    you know your a redneck if…

  19. Frank Gaydos says:

    A little off the top but leave the sideburns…

  20. Frank Gaydos says:

    MOW-A-RAMA we cut any lawn…20 bucks!

  21. Frank Gaydos says:

    Is that Tim Taylor on another roof?

  22. CountSmackula says:

    @Fragalot – there’s a kill switch under the seat that shuts the mower down if you aren’t sitting on it. Also, engaging the blades – even if the “e-brake” lock lever is engaged – will kill the motor. Yeah, you could do an “unsafe” bypass of the relevant switches, but that would be dangerous. ~.O

  23. hazza says:

    #22 Bypassing the safety switch on the seat would be the *least* of the unsafe things going on here.

  24. dannyhope says:

    How it feels when a client sends a screenshot in a Word document.

  25. Uncle Patso says:

    Why is he even touching the controls? Why is he looking where he’s going? I think it’s Photoshopped!

  26. pwuk says:

    it’s a bird! No it’s a plane! No it’s Super Gardener!

  27. what is truly amazing says:

    So many people post their (funny) comments here without even bothering to read what others have posted. Here’s a clue for you stupid morons, if you are like the 20th person to post and you think you have the funniest thing in the world to say, chances are it has already been said by someone faster and more clever than you dickhead. Take a moment and read what others have already posted before you go and post the 50th version of “take a little of the top” – idiots.

  28. TFabP says:

    What is the last thing a redneck says before he dies? “Hey watch me do this…”

  29. Dannythedog says:

    Hey, if you have the mower and crane, why go out and buy a trimmer.

  30. peterg says:

    This bloke is in practice to get a Darwin Award in the future.


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