Found by Gasparrini.

  1. Improbus says:

    OMG … was that a cat-a-pult?

  2. ottokar790 says:


  3. fishguy says:

    The cat tosser attacks.

  4. ECA says:

    Horshak (welcome back Kotter)

    OOO, OOO!!

  5. Raff says:

    Here’s your cat, Bitch!

  6. Billy Bob says:

    Brown bagging it today.

  7. Rufus says:

    Wow. Honestly that is art. You could paint that scene and call it a classic.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Ceiling cat strikes!

  9. markinark says:

    Launch! err..I mean, Lunch!

  10. raster says:

    All your lunches are belong to us!

  11. gus gutz says:

    Garfield on my fork

  12. Skeptic says:


  13. Hick says:

    I’ll take it medium rare!

  14. LibertyLover says:

    One serving of Tuna Fish left! Who wants it?

  15. BrimstoneAshe says:

    “Does she do it by herself?”
    “No, I fling her.”

    -Monty Python

  16. SparkyOne says:

    you want a muffin with that pussy?

  17. Meatball says:

    Aw man, what a waste of a tasty, tasty cat.

  18. CrazyDave says:

    That drop ceiling is NOT up to building codes. It’s just not safe.

  19. The DON says:

    The photographer is rubbish.

    It would have been much better if the photo was taken from the other side. after all, who wants to look at a cats behind.

    P.S. Just in case, I’ll point out that we really do need a tag

  20. The DON says:

    lol – sorry for double post

    we really do need a sarcasm tag

  21. amodedoma says:

    Go ahead mistreat a cat like that in front of me, cat’s not the only one that’s gonna have a bad day.

  22. amodedoma says:

    BTW why aren’t the blogs covering the PS3 / PSN disaster. My kids are really starting to work my nerves!

  23. rfhigdon says:

    I think this meat is a little undercooked.

  24. Hawkeye says:

    I think I need to get my eyes checked, at first I thought it was a face hugger from the Alien movies, lol

  25. Curtis E. Flush says:

    “I can has gravity?”

  26. ECA says:

    EEEK!! a mouse..

  27. Buzz says:

    I’ll see your “arm and a leg” and raise you one “cat.”

  28. bizdizzle says:

    Hanz Borsche solutes Hitler incarnate.

  29. Michael H says:

    a free toy with every happy meal

  30. FRAGaLOT says:

    sure that’s not a Raccoon?


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