This Episode’s Executive Producers: Adam Burkepile, Marcus Couch, Michael Knight

Associate Executive Producers: Philip Evans, David Dolson
Artwork by: Paul T.
Knighthoods: Michael Knight

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  1. jmsiowa says:

    Adam the 2012 movie is starting to make a lot of sense now

  2. Buzz says:

    Where did you get that cool illustration of the orbiting earthquake generator?

  3. Father says:

    Look at it this way, the Moon is powerful enought the pull all the World’s oceans (etc) into high and low tides, yet it causes no earthquakes.

    Adam claims that a tiny machine can put out enough energy that does more the total gravity of the Moon.

  4. McCullough says:

    #3. Have you noticed that this latest earthquake happened during a full moon, …as do many. Just sayin’..Padre.

  5. ABC says:

    #2 Buzz: It’s a mashup of different graphics. The satellite is from here:

    I’d like to give credit to where all of it comes from though, but would have to convince the big boys.

  6. deowll says:

    Okay the research is in and being a pot head makes you about twice as likely to go loony as you would have been otherwise which may explain Adam no matter what he says.

    Good luck Adam. Just remember that they don’t have to use an earthquake machine to take you out. Automobile accidents can happen to anyone. Plane crashes to. You had better hurry up and get rid of that plane. Of course two to the head is always an option.

  7. Mr. Felix says:

    After 25 minutes I had to stop listening. I’ve come to the point that I hate Adam Curry. He plays lip service to caring about the tragedies in the world only so he can go on guilt free to act as if all the suffering in Haiti and Chile is due to a bullshit conspiracy theory.
    The sad part is, I don’t even think he really believes this crap either, he just wants to have a contrary view on everything no matter how insulting it may be.

  8. Greg Allen says:

    How much energy would it take to budge even the smallest tectonic plate?

    A bunch of nuclear bombs strategically placed, at the very least, right?

    I know nothing about HAARP but I can’t imagine any beam or laser would be enough to cause an earthquake.

  9. Darpfa says:

    #7 – you are being a bit harsh, but I tend to agree… the first section of the show with this silliness is simply too much. And, as you point out, this is a huge tragedy for a lot of people and to make fun of it is not right.

    I like the craziness of AC however, but sometimes he goes over board. I wish he could tone down the wildest stuff and use his ability to sniff out ‘suspicious’ issues and his obvious intelligence to deconstruct and to lead ‘the second opinion’.

    The previous episode was good, but this one was under par. Sorry to say.

    Hope the HAARP, the aircraft wear, vaccine bashing would stop. Too much important going on in politics and government spending, abusive powers etc to focus on.

    John C should get more talk time.

  10. #8. Why move them when all you have to do is lubricate them? You do know about the random earthquakes caused by this, right? Or no?

    here’s 5 ways man has created earthquakes as large as 7.3. Of course none includes HAARP, or the unseen China HAARP.

    Oh, and #7 & #10 — Did you ever notice that the show is No Agenda with CRACKPOT and Buzzkill. Do you know what those terms mean? It’s not No Agenda with Huntley and Brinkley. Cripes. Go back to NPR for the government line on things.

  11. TThor says:

    Not that I want to complain, but yeah – this time; too much Adam. John actually has much good to say, but you are too impatient and don’t let him talk. Its like you like your voice too much… cool it. OK?
    I contribute to NA and love the show and will be a supporter, but when enough is enough, I’ll also use my privilege to tell you. The earthquake machine – jeezzz – it is simply stupid!
    It does not take much knowledge of physics to realize what kind of energy you need to move mass… and a small satellite is supposed to do that? AC, focus as #9 suggest on the important stuff. You are good at it and can do it!

  12. Father says:


    You are pissed because of the critics. Fair enough.

    But I suggest you listed to the last 4 shows back-to-back. If you are proud of these, then, again, fair enough.

    IMHO your Cranky Geeks, DH Uplugged, and Twit work is lightyears more adult and, dare I say it, useful than the Adam Curry childish crap.

    It is reaching the point that I personally can’t take TWIT much longer, it is just a waste of time. I love Leo, even met him in NJ once, but TWIT is adding little to my life.

    If you want to make money, I suggest you get a director. The interesting information presented on NA is diluted by disorganized and childish talk about donators and donations and Adam’s BS.

  13. Father says:

    Recent earthquakes, HAARP must be working overtime Adam.

    Magnitude 8.8 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE February 27, 2010
    Magnitude 7.0 RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN February 26, 2010
    Magnitude 6.9 CHINA-RUSSIA-NORTH KOREA BORDER REGION February 18, 2010
    Magnitude 5.9 OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA February 04, 2010
    Magnitude 7.0 HAITI REGION January 12, 2010

  14. Mr.Felix says:

    John, I realize that Adam is the crackpot on the show, but can he at least come up with something plausible. If he took the time into learning about plate tectonics I’m sure he could come up with a much cooler conspiracy that wouldn’t have to be based off HAARP nonsense.

  15. mouv4x8 says:

    Bonjour ,
    to create a snow landslide it takes very little energy, just a scream. The potential energy is already stocked up and it takes little energy to start the landslide.

    Another example is solders walking in step bringing down huge bridges in the world

    In the same way the tectonics plates coming together about ~5 cms a year build up potential energy and when it reaches a max the two plates suddenly slide on each other and create an earthquake. Sending resonating electro-magnetic waves of a very low frequency ( VLF) can in the same way trigger of the sliding before their time.

    Look up the haarp videos to understand

    Yours John


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