I already wear glasses for watching TV. Now I have to wear this s#1t on top my own glasses to get 3D? There’s no effing way I’m doing that! And another thing, because of the head splitting headache (and subsequent nightmare that night where I dreamt I had a headache) after watching Avatar in 3D, I’m pretty much done with 3D movies. Maybe because Avatar was so bad it sent me over the edge.

  1. Hmeyers says:

    Avatar really was not a good movie. Had the plot complexity of any given Disney movie and all of the surprise.

    I guess the movie plot best compares to The Lion King.

  2. bobbo, a 2-D attitude in a 3-D world says:

    Is the future passing you by Bunky?

  3. The0ne says:

    Sorry but I think the millions of Avatar fans will rush out and buy this crap making it successful. The mass of ignorant can’t be stopped and they have the money to prove it, as they already have. And if you try anything to dissuade them from their “world” you’ll pay πŸ™‚

    It’s been tried before when many of these viewers weren’t even born yet. One of my nephew had watched Star Wars: A New Hope with me and was amazed at the quality of the movie. He then wondered and assumed that movie came out when he was still a baby/kid. I told him the movie came out even before he was born πŸ˜€ hahahaha I think he then appreciated movie a little bit more, at least in terms of plot and technology πŸ™‚

  4. bobbo, a 2-D attitude in a 3-D world says:

    First Up: 3D gives me a headache.

    Then: They don’t make quality films like in the years gone by.

    I’m waiting for: Blogging hurts my arthritic fingers.

    So, just where do the “Millenium Bloggers” hang out?

  5. circuitsmith says:

    The studios have been making mediocre 3D movies for 60 years. Old news.

    3D, surround sound, quadraphonic, color …
    they’re all just gimmicks in untalented hands.

  6. The0ne says:

    Cafe’s with their netbooks/notebooks playing WOW of course. Where have you been? Get with the new generation!

    You making assumptions based on the replies here? You need more examples of good 3D movies?

    UP! and Coraline, Dial M for Murde, Captain Neo πŸ™‚

    You’re so single minded it’s hard for me to tell whether you’re ACTUALLY serious or joking. If it’s the former than holy fck you’re a retard!

  7. tcc3 says:

    hey now the Lion King actually was a good movie. πŸ˜‰

  8. jescott418 says:

    This is as bad as Intel coming out with new chips every six months. Now the TV industry wants you to keep buying TV’s. The lack of profit on everything has forced manufactures of technology to find a way to keep the consumer buying. 3D is not going to do it for me. I won’t even buy BlueRay because I don’t think the price justifies the added benefit. I thought going to digital broadcast and 16:9 format was good. HD for live sports was good. But do I really need the nightly news in HD? NO. I have one local station who brags about how great that they are the only HD local news cast. Gee I wonder why?

  9. Stopher2475 says:

    Did he just spin having less back lights as a feature. It was all around now just top and bottom.

  10. chuck says:

    I expect 3D will be popular for games — but for movies it’s just a gimmick. In Avatar it was interesting, for me, for about 20 minutes.

  11. Semantics says:

    The so-called editors here are so pathetic its sad.

  12. amodedoma says:

    Gimmick’s the word. Ya ever notice those sweeping camera perspectives, or how there’s always some small object that just happens to fly out at you, and like MANY, 3D w/ glasses gives me a headache. I seriously doubt this will be as successful as they hope. IMAX without the 3D, on the other hand, is truly immersing. I doubt we’ll be getting home IMAX machines though.

  13. Awake says:

    You don’t like 3D, just don’t use it; you will still be able to watch the same program in 2D mode without glasses. It is an excellent feature to have available if wanted / needed. I remember (yes, I am this old), when people said that color TV was no good.

    The basic difference between a 2D and 3D is a sync signal being sent to the glasses, so the cost should only be a few more dollars for the transmitter, plus expensive glasses if you choose them.

    And finally, if you get a headache watching 3D, maybe it is a sign that you really need your eyes checked.

  14. Jorn says:

    Agreed it could be a good ‘main stream’ addition for games. But special glasses ?!? what is this 1986 ?? -> http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=11215

    Top dollar for 2 decade old technology…

  15. ECA says:

    THIS IS 3d ILLUSION, not 3D..

  16. amodedoma says:

    Ok, Ok, so I’m getting old, old enough to have seen Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein in 3D back in the 70’s, my eyes were just fine back then. Since then I’ve tried 3D w/ glasses on several occasions to check out the latest technology. I always get the impression of 3D like the View-masters of old, and in fact it uses the same optical effect.

  17. Angel H. Wong says:

    Can’t wait to see toy story 3, probably the only 3D movie worth seeing.

    Avatar is best described as a chick flick disguised as an action movie.

  18. 3dornot3d says:

    Ralph Kramden
    Date :October 1, 1955

    “You want to know the reason I won’t get a TV , I’m waiting for 3-D”

  19. nyc2malibu says:

    get killed both of them !

  20. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    My house has 2 old school CRT analog TVs using analog cable. Have yet to see a TV program I would say “Damn, I wish I could see this in HD” much less 3D.

    I don’t really miss my useless analog TV that I had in my truck. I just wait a day and catch the show on Hulu.

  21. hhopper says:

    You idiots that say HD is no better than SD probably still have a 640×480 computer monitor.

  22. deowll says:

    I think some media will be available soon as will the viewers soon. The problem is to many people have been shafted by blue ray players that got left behind and DVDs that cost to much and nobody is using the media on computers to back stuff up.

    A lot of people complain about headaches. Rapidly flashing lights can cause seizures in some people.

    It might be prudent to check this out over at a friend’s house some months after they purchase theirs and see if they are still happy and how much they use it.

  23. Thomas says:

    Avatar really was not a good movie.

    I disagree. Avatar did not have a deep plot or Oscar winning acting. On that there is no question. However, much like the 1933 King Kong (also a thin plot), Avatar was leap forward in CGI movies and movie experience.

    Often what gives people headaches is that their eyes are slight farther apart or narrower than the “standard” facial dimension. Theoretically, the 3D TV being proposed could fix that in that each person could get glasses tuned to their own facial dimensions.

    I’m also skeptical about 3D TV. However, after having seen Avatar, I can see it working. Still, the glasses requirement is a deal killer for most people.

  24. steve says:

    i only committed to 3d if the porno industry will support it.HA

  25. Joe Dirt says:

    Put me in the “I hate 3D camp”. It sucks. It’s stupid to put it on a TV. I don’t expect this trend to last. Looks like I’ll be waiting another year to get a new TV, hopefully 2011 models will not have this BS.

  26. Joe Dirt says:

    Argh…the 3D effects aren’t even that good!!! Why Why Why

  27. ECA says:

    If I have to wear GLASSES anyway, WHY NOT a dual display GLASSES..and get some DECENT 3D..

    MORE dots only makes MORE DOTS..
    at lower RES I can see/display more colors.
    MORE dots does not make for LARGER TV..

  28. JimD says:

    Porn will make 3D a SUCCESS, just like it made VCRs wildly successful, even if we couldn’t program the damn clock !!! But watch out for those “Money Shots” !!!


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