• Google cited for criminal activity in Italy over violation of Italian privacy laws. Huh?
  • Google also under threat by anti-trust division.
  • New Nintendo looks to be competing with iPad.
  • Yahoo does some sort of deal with Twitter.
  • Apple iTunes stores hits 10 billion songs sold. Company may bring out X-rated app store.
  • UN climate panel changing.
  • Twitter hits second phishing attack. I checked it out. What a lame attack. I explain.
  • Intel to continue to diversify.
  • Yelp slammed.

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  1. Glenn E. says:

    So the UN’s “Climate Change” panel is changing. Sounds like an oxymoron, or obnoxi-moran, statement. Perhaps they have to amend all their definition of hot and cold. To account for the entire US being inundated with snow, this year. And by “entire US”, I mean just Texas. Which is the only state whose weather counts, apparently. So when they get a drought, and nobody else does. It’s the end of the world, for us all. And when they get more than a frosting of snow. Then maybe Global Warming, doesn’t actually mean “warming” now. But it had to wait until Texas was effected, before it was significant. IOWs, screw the rest of us. We don’t count.

  2. deowll says:

    Sure we got climate change. We’ve always had climate change. The problem is predicting it. Long range weather forecasts have a habit of being crap. That is why the why few people want to hand out year long forecasts like the Farmer’s Almanac.

    If they can’t handle a year why would anyone think they can handle a century?

  3. algone says:

    Privacy is a virtue. Hot undercover ops need complete privacy. Blown covers from privacy breach can get people killed. I can’t afford your fame and don’t want to end up as newspaper story.

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    You may want to contact the blog admin via e-mail to notify him. Huh?


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